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Get Carter UK 365

Get Carter UK 365 has seen increasing demand for renewable energy in domestic and commercial property sectors. The company was able to access training in Solar Thermal, Heat Pump pump technologies along with Energy Efficiency and Water regulations training to meet demand.

Prosiect Hyfforddiant Net Sero Training Gwynedd

CIST delivers training in low carbon technology to upskill trades and SMEs. The aim is to prepare local businesses for a net zero future by ensuring the workforce can meet the increase in demand for renewable energy in homes.

Prosiect Net Sero Gwynedd has received £500,000 from the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

Paul Carter


Paul Carter


Get Carter UK 365 Ltd

Company Profile:

Set up in 2015, the business is based in north Wales and employs 13 people. Get Carter works across the UK delivering heating and plumbing services to commercial and domestic customers in the private and social housing sector.

Are your customer needs changing?

We are definitely seeing an increase in demand for renewable energy in homes as well as in commercial properties. But customers are telling us that the main reason for this is the need to reduce costs and save money in the long term as energy prices are on the rise.

Why did you decide to sign up to Sero Net Gwynedd?

I’m always keen to develop skills so it made sense for the business to take part in the scheme. As demand grows for more sustainable ways of heating homes, I wanted to make sure that we could meet demand as well as keep up with technology. I run a business and at the end of the day I want to be competitive.

Which courses have you followed?

  • Solar Thermal
  • Heat Pump
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Water regulations

Have the skills you’ve acquired through the project been useful to you?

The new skills we are learning through the project help us keep up to date and also mean we can evolve as a business. The courses have helped us build our capacity as a company and offer the renewable energy services that our customers are increasingly asking for.