Robert Williams Plumbing and Heating
The company’s accessed training through CIST in order to provide up-to-date information for customers about new energy efficiency systems that will improve efficiency and save money. As Robert Williams Plumbing and Heating company expands, specialist industry training is invaluable within a rapidly developing industry.
Prosiect Hyfforddiant Net Sero Training Gwynedd
CIST delivers training in low carbon technology to upskill trades and SMEs. The aim is to prepare local businesses for a net zero future by ensuring the workforce can meet the increase in demand for renewable energy in homes.
Prosiect Net Sero Gwynedd has received £500,000 from the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

Robert Williams
Robert Williams Plumbing and Heating
Company Profile:
The company was established in 2014, and we work in Pen Llŷn, and across Gwynedd. Our work includes fitting bathrooms in newbuilds and helping customers by installing systems which improve the energy efficiency of their homes.
Are your customer needs changing?
There have been a lot of developments in renewable energy in recent years. There is some confusion among customers about the new technology and what would be best in their homes as they try to improve efficiency and save money. We need the right training to answer their questions and meet their demands. I want people to have confidence in our work and trust my company.
Why did you decide to sign up to Sero Net Gwynedd?
Currently, we are aiming to expand and go for larger scale projects. Sero Net Gwynedd is an opportunity to prepare ourselves for this work – and the fact that the courses are free is also helpful, especially for smaller businesses. I am also eager to get more qualifications which will help as we strengthen the business. The apprentices are also a connection between us and the college and I am keen to take every opportunity that arises from this.
Which courses have you followed?
- Tendering
- Air source heat pump
- ‘Meet the Buyer’ event
Have the skills you’ve acquired through the project been useful to you?
The tendering course has been helpful as I scale up and develop the company. Training is essential to us as we look to improve the skills and understanding within the business - and I enjoy taking every opportunity that comes my way.