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Foundation Degree (FdA) Health and Social Care

Key Details

  • Available at:
    Llangefni, Dolgellau
  • Study Mode:
    Part-time, Full-time
  • Course Length:

    Full-time: 2 years OR Part-time: 4 years. Also available as individual modules.

    Dolgellau (full-time): 2 days per week: Wednesday & Friday, 9:15am - 4:15pm

    Llangefni (full-time): 1 long day per week: Tuesday, 9am - 7pm

  • UCAS Codes:
    Dolgellau: LN52/L516 / Llangefni: LN54
Apply Now

Foundation Degree (FdA) Health and Social Care

University-level Courses

Part Time

If you are applying to study part-time you can apply directly to the campus of your choice.


Full Time

There are two ways to apply to study for a full-time higher education course - either through UCAS or directly to the college.

Applying through UCAS:
You should apply through UCAS if you are currently studying for A Levels, a vocational Level 3 course (i.e. BTEC) or an Access to Higher Education qualification, or if you wish to apply to more than one higher education provider.

There are two ways to apply to study for a full-time higher education course - either through UCAS or directly to the college.


Course Description

This course is currently under revalidation in consultation with employers and stakeholders, in order to refresh course content for delivery from September 2025

Please note that certain pathways and modules are only available at certain sites - see additional campus/course information for more details. Modules from this degree are also available on an individual basis as Continuing Professional Development (CPD) opportunities for the sector.

This degree offers a compacted and flexible mode of study to facilitate those students with work or family commitments. Whilst full time in learning hours, this dynamic course allows you to choose modules and specialist pathways that are of the most interest or relevance to you and your current or future plans and aspirations.

Are you looking for employment or promotion within Healthcare, Social care, Childcare or public and social policy? Could your career benefit from an in-depth knowledge of current health, social, childcare, public or social policy? This course is designed for new and existing professionals in a range of public, private and voluntary sector environments. The course is flexible around other commitments potential students may have, as it is delivered one day per week for part-time students and two days per week for full-time learners. This allows opportunities for either full-time or part-time study, either for those returning to education or those in employment who wish to enhance their qualifications and employment status or opportunities.

Successfully completing this course can lead to a great range of progression opportunities, with recent graduates pursuing careers in:

  • the voluntary, statutory and private sectors including opportunities within the Welsh Assembly and local government in areas of housing, health, social work and social care, social inclusion as well as the developing voluntary and private sectors.
  • local Health or Social Care private or public employers including the NHS, Hospices, Care homes and Domiciliary agencies.
  • organisations such as the Prison Service, SOVA, NCH, and Shelter. These organisations work and actively recruit in North Wales.

Some learners progress to BSc Nursing pathways.

The course also provides a sound basis for progression onto BA (Hons) Degrees at Grwp Llandrillo Menai, including the BA (Hons) Health and Social Care.

Successful completion of the BA programmes also provides a sound basis for progression into post-graduate recruitment programmes such as Social Work, Social Policy, Psychology and Teaching and Post Graduate Certificates in Education

Some learners remain in work throughout the programme and take on managerial or leadership positions, or many other forms of progression/promotion in the workplace.


Visit our course fees page for information on full and part-time degree course fees.

Financial Support

Visit our financial support page for information on the range of support available.

More detailed information on other costs associated with your course and work placements/work experience (if applicable) will be outlined in the programme validation document and explained to you at your interview.

Additional costs

All associated costs will need to be met by the student. These can include DBS, travel associated with work experience, field trips, suitable clothing for work/placement, PC and wifi access, travel to college, printing and other stationery related costs.

Module information

More detailed information on modules is to be found in the ‘Additional Campus/Course Information’ section.

Start date


Entry Criteria

At our Rhos-on-Sea campus we will be starting a new Foundation Degree in Health, Wellbeing and Social Care Leadership in September 2024 Academic requirements:

  • Relevant Level 3 qualifications (UCAS points tariff 64)
  • GCSE passes at Grade C/4 or above in Mathematics and English/Welsh 1st Language (or Key/Essential Skill equivalent). For applicants without these qualifications, evidence of literacy and numeracy skills at a suitable level to meet the demands of the programme successfully, will need to be demonstrated.
  • It is possible for experienced practitioners to enter the programme with NVQ 3 or equivalent qualifications.

Those without academic qualifications are considered on an individual basis in accordance with Grŵp Llandrillo Menai regulations.

Language requirements:

  • Welsh/English as mother tongue with equivalent GCSE grade C/4, or above
  • Any degrees, diplomas or certificates should have been taught and assessed through the medium of Welsh or English
  • For overseas applicants, for entry onto Level 4, English fluency to TOEFL 525 or higher (with no element less than 500), or IELTS 5.5 or higher (with no element less than 5.0)
  • For overseas applicants, for entry onto Level 5, English fluency to TOEFL 550 or higher (with no element less than 525), or IELTS 6.0 or higher (with no element less than 5.5)

Direct entry onto Level 5 will be considered for experienced practitioners who have already attained 120 credits at level 4, an NVQ level 4 or equivalent award in an appropriate subject area. This will be an optional progression route for the Level 4 Certificate in Higher Education in Healthcare Practice.

In addition, students will need to meet the following criteria:

  • Candidates need to be current practitioners in a relevant field of practice, or be willing to embark on work experience within a relevant field of practice during the course. All students must satisfy the criteria of a minimum of 75 hours work experience/employment hours at both Level 4 and Level 5.
  • All candidates will be required to attend an interview, which will determine their suitability for the course, and will ensure that the requirements of the programme and the commitment required is fully understood.
  • Admission will be considered in light of candidates' previous academic qualifications, their relevant vocational practice and experience, and their suitability in terms of vocational placements and academic study.
  • Candidates must be able to obtain an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service clearance, with no offences, which would preclude practice in the sector.

If your qualifications do not meet the entry requirements listed above, we would still encourage you to apply for the course you're interested in, as many of our courses will consider learners based on their previous work and skills experience rather than their qualifications.


The course can be delivered bilingually (if required) through a blend of the following:

  • Lectures
  • Workshops and practical work
  • Tutorials
  • Employment based modules
  • Guest speakers
  • Student centred learning
  • Virtual learning environment (MOODLE)

Students are responsible for organising their own work experience if it is a requirement on their programme, and they will be supported by the course team.


  • Full-time: 2 years, 1-2 days per week
  • Part-time: 4 years, 1 day per week

Contact (Coleg Llandrillo):

For specific course enquiries, please contact:

  • Danielle Hughes (Programme Leader):
  • Celine Rea (Administration):

For general enquiries about our degrees, please contact:

Contact (Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor):

For specific course enquiries, please contact:

  • Jean Parry Jones (Programme Leader):
  • Rhiannon Jones (Administration):

For general enquiries about our degrees, please contact:

Contact (Coleg Menai):

For general enquiries about our degrees, please contact:


The course can be assessed bilingually (if required) through a blend of the following:

  • Individual portfolios
  • Written assignments
  • Multiple choice exam
  • Literature reviews
  • Case studies
  • Presentation
  • Role play
  • Work book
  • Research proposal


Where relevant, assessments will be marked and returned to students with constructive and developmental feedback. Effective feedback combines information which enables students to understand the strengths and limitations of their past performance, and information which enables them to recognise how future performance can be improved. Students will be provided with feedback in a timely manner and this feedback will justify how the grade has been awarded. Students will have the opportunity to reflect on the feedback given and identify their strengths, things they found challenging and areas for development that they will feed forward to their next assessment. Feedback will include linking evidence to assessment criteria to demonstrate how the student will have met the learning outcomes.


Completion of this course can lead to a number of options in education and employment.

If you are either starting or already in a career in health, social care, childcare or social policy having a full foundation degree will demonstrate high-level skills and boost or advance your employability. You will be able to seek work in a variety of public and private sector contexts, with the possibility of supervisory or managerial responsibilities.

Completing the degree bilingually will give you additional employability in Wales, demonstrating that you can work effectively in a bilingual workplace.

If you are new to health and social care, you will have gained academic knowledge and practical experience, which will greatly enhance your employability.

If you want to progress further in your education, you may be able to proceed to Level 6 and complete an Honours degree, such as the BA (Hons) Health and Social Care.

Campus Information Dolgellau

Over the last few decades, health, social care, childcare and social policy work has become an important focus of public, academic and media interest. The importance of this area has underlined the need for skilled and educated personnel, with a broad and in-depth understanding of theory and practice.

The Level 4 and 5 modules will help you to meet this need by continuing to contribute to a more professionalised and respected workforce. You will further develop your understanding of the sector and its management, focusing on contemporary issues and practices. You will also examine the core values that underpin health and social care management, as well as strategic issues that have a local, regional, national and international impact.

The links between theoretical study, practical experience and professional work are central to the course, and your studies will inform and enrich your practice. The course provides a valuable educational experience for a wide range of health and social care, childcare and social policy professionals. These modules will boost your employability and your professionalism, helping you develop your career.

Module Information

The course consists of the following modules, which are available to all part-time, full-time students or on a module only basis.

For every 10 credits, students should engage with around 100 notional hours of learning. This will be approximately 30% direct learning contact and 70% independent student learning.

Level 4 Modules

Communication (10 credits, compulsory)
The purpose of this module is to examine the importance of communication when working with service users within the fields of health and social care and welfare. Students will be introduced to a variety of models of communication and communication theorists and how they can be used to enhance practice. Also there will be an analysis of communication methods, including nonverbal, which service users may employ. Further to this, the barriers to communication that service users and professionals experience will be examined, including those of interpersonal communication skills along with those which originate from organisational practice and the wider social environment.


Assignment 1: A 10-minute presentation in which students will identify various communication skills utilised within a work context whilst also explaining ways to effectively develop communicate in practice 40%.

Assignment 2: Students will participate in a 10-minute role-play demonstrating a range of communication skills and how to overcome any communication barriers with identified individuals. 30%.

Assignment 3: Students will submit a personal reflection their own communication skills and identify future development needs (500 words) 30%.

Employability-based Learning 1 (20 credits, core)
The purpose of this module is for students to be given an opportunity to develop and demonstrate their work-based skills. Students will be required to demonstrate the use and application of skills relevant to their own employment or placement so as to illustrate effective service provision. An understanding of such skills will be exhibited along with an awareness of how to use them in practice. Crucially students will demonstrate an understanding of their own practice through the use of reflection and clearly illustrate how reflection can be used to enhance their practice for the benefit of personal and professional development.


Assignment 1: By means of online assessment and record keeping, students will evidence a number of work-based skills, underpinned by a minimum of 75 hours’ practice. Pass or Fail.

Assignment 2: By means of online assessment, students will submit a series of written reflections on their own professional practice and produce an action plan for their current and future development. 100% 3,000 words.

Introduction to Mental Health (20 credits, compulsory)
This module introduces the student to key issues and concepts surrounding mental health and developments in mental health approaches. Mental health will be examined, including the history surrounding mental health. Mental health services will be explored, including the barriers to access and efficacy.


Assignment 1: By means of a written assignment, students will identify the historical and contemporary nature of a range of mental health conditions 1200 words 40%.

Assignment 2: By means of two mini case studies, students will explain the potential effects of a range of mental health conditions on individuals. Students will also identify current support networks available. 1200 words 40%.

Assignment 3: Students will present (10 minutes) an academic poster, which analyses a current response to mental health to include both service and policy 20%.

Safeguarding (20 credits, compulsory)
The module will look at understanding the difference between the concept of safeguarding young people and vulnerable adults and the concept of protection in relation to vulnerable adults within education and health and social care settings. The module will: aim to identify and define safeguarding, cover contexts of transition, roles and responsibilities, procedures and protocols, positive risk taking, legislation, individual responsibility and accountability, barriers to multi-agency working, the impact of the disclosure of abuse and possible outcomes surrounding the disclosure for all concerned including the individual, carer, parent and more. The module will also focus on safe working practices, referrals and the many categories and wider considerations in safeguarding.


Assignment 1: By using a relevant case study, students will explore safeguarding concerns for individual using services and explain potential responses in practice 2,000 words 60%

Assignment 2: Students will undertake an online exam in order to demonstrate their awareness of safeguarding issues with regards to identifying, reporting and managing, 40%

Research Methods and Study Skills (10 credits, compulsory)
This module aims to develop the study skills of the students, enabling the production of sound academic writing, the introduction of critical thought and basic research skills. It will enable students to develop skills in academic writing, the use of academic conventions, information research, reflection and the management and organisation of their work.


An individual portfolio which consists of several tasks all of which need to be completed and submitted separately. These consist of referencing exercises (15%), essay planning and writing (20%), analysis and evaluating essays (20%), presentations and review (15%), feedback and action planning (15%) and learning style exercises (15%) linked and progressive demonstrating appropriate research and study skills and academic writing (2,000 words 100%) Pass or Fail

Introduction to Social Policy (20 credits, core)
The module aims to introduce students to the importance of social policy for the provision of a variety of welfare services. This will include exposing learners to the main political theories of welfare and relevant theoretical concepts which underpin and shape the provision of welfare services across the lifespan. Furthermore, students will have an opportunity to understand and differentiate between various providers of welfare such as those operating within both the public and private domain as well as the voluntary sector, and develop an understanding as to how welfare theory influences and determines the type of provision available.


A multiple-choice online examination of one-hour assessing students understanding of key concepts of social policy. 40%

A written assignment whereby students compare and contrast two theories of welfare of their choice, demonstrating an understanding of contrasting approaches. 2,000 words 60%

Understanding and Supporting ALN (20 credits, core)
This module will look at the term ALN and also the different types of ALN that may result in adults and young people requiring support. It will also consider the importance of acknowledging how adults and young people with ALN may feel, this will include reference to health and well-being, emotional resilience and the theories and frameworks used to support the ALN of adults and young people with ALN. This module will look at external and personal factors that can further impact on the adult / young person with ALN. This module will consider anti-discriminatory practice that can exist for adults and young people with ALN and how to overcome these situations and offer support to the individuals.


An individual written assignment on the definition of the term ALN with reference to a detailed understanding of a chosen ALN, support strategies and assessment relevant to individual’s workplace setting. 2,000 words, 60%

A group project with a 15-minute presentation on the use of potential intervention / support strategies in the support of adults / young people with ALN. 40%,

Level 5

Employability-based Learning 2 (20 credits, core)
This module aims to provide students with the opportunity to analyse the value of their learning within vocational and work specific contexts. In so doing, it will require students to reflect upon their learning experience in terms of how it has enhanced their academic and vocational knowledge and skills, self - esteem and current and future employability. This will enable students to link their increased effectiveness in a range of work based tasks and contexts to their extended and enhanced knowledge and skills sets.

In addition, the module will focus upon the creation of a comprehensive and vocationally relevant personal and professional development plan, arising from forward reflection. The plan will identify a range of future academic and vocational developmental needs, specific to and within a range of work based and employability contexts, which results in the identification of attainable goals. The plan will also identify and establish how progress towards stated goals may be measured.


An individually negotiated portfolio (100%) which contains reflective accounts and a personal and professional development plan. This will require students to reflect on their personal and professional development and make links between the workplace and theory based modules on the programme. The reflective account will focus upon recognising the value of the learning experience in terms of increased effectiveness in specific work based tasks and broader employability contexts. The personal and professional development plan will set attainable future work based and employability goals and establish a mechanism for the measurement of progress towards them.

Reflective account: 2,000 words, 50%,

Personal and Professional Development Plan: 2,000 words, 50%,

Individual Rights and Professional Practice (20 credits, compulsory)
The module aims to exemplify the importance of individual rights within the delivery of health and social care and welfare services. The rights of individual service users will be analysed and how organisations through their operation ensure such rights are adhered to. Guaranteeing the rights of service users is dependent upon the practice of professionals, with ethical and critical practice being important. The unit will define and discuss critical practice, relating it to a wide range of health and social care and welfare settings, and demonstrating its importance for ethical practice, which will enhance the well-being and experiences of service users.


Assignment 1: A written essay discussing the importance of rights for service users as a means to enhance their well-being and identify the legislative context organisations operate within to promote service user rights 2,500 Words, 60%

Assignment 2: An academic poster presentation of 10 minutes where students will explain the concept of critical practice, to include the three domains, within an identified health and social care or welfare setting, and which describes the key values and ethics underpinning the method (LO 3 and 4) (40%)

Leadership and Management (20 credits, compulsory)
The module aims to develop the knowledge and skills that enable students to analyse and evaluate contemporary management methods and theories used in the management of teams and individuals. The impact of poor management will be analysed and the possible solutions available to rectify problems and promote innovation. Furthermore, issues surrounding conflict within teams and with individuals will be explored illustrating possible resolutions. Recognising management theories, practices and, knowledge of effective team working, students will develop methods of practice which contribute to the effective delivery of services for users.


Assignment 1: Students will have 20 minutes, to include questioning, to present on various leadership styles, their potential impact, motivation, supervision and performance of staff related to their own place of work 40%.

Assignment 2: Students will be required to undertake a written assignment exploring approaches to innovation and change when working within a team 2,500 words 60%.

Research Methods (20 credits, compulsory)
This module aims to enable students to apply a range of research skills appropriate to the study of health and social care. It will require students to demonstrate enhanced skills in academic writing and information research and to apply a range of valid research methodologies and instruments. Students will also develop an understanding of ethics and learn how to give consideration to the importance of ethics within research. In addition, the module will focus upon the development of convincing arguments through the application of valid research, analysis and evaluation.


Two linked assignments building on a specific research question and linked to the topic and primary research method of investigation which could be viable for a dissertation at Level 6.

Assessment 1:
Annotated Bibliography: Analysis and evaluation of 8 papers relating to the chosen topic and specific research question (2000 words, 50%)

Assessment 2:
Ethics form: Complete ethics form on template provided with appendices (outside the word count) (to include risk assessment; PI sheet; consent form/information; gatekeeper letter; recruitment email/social media post; measure (i.e. questions/materials/stimuli) (2000 words ,50%) NB: The ethics form submitted here will not proceed to the Ethics panel and does authorise students to commence research.

Comparative Welfare Policy (Optional Module Social Policy route) (20 credits, core)
The purpose of this module is to introduce students to the diversity of welfare provision both within Britain and globally. Students will be made aware of the various theoretical models of welfare provision such as liberal, corporatist, and social democratic, and the political ideas which underpin and structure these different options. Following this, an examination will be made of a variety of welfare systems globally, illustrating the diversity of welfare settlements and how the theoretical models have been applied in practice. Attention will also be made to the growing diversity of welfare in Britain as a consequence of devolution. Furthermore, an examination will be made of the opportunities various welfare states offer in terms of access to education, health and the alleviation of poverty and inequality etc.


Assignment 1: An individual 10-minute PowerPoint presentation whereby students demonstrate their understanding and evaluate different types of welfare systems and differentiate between them. 30%

Assignment 2: Written assignment whereby students assess and evaluate the welfare state of a chosen country. An identification of the political ideas and theoretical models underpinning the chosen welfare state must be made along with evaluating their effectiveness as a means to deliver services such as education, health, and combat poverty and social exclusion 2,500 Words, 70%

Transition in Practice (20 credits, core)
This module will look at the meaning of ‘transition’ for adults and young people with ALN within the context of education, and health and social care. Best practice will be examined, along with current legislation which underpins it, which supports adults and young people with ALN to achieve independence. In addition, an identification will be made of the roles and responsibilities of young people, families, professionals, government, voluntary sector and community to support successful transition, and explore contemporary approaches from local, regional and national perspectives to include multi-agency working. Further the importance of a person centred care approach will be demonstrated to ensure that each individual obtains the transitory support they require.


Individual work-based case study illustrating and analysing how the transition planning process has supported the identified outcomes for the adult or young person and evaluates how to plan holistically by applying a range of person centred skills 3,000 words 70%

Students will present for 10 minutes where they describe how key workers facilitate a successful transition into the planned outcome for the adult or young person with ALN. 30%

Campus Information Llangefni

Over the last few decades, health, social care, childcare and social policy work has become an important focus of public, academic and media interest. The importance of this area has underlined the need for skilled and educated personnel, with a broad and in-depth understanding of theory and practice.

The Level 4 and 5 modules will help you to meet this need by continuing to contribute to a more professionalised and respected workforce. You will further develop your understanding of the sector and its management, focusing on contemporary issues and practices. You will also examine the core values that underpin health and social care management, as well as strategic issues that have a local, regional, national and international impact.

The links between theoretical study, practical experience and professional work are central to the course, and your studies will inform and enrich your practice. The course provides a valuable educational experience for a wide range of health and social care, childcare and social policy professionals. These modules will boost your employability and your professionalism, helping you develop your career.

Module Information

The course consists of the following modules, which are available to all part-time, full-time students or on a module only basis.

For every 10 credits, students should engage with around 100 notional hours of learning. This will be approximately 30% direct learning contact and 70% independent student learning.

Level 4 Modules

Communication (10 credits, compulsory)
The purpose of this module is to examine the importance of communication when working with service users within the fields of health and social care and welfare. Students will be introduced to a variety of models of communication and communication theorists and how they can be used to enhance practice. Also there will be an analysis of communication methods, including nonverbal, which service users may employ. Further to this, the barriers to communication that service users and professionals experience will be examined, including those of interpersonal communication skills along with those which originate from organisational practice and the wider social environment.


Assignment 1: A 10-minute presentation in which students will identify various communication skills utilised within a work context whilst also explaining ways to effectively develop communicate in practice 40%.

Assignment 2: Students will participate in a 10-minute role-play demonstrating a range of communication skills and how to overcome any communication barriers with identified individuals. 30%.

Assignment 3: Students will submit a personal reflection their own communication skills and identify future development needs (500 words) 30%.

Employability-based Learning 1 (20 credits, core)
The purpose of this module is for students to be given an opportunity to develop and demonstrate their work-based skills. Students will be required to demonstrate the use and application of skills relevant to their own employment or placement so as to illustrate effective service provision. An understanding of such skills will be exhibited along with an awareness of how to use them in practice. Crucially students will demonstrate an understanding of their own practice through the use of reflection and clearly illustrate how reflection can be used to enhance their practice for the benefit of personal and professional development.


Assignment 1: By means of online assessment and record keeping, students will evidence a number of work-based skills, underpinned by a minimum of 75 hours’ practice. Pass or Fail.

Assignment 2: By means of online assessment, students will submit a series of written reflections on their own professional practice and produce an action plan for their current and future development. 100% 3,000 words.

Introduction to Mental Health (20 credits, compulsory)
This module introduces the student to key issues and concepts surrounding mental health and developments in mental health approaches. Mental health will be examined, including the history surrounding mental health. Mental health services will be explored, including the barriers to access and efficacy.


Assignment 1: By means of a written assignment, students will identify the historical and contemporary nature of a range of mental health conditions 1200 words 40%.

Assignment 2: By means of two mini case studies, students will explain the potential effects of a range of mental health conditions on individuals. Students will also identify current support networks available. 1200 words 40%.

Assignment 3: Students will present (10 minutes) an academic poster, which analyses a current response to mental health to include both service and policy 20%.

Safeguarding (20 credits, compulsory)
The module will look at understanding the difference between the concept of safeguarding young people and vulnerable adults and the concept of protection in relation to vulnerable adults within education and health and social care settings. The module will: aim to identify and define safeguarding, cover contexts of transition, roles and responsibilities, procedures and protocols, positive risk taking, legislation, individual responsibility and accountability, barriers to multi-agency working, the impact of the disclosure of abuse and possible outcomes surrounding the disclosure for all concerned including the individual, carer, parent and more. The module will also focus on safe working practices, referrals and the many categories and wider considerations in safeguarding.


Assignment 1: By using a relevant case study, students will explore safeguarding concerns for individual using services and explain potential responses in practice 2,000 words 60%

Assignment 2: Students will undertake an online exam in order to demonstrate their awareness of safeguarding issues with regards to identifying, reporting and managing, 40%

Research Methods and Study Skills (10 credits, compulsory)
This module aims to develop the study skills of the students, enabling the production of sound academic writing, the introduction of critical thought and basic research skills. It will enable students to develop skills in academic writing, the use of academic conventions, information research, reflection and the management and organisation of their work.


An individual portfolio which consists of several tasks all of which need to be completed and submitted separately. These consist of referencing exercises (15%), essay planning and writing (20%), analysis and evaluating essays (20%), presentations and review (15%), feedback and action planning (15%) and learning style exercises (15%) linked and progressive demonstrating appropriate research and study skills and academic writing (2,000 words 100%) Pass or Fail

Introduction to Social Policy (20 credits, core)
The module aims to introduce students to the importance of social policy for the provision of a variety of welfare services. This will include exposing learners to the main political theories of welfare and relevant theoretical concepts which underpin and shape the provision of welfare services across the lifespan. Furthermore, students will have an opportunity to understand and differentiate between various providers of welfare such as those operating within both the public and private domain as well as the voluntary sector, and develop an understanding as to how welfare theory influences and determines the type of provision available.


A multiple-choice online examination of one-hour assessing students understanding of key concepts of social policy. 40%

A written assignment whereby students compare and contrast two theories of welfare of their choice, demonstrating an understanding of contrasting approaches. 2,000 words 60%

Understanding and Supporting ALN (20 credits, core)
This module will look at the term ALN and also the different types of ALN that may result in adults and young people requiring support. It will also consider the importance of acknowledging how adults and young people with ALN may feel, this will include reference to health and well-being, emotional resilience and the theories and frameworks used to support the ALN of adults and young people with ALN. This module will look at external and personal factors that can further impact on the adult / young person with ALN. This module will consider anti-discriminatory practice that can exist for adults and young people with ALN and how to overcome these situations and offer support to the individuals.


An individual written assignment on the definition of the term ALN with reference to a detailed understanding of a chosen ALN, support strategies and assessment relevant to individual’s workplace setting. 2,000 words, 60%

A group project with a 15-minute presentation on the use of potential intervention / support strategies in the support of adults / young people with ALN. 40%,

Level 5

Employability-based Learning 2 (20 credits, core)
This module aims to provide students with the opportunity to analyse the value of their learning within vocational and work specific contexts. In so doing, it will require students to reflect upon their learning experience in terms of how it has enhanced their academic and vocational knowledge and skills, self - esteem and current and future employability. This will enable students to link their increased effectiveness in a range of work based tasks and contexts to their extended and enhanced knowledge and skills sets.

In addition, the module will focus upon the creation of a comprehensive and vocationally relevant personal and professional development plan, arising from forward reflection. The plan will identify a range of future academic and vocational developmental needs, specific to and within a range of work based and employability contexts, which results in the identification of attainable goals. The plan will also identify and establish how progress towards stated goals may be measured.


An individually negotiated portfolio (100%) which contains reflective accounts and a personal and professional development plan. This will require students to reflect on their personal and professional development and make links between the workplace and theory based modules on the programme. The reflective account will focus upon recognising the value of the learning experience in terms of increased effectiveness in specific work based tasks and broader employability contexts. The personal and professional development plan will set attainable future work based and employability goals and establish a mechanism for the measurement of progress towards them.

Reflective account: 2,000 words, 50%,

Personal and Professional Development Plan: 2,000 words, 50%,

Individual Rights and Professional Practice (20 credits, compulsory)
The module aims to exemplify the importance of individual rights within the delivery of health and social care and welfare services. The rights of individual service users will be analysed and how organisations through their operation ensure such rights are adhered to. Guaranteeing the rights of service users is dependent upon the practice of professionals, with ethical and critical practice being important. The unit will define and discuss critical practice, relating it to a wide range of health and social care and welfare settings, and demonstrating its importance for ethical practice, which will enhance the well-being and experiences of service users.


Assignment 1: A written essay discussing the importance of rights for service users as a means to enhance their well-being and identify the legislative context organisations operate within to promote service user rights 2,500 Words, 60%

Assignment 2: An academic poster presentation of 10 minutes where students will explain the concept of critical practice, to include the three domains, within an identified health and social care or welfare setting, and which describes the key values and ethics underpinning the method (LO 3 and 4) (40%)

Leadership and Management (20 credits, compulsory)
The module aims to develop the knowledge and skills that enable students to analyse and evaluate contemporary management methods and theories used in the management of teams and individuals. The impact of poor management will be analysed and the possible solutions available to rectify problems and promote innovation. Furthermore, issues surrounding conflict within teams and with individuals will be explored illustrating possible resolutions. Recognising management theories, practices and, knowledge of effective team working, students will develop methods of practice which contribute to the effective delivery of services for users.


Assignment 1: Students will have 20 minutes, to include questioning, to present on various leadership styles, their potential impact, motivation, supervision and performance of staff related to their own place of work 40%.

Assignment 2: Students will be required to undertake a written assignment exploring approaches to innovation and change when working within a team 2,500 words 60%.

Research Methods (20 credits, compulsory)
This module aims to enable students to apply a range of research skills appropriate to the study of health and social care. It will require students to demonstrate enhanced skills in academic writing and information research and to apply a range of valid research methodologies and instruments. Students will also develop an understanding of ethics and learn how to give consideration to the importance of ethics within research. In addition, the module will focus upon the development of convincing arguments through the application of valid research, analysis and evaluation.


Two linked assignments building on a specific research question and linked to the topic and primary research method of investigation which could be viable for a dissertation at Level 6.

Assessment 1:
Annotated Bibliography: Analysis and evaluation of 8 papers relating to the chosen topic and specific research question (2000 words, 50%)

Assessment 2:
Ethics form: Complete ethics form on template provided with appendices (outside the word count) (to include risk assessment; PI sheet; consent form/information; gatekeeper letter; recruitment email/social media post; measure (i.e. questions/materials/stimuli) (2000 words ,50%) NB: The ethics form submitted here will not proceed to the Ethics panel and does authorise students to commence research.

Comparative Welfare Policy (Optional Module Social Policy route) (20 credits, core)
The purpose of this module is to introduce students to the diversity of welfare provision both within Britain and globally. Students will be made aware of the various theoretical models of welfare provision such as liberal, corporatist, and social democratic, and the political ideas which underpin and structure these different options. Following this, an examination will be made of a variety of welfare systems globally, illustrating the diversity of welfare settlements and how the theoretical models have been applied in practice. Attention will also be made to the growing diversity of welfare in Britain as a consequence of devolution. Furthermore, an examination will be made of the opportunities various welfare states offer in terms of access to education, health and the alleviation of poverty and inequality etc.


Assignment 1: An individual 10-minute PowerPoint presentation whereby students demonstrate their understanding and evaluate different types of welfare systems and differentiate between them. 30%

Assignment 2: Written assignment whereby students assess and evaluate the welfare state of a chosen country. An identification of the political ideas and theoretical models underpinning the chosen welfare state must be made along with evaluating their effectiveness as a means to deliver services such as education, health, and combat poverty and social exclusion 2,500 Words, 70%

Transition in Practice (20 credits, core)
This module will look at the meaning of ‘transition’ for adults and young people with ALN within the context of education, and health and social care. Best practice will be examined, along with current legislation which underpins it, which supports adults and young people with ALN to achieve independence. In addition, an identification will be made of the roles and responsibilities of young people, families, professionals, government, voluntary sector and community to support successful transition, and explore contemporary approaches from local, regional and national perspectives to include multi-agency working. Further the importance of a person centred care approach will be demonstrated to ensure that each individual obtains the transitory support they require.


Individual work-based case study illustrating and analysing how the transition planning process has supported the identified outcomes for the adult or young person and evaluates how to plan holistically by applying a range of person centred skills 3,000 words 70%

Students will present for 10 minutes where they describe how key workers facilitate a successful transition into the planned outcome for the adult or young person with ALN. 30%

Other details

Course type: University-level Courses

Level: 4+5

Programme Area:

  • Health & Social Care

Awarding Body: Bangor University



Health & Social Care

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Health & Social Care

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