IOSH ar Ddiogelwch, Iechyd a'r Amgylchedd i Weithwyr ar Safle Adeiladu

    Manylion Allweddol

    • Ar gael yn:
    • Dull astudio:
    • Hyd:

      1 diwrnod

    Gwnewch gais

    IOSH ar Ddiogelwch, Iechyd a'r Amgylchedd i Weithwyr ar Safle Adeiladu

    Short Course

    Ffoniwch Busnes@LlandrilloMenai heddiw ar 08445 460 460 neu anfon e-bost i

    Disgrifiad o'r Cwrs

    • Anyone who is related with Construction activities in any sector, or looking to move into construction.
    • This course also has CSCS approval, which means that the course will equip delegates with the knowledge and skills required to be eligible to apply for the card- once you have passed the CITB Health & Environment Operatives Test.
    • Allowing them to work on construction sites in entry –level positions.
    • CSCS touchscreen tests are also available

    Gofynion mynediad

    There are no entry requirements for this course.


    Cyflwyniadau yn yr ystafell ddosbarth


    • Delegates are required to take assessment under examination conditions.
    • The assessment consists of 25 questions in a variety of formats
    • 30 Minutes to complete


    Mae cyrsiau mewn crefftau eraill ar gael ar gampws CIST, Llangefni.

    Gwybodaeth campws Rhos-on-Sea

    • Rhos - Campus (MBEC)

    Os na allwch ddod o hyd i'r cwrs rydych chi'n chwilio amdano, neu os hoffech gyngor ynghylch y cyllid sydd ar gael i hyfforddi, cysylltwch â ni

    Anfonwch neges atom