Manylion Allweddol

    • Ar gael yn:
    • Dull astudio:
    • Hyd:

      One day training is available for OFTEC 105E.

      One day should be sufficient to complete the OFTEC 105E assessment (in addition to any training undertaken).

    Gwnewch gais


    Short Course

    Ffoniwch Busnes@LlandrilloMenai heddiw ar 08445 460 460 neu anfon e-bost i

    Disgrifiad o'r Cwrs

    Cynnwys y Cwrs:

    • Gofynion diogelwch
    • Rheoliadau Adeiladu
    • Mathau o olew a sut i'w hadnabod
    • Storio olew mewn dur a thermoplastig
    • Pibellau darparu cyflenwad tanwydd
    • Dyluniad system, yn cynnwys Rhan L1 y Rheoliadau Adeiladu
    • Dulliau rheoli thermostatig
    • Mesuryddion a larymau gorlenwi
    • Problemau halogiad olew
    • Lleoliad boeleri olew
    • Safonau Prydain
    • Awyru
    • Ffliwiau
    • Arbed ynni

    SYLWCH: Nid yw'r cymhwyster OFTEC 105E yn cynnwys gwaith pibellau a falfiau tân mwyach. Mae'r elfennau hyn yn rhan o'r cymhwyster OFTEC 600A Tanciau Olew.

    Gofynion mynediad

    Candidates undertaking this course must either be experienced oil operatives, or GAS SAFE registered heating system operatives
    (PLEASE NOTE: Proof of previous qualifications will be required at the start of the course).

    Anyone undertaking the assessment must either already hold the 600A Oil Tanks qualification or take it alongside this assessment.

    Anyone new to the oil industry should consider attending our OFTEC 50 introductory oil course for new entrants


    Gweithdy ymarferol a gwaith cwrs theory.


    Practical assessment and multiple-choice question paper


    Candidates who successfully complete the assessment will be eligible to apply to join the OFTEC competent persons scheme

    Os na allwch ddod o hyd i'r cwrs rydych chi'n chwilio amdano, neu os hoffech gyngor ynghylch y cyllid sydd ar gael i hyfforddi, cysylltwch â ni

    Anfonwch neges atom