EAL Cwrs Gloywi - 18fed Argraffiad Rheoliadau Weirio, Ail Ddiwygiad - Deall Gofynion Rheoliadau Gwifro (BS 7671:2018) (Mawrth 2022)

    Manylion Allweddol

    • Ar gael yn:
    • Dull astudio:
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      1 Day with 2 Hr Exam

    Gwnewch gais

    EAL Cwrs Gloywi - 18fed Argraffiad Rheoliadau Weirio, Ail Ddiwygiad - Deall Gofynion Rheoliadau Gwifro (BS 7671:2018) (Mawrth 2022)

    Short Course

    Ffoniwch Busnes@LlandrilloMenai heddiw ar 08445 460 460 neu anfon e-bost i cist@gllm.ac.uk.

    Disgrifiad o'r Cwrs

    The amendment two short course is an update on the wiring regulations that became effective in March 2022.

    An understanding of the Amendment 2, and how this applies to electrical installations within its scope.

    Gofynion mynediad

    Prior completion of Amendment 1-BS7671 18th

    Edition Wiring Regulations within the previous 12 months from Sept 2022. The course will allow candidates with recognition of AMD1 prior learning to update to BS7671 Amendment two requirements.


    Directed learning with guided study of the wiring regulations.

    You will need a copy of the IET Wiring Regulations Eighteenth Edition, published by the Institute of Engineering and Technology. (Brown Book)


    Ctr based EXAM, Multiple choice 2 hours on line Exam 60 questions 60% pass mark.

    This is an open book exam requiring reference to IET Wiring Regulations Eighteenth Edition, published by the Institute of Engineering and Technology. Where relevant, Amendment 2 to BS 7671 can also be used as a loose-leaf document. Candidates may also use a non-programmable calculator.

    Os na allwch ddod o hyd i'r cwrs rydych chi'n chwilio amdano, neu os hoffech gyngor ynghylch y cyllid sydd ar gael i hyfforddi, cysylltwch â ni

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