Newyddion Busnes@LlandrilloMenai

    Group Shot SP Energy Networks visit CIST Llangefni

    Sought after skills boost for North and Mid Wales

    SP Energy Networks and specialist training provider Busnes@LlandrilloMenai have partnered up to deliver sought after skills to would-be energy sector recruits across North and Mid Wales.

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    Green Digital Academy Team

    Join North Wales businesses in a £1.4 million net zero programme

    An initiative has been launched to support micro, small or medium-sized businesses in North Wales to realise the benefits of improving their digital and net zero capabilities.

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    Rhianwen Edwards, Gareth Hughes, Daydd Evans from Grŵp Llandrillo Menai

    CIST Centre at Penygroes to Benefit Gwynedd Construction Sector

    Busnes@LlandrilloMenai’s Centre for Infrastructure Skills and Technology (CIST) is to expand its provision of cutting-edge decarbonisation, renewable energy and retrofitting skills training at a new, world-leading decarbonisation centre, Tŷ Gwyrddfai in Penygroes.

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    Academi Ddigidol Werdd - Ehangu Cyllid Sero Net i Fusnesau Gogledd Cymru

    Net Zero Funding Expansion for North Wales Businesses

    The Green Digital Academy, a ground-breaking low carbon initiative supporting small, medium and micro businesses to progress towards net zero is to be rolled out to 180 new companies across North Wales thanks to the UK Government’s Shared Prosperity (UKSPF) funding.

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    Francesca Giacomet, domestic gas student

    PLA Success Story - Francesca Giacomet, Domestic Gas

    “I have found a new passion for my job and as a bonus I earn more money for having my qualification.”

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