Engineering Manufacture Apprenticeship Level 3 (control and instrumentation, mechanical or electrical specialism)
Please note: The information displayed on each job vacancy is received directly from the named employer. Whilst we (Grŵp Llandrillo Menai) make every effort to ensure they comply with equality and diversity guidelines, we are not responsible for any errors or omissions in the wording used.
3 positions available x1 mech eng, x1 elec eng, x1 C&I eng
Daily duties
- Maintenance of nuclear plant and equipment
- Hands on engineering responsibilities
- Safety procedures
- Security procedures
- Interpretation of measurements and data
- Diagnosing and fixing technical issues
Desirable personal qualities of apprentice
- Team player
- Strong problem-solving skills
- Attention to detail
- Passion for science, safety and sustainability
- Keen to learn on the job
Qualifications required
- Minimum of 3 GCSEs Grade 4 (Grade C) in Mathematics, English Language & 1 Science or Engineering subject. Other equivalent qualifications may be considered.
- Functional Skills Level 2 will also be considered as equivalent to GCSE Grade 4 (Grade C).
How to apply
Job Details
Peirianneg / Engineering
Closing Date

CAMVA@LlandrilloMenai is an Employment and Enterprise Bureau funded by the Welsh Government as part of the Young Person's Guarantee.
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