Seren Iaith Survey
An initiative to increase Grŵp Llandrillo Menai learners social use of the Welsh language, and to raise awareness of Welsh as a skill in the workplace.
The Seren Iaith Survey
This survey asks 10 questions about your attitude and social use of the Welsh language. You will need to rate yourself from 1 - 10 (with 1 meaning 'completely disagree' and 10 meaning 'agree completely') for each question.
The survey will take less than 10 minutes to complete.
Click the button below to complete the survey. The button will take you to the eDrac Learner log in page. Once you've logged in (using your user ID and password), click the Seren Iaith survey banner on the homepage. When you have completed the survey you will be able to view your Seren Iaith.
REMEMBER you will need to re-take the survey during term 3 so we can see if there has been any change in your Welsh language use during the academic year.
Seren Iaith Resources
There are five digital resources for you to complete during the academic year:
- Welsh Language Awareness
- Studying in Welsh or Bilingually
- Welsh in the Workplace
- Living in Welsh
- Welsh Music
Your personal tutor will either complete them with you or ask you to complete them independently.
The resources are interactive and fun and should take about an hour each to complete. You can complete the resources in English or Welsh and switch between the two languages during the resources.