About Sgiliaith

Our aim is to offer practical advice on good practice, staff training and resources, to enhance learners’ bilingual skills and experiences.

The provision offered includes a variety of professional development opportunities for practitioners in different roles and on different levels in the post-14 education sector.

We play a supportive role as colleges implement various action plans and strategies around bilingualism in response to Government and other organisational steers. We assist the colleges’ senior managers as they consider the next stage of positive development. As a result we also offer professional training in bilingual teaching and embedding the Welsh language to the colleges’ staff. This development means that more staff will be able to offer a bilingual education to their learners.

The Welsh-medium video conference provision complements Sgiliaith’s core mission in that it combines the principle of extending curriculum provision in Welsh or bilingually through the medium of Welsh and English with innovative delivery. Video conferencing provision from Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor to external schools and colleges was launched with CIF project funding in 2006. We have staff working from Pwllheli and Dolgellau.