Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logosColeg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logos

We're here to help

Do you need help with your literacy or numeracy?
Reading, writing, maths and ICT are essential skills that everyone uses every day. We can help you to improve the way you write assignments or revise for an assessment or exams. There are also many opportunities for you to improve your spelling, writing or maths and to improve your GCSE grades.

Learning Support
Don’t worry if, for any reason, you struggle with your studies as we offer a range of Learning Support services to help you succeed. Support can be for a short time only or last as long as your College course, and may be on a one-to-one or group basis. Either you or your Personal Tutor can speak to the Learning Support Team to find out more about help with specialist equipment and assessments for specific difficulties such as dyslexia. The College can also help make additional arrangements with exam boards.

Disability Facilities and Support
The Colleges are fully inclusive and provides equal opportunities for everyone. Each campus can provide dedicated support for learners with visual or hearing impairment, or who need assistance due to mobility. For further information, contact the Learning Support Team at your campus.

Care Experienced
We use the term care experienced to cover a range of different living circumstances. You may have heard of the following terms Looked After Child/Care Leaver. You may have or have had, a social worker, a personal advisor (PA) or maybe you remember attending meetings called LAC reviews or PEP meetings.

Where an applicant or learner has been identified as Care Experienced we will provide the following support:

  • A dedicated point of contact who will support transition and provide a link between the applicant/learner, teaching team and any support agencies, as appropriate and contribute to any Personal Education Plan (PEP) reviews

  • Financial support in the form of bursaries and support with essential kit costs. An additional bursary is awarded to care experienced learners who are graduating to cover graduation costs

Applicants can identify as Care Experienced on the application form or by contacting us at

Young Carer/Young Adult Carer
At Grŵp Llandrillo Menai we understand that being a carer can be very challenging. If you have caring responsibilities, we are committed to supporting your overall wellbeing and helping you balance your learning with your caring responsibilities.

Young Carers/Young Adult Carers who are studying with us can access support at any time by speaking to personal tutors, by calling into Learner Services or by emailing

If you would like additional information before you start at college please email


Personal Tutor
Personal Tutors make sure that you settle into College life. Your tutor will help you with any problems you may have with your studies, and will plan and review your progress to ensure you reach your goals.

Stay Safe
If you feel you are being unfairly treated or harassed, you can seek confidential advice and support from the Learner Services Team.

Confidential Support and Counselling
Support is available to students who may be experiencing personal, emotional and/or welfare difficulties. Qualified staff are available to provide confidential support to help you through times of difficulty or personal crisis. If you need to talk to someone, call in to Learner Services at your College campus and ask to speak to the Student Advisor or Student Welfare Co-ordinator.

Learning Coaches
Qualified Learning Coaches are available to work with learners to improve attendance and essential life skills such as timekeeping. They will also help learners to build their confidence and improve motivation and attitude to learning. Learners can access the Learning Coaches through the drop-in sessions or can be referred for support by their Personal Tutor.

Learner Voice
As a student, you will have a say in how the College is run. We will make sure that you know where to get information and how you have an opportunity to give us your views. We listen to what you say and tell you what we have done as a result of your views and feedback.


The colleges provide a wide range of information and support services to help you make the right choice before and during your time at college.

Whichever campus you attend, the Learner Services Team provides a one-stop shop for information on a range of topics:

  • Advice on planning a personalised learning programme
  • Advice on applying for courses and the entry requirements
  • Information on course fees
  • Guidance on how to apply for learner loans and grants

We also offer support and guidance in the following areas:

  • Training opportunities
  • Careers guidance
  • Higher Education
  • Job opportunities and graduate placements
  • Health and welfare
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