Key Details

  • Available at:
    Rhos-on-Sea, Rhyl
  • Study Mode:
  • Course Length:

    1-2 years

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AS/A Level English Language

Full-Time (Further Education)

Please note: We recommend that you have access to a laptop or Chromebook to enable coursework to be completed digitally at home. There is a dedicated IT Digital Inclusion fund to support those learners who do not have a digital device and are unable to purchase one.

Course Description

Words help us to express our views of the world and people around us. If someone is “good with words” they can convey ideas and opinions effectively.

Studying English Language will develop skills that will be useful on many levels: academically, socially, and also in the workplace.

Year 1 (AS Level)

In the first year you will focus on learning linguistic concepts and terms. You will gain a fundamental understanding of the subject, including the study of both spoken and written language.

Unit 1: Exploring Language - This unit involves a written exam paper requiring you to analyse a number of language texts.

Unit 2: Learning Issues and Original and Creative Writing - This unit involves a written exam paper requiring you to engage with languages issues and to use language creatively.

Year 2 (A Level)

This year will broaden your understanding of the subject, including your appreciation of Language Development.

Unit 3: Language over Time - This unit you will learn more about how the English language has developed and continues to develop over time from the 5th Century AD to the present day.

Unit 4: Spoken Language and Creative Re-casting - In this unit you will engage with the spoken language to produce an original piece of writing and to communicate creatively in different ways.

Unit 5: Language and Identity - This coursework unit gives opportunities for language research which has personal relevance. You will conduct an investigation, receiving specific and detailed guidance from your tutor.

Entry Criteria

Applying for A Levels? Click ‘Apply Now’ on any of the subjects you are interested in studying. You will be able to specify your other two A Level choices during the online application process.

The A Level subject grids for each campus can be found in the guides on the A Level section of the website.

In order to qualify for this course, you will need the following:

  • 6 GCSEs at grade C or above, including English or Welsh 1st Language

As part of the application process, you will be asked to attend an interview to give you the opportunity to discuss the course.

Progression to A Level is based on your performance at AS Level.


The course is delivered through a blend of the following:

  • Classroom learning
  • Discussions
  • Analytical reading and writing
  • Independent research
  • Group work
  • Debate

Your programme will include a combination of:

  • Essential Skills qualifications and/or
  • GCSE resits and/or
  • The Welsh Baccalaureate
Welsh Baccalaureate

Welsh Baccalaureate is a valuable qualification which is often studied alongside your Level 3 full-time course.

The qualification is graded A*-E, carrying the equivalent UCAS points at Level 3, and equips you with transferable personal and business skills. It is highly regarded by universities and employers alike.

As part of the qualification, you will learn about Global Citizenship, Enterprise and Employability and take part in community engagement and work experience.

Essential Skills

This may include a combination of Application of Number, Communication, Digital Literacy and Essential Employability Skills

GCSE resits

This may include GCSE Numeracy/Maths and/or Welsh/English Language.

Maths & Welsh/English

If you don't achieve a C or above in Maths and/ or English/Welsh, we will support you to retake these subjects as part of your study programme.


The course is assessed as follows:

  • External examinations are taken in June each year
  • The coursework units will be completed earlier in the year


Whether you gain the full A Level or the AS Level, the course adds to your qualifications and helps you to progress. You will gain UCAS points and be able to apply for a range of Higher Education courses at many institutions. This includes degrees in Linguistics and other language subjects, as well as many other options.

The skills you gain studying English Language will have a broad range of applications, useful on many undergraduate courses.

You will also have improved your career prospects, and will have the option of progressing directly into employment in a wide range of sectors.

Other details

Course type: Full-Time (Further Education)

Level: 3

