Pathway 1 - Developing Independence

Key Details

  • Available at:
    Canolfan Marl
  • Study Mode:
  • Course Length:

    The length of programme will be dependant upon the individual needs of the learner. Maximum length of 4 years

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Pathway 1 - Developing Independence

Full-Time (Further Education)

Please contact us for further information about applying for this course.

Please note: We recommend that you have access to a laptop or Chromebook to enable coursework to be completed digitally at home. There is a dedicated IT Digital Inclusion fund to support those learners who do not have a digital device and are unable to purchase one.

Course Description

Learners have a planned timetable based on individual sensory experiences and these are timetabled around the most important and relevant elements of the 4 Pillar of ILS curriculum, which are: Independent Living Skills; Accessing the Community and Health and Wellbeing.

Entry Criteria

An offer of a place on this course is subject to a successful outcome from a series of transition meetings and a referral from Social Services, School Additional Needs Coordinator, Special schools, Independent specialist schools and colleges and Careers Wales.

Working at Milestone 1-3


The programme is delivered through a variety of sensory experiences to promote individual choice, social interaction, communication and self-awareness.


Learners will be following a non-accredited programme. After setting individual targets, learners may be assessed through a variety of methods which meet their individual learner needs.


Depending on local opportunities, learners may progress to day centres and possible sheltered employment opportunities.

Campus Information Dolgellau

  • A sensory curriculum provided to promote communication skills, social interaction and physical activities.
  • Consistent and effective communication techniques are used to promote the learners communication and making choices skills e.g. by using objects of reference; switches; Intensive Interaction.
  • Social interaction skills are developed through e.g. Touch Trust, an annual residential trip, active community participation and inclusion.
  • Physical activities include weekly swimming sessions and following physiotherapy instruction and guidance for posture care and exercise needs.
  • Working effectively with professionals and service providers to aid a smooth transition to and from college.

Campus Information Glynllifon

The programme is designed to develop the learners' communication and choice making skills, develop social interaction and decision making.

A sensory curriculum to enable the learners to reach their full potential through activiities such as shop, cook and taste, music activities, small animal care, social stories and outside visits to compliment the above activities, which take place in the local community.

Touch Trust and Intensive Interaction techniques are used to enhance the teaching experience.

The team works effectively with professionals and service providers to aid a smooth transition to and from college.

Other details

Course type: Full-Time (Further Education)

Level: N/A

