Pathway 2 - Skills for Life and Work

Key Details

  • Available at:
    Glynllifon, Llangefni, Rhos-on-Sea, Dolgellau
  • Study Mode:
  • Course Length:

    The length of programme will be dependent on the individual needs of the learner. Maximum length of 4 years.

Please note: We recommend that you have access to a laptop or Chromebook to enable coursework to be completed digitally at home. There is a dedicated IT Digital Inclusion fund to support those learners who do not have a digital device and are unable to purchase one.

Course Description

The aim of this course is to focus on the achievements of each individual, with the intention of developing practical life skills and self-confidence. Group numbers are small and there will be additional support for learners, if required. College facilities will be used, as well as places of interest. The learning takes place in a supportive, friendly environment and we work closely with parents and carers, as well as professional organisations, to support the learner.

Everyday tasks are used to teach literacy and numeracy skills. There is also an emphasis on developing independence, personal and social skills. Enterprise activities are integrated into elements of the course.

Learners are timetabled around the four pillars of Independent Living Skills:

  • Independent Living Skills
  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Accessing the Community
  • Employability Skills

Entry Criteria

Working at Milestone 4 – Entry 2.

An offer of a place on this course is subject to a successful outcome from a series of transition meetings and a referral from Social Services, School Additional Needs Coordinator, Special schools, Independent specialist schools and colleges and Careers Wales.

Progressing learners: Completion of programme of learning and working at Entry 2. In non-accredited learning programmes you will complete a literacy and numeracy assessment for RARPA. In addition to this an observational assessment will take place during a transition event which will help to agree appropriate targets.

Literacy/Numeracy: West E1/E2 Literacy and Numeracy


The programme is delivered through a mix of practical and classroom-based activities that promote learners’ independence, choice and decision making, confidence and social skills. Learners will be taught in small groups.


Learners may follow a non-accredited programme, or if appropriate may complete an appropriate qualification. After setting and agreeing individual targets, learners may be assessed through a variety of methods which meet their individual learner needs.


Further learning opportunities and other training opportunities if appropriate.

Campus Information Dolgellau

The aim of the course is to:

  • develop learners self-confidence and independence
  • work on numeracy skills, literacy skills and the 4 pillars of the ILS Curriculum; independent living; community; healthy living and employability skills.
  • provide work experience/sheltered work experience that is related to personal skills and interests.
  • develop social interaction skills through e.g. an annual residential trip, active community participation and inclusion.
  • support learners to enable them to progress onto Cam i Waith that mainly involves accessing work experience/ sheltered work experience.
  • work effectively with professionals and service providers to aid a smooth transition to and from college.

Campus Information Glynllifon

The course aims to:

  • Develop learners self-confidence and independence
  • Develop 4 pillars of the ILS Curriculum; independent living; community; healthy living and employability to develop the learners' personal skills.
  • Work on numeracy skills, literacy skills
  • Provide work experience/sheltered work experience that is related to personal skills and interests.
  • Develop social interaction skills through e.g. active community participation and inclusion.
  • Support learners to enable them to progress onto Step up to Work that mainly involves accessing work experience/ sheltered work experience.
  • Work effectively with professionals and service providers to aid a smooth transition to and from college.

Campus Information Llangefni

The courses aims to:

  • Develop learners self-confidence and independence
  • Develop 4 pillars of the ILS Curriculum; independent living; community; healthy living and employability to develop the learners' personal skills.
  • Work on numeracy skills, literacy skills
  • Provide work experience/sheltered work experience that is related to personal skills and interests.
  • Develop social interaction skills through e.g. active community participation and inclusion.
  • Support learners to enable them to progress onto Step up to Work that mainly involves accessing work experience/ sheltered work experience.
  • Work effectively with professionals and service providers to aid a smooth transition to and from college.

Campus Information Rhos-on-Sea

Develops the learners to enable them to:

  • Make informed choices and take part in decision making activities to promote their independence.
  • Increase their self-confidence and independent living skills - money skills, time, following instructions, etc.
  • Discover their interests in a range of work experience opportunities.
  • Work towards individualised bespoke targets through activities within the following sessions: Art and Craft activities, Skillbuild activities, Practical Gardening, Practical Sport, Practical Cookery, Outdoor learning opportunities and Practical Life Skills in our purpose built flat.
  • Progress onto our Step Up to Work course, which is a supported employment programme that follows on from the Life and Work Skills pathway. This course enables learners to develop skills for the workplace that eventually leads to a variety of voluntary employment opportunities. Step Up to Work courses are one day in college and two days work experience.


  • Access to appropriate work experience placements in the local community.
  • Educational visits - related to the 4 Pillars of ILS curriculum.
  • Practical Life Skills - practical cookery in our ILS kitchen, Independent living skills in our purpose built flat at Canolfan Marl, public bus training, money skills, etc.
  • Supported employment pathway tasters in preparation for progression to our Step Up to Work Programmes - currently offering vocational pathways in sport, leisure, hospitality, catering, horticulture and retail.
  • Practical sport sessions.
  • Outdoor learning sessions that can potentially lead to taking part in Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award.

Other details

Course type: Full-Time (Further Education)

Level: N/A

