Pathway 3 - Preparing for Further Education

Key Details

  • Available at:
    Glynllifon, Llangefni, Rhos-on-Sea, Rhyl, Dolgellau
  • Study Mode:
  • Course Length:

    The length of programme will be dependent upon the individual needs of the learner. Maximum length of 4 years (1 or 2 years in Llangefni / Glynllifon / Dolgellau).

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Pathway 3 - Preparing for Further Education

Full-Time (Further Education)

Enquire about this course by sending an email to Jane Myatt:
Enquire about this course by sending an email to Jane Myatt:

Please note: We recommend that you have access to a laptop or Chromebook to enable coursework to be completed digitally at home. There is a dedicated IT Digital Inclusion fund to support those learners who do not have a digital device and are unable to purchase one.

Course Description

These courses will give learners the confidence to be more independent and gain skills to access further training or vocational courses within the college. These courses are aimed at school leavers who wish to further develop their numeracy and literacy skills. Learners will need to be working to at least E3 and above in Literacy and Numeracy, attend a successful interview or taster course to make sure the course is right for them, and be able to access college independently.

Entry Criteria

An offer of a place on this course is subject to a successful outcome from a series of transition meetings and a referral from Social Services, School Additional Needs Coordinator, Special schools, Independent specialist schools and colleges and Careers Wales.

Working at Entry 3 – Level 1


The programme is delivered through a mix of practical and classroom-based activities that promote learners’ independence, choice and decision making, confidence and social skills. Learners will be taught in small groups.


After setting and agreeing individual targets, learners may be assessed through a variety of methods which meet their individual learning needs. Learners will complete an appropriate formal qualification.


Further training or study opportunities.

Campus Information Dolgellau

The aim of the course is to:

  • improve learners’ self-confidence and motivational skills.
  • provide vocational tasters in e.g. Health and Social Care; Engineering; Hairdressing and Beauty; Health and Fitness, for learners to make an informed choice when planning for future career goals.
  • provide work experience that is related to personal skills and interests. -
  • enable learners to practice their numeracy, literacy and digital literacy skills in preparation for a higher level of learning.
  • support learners to enable them to access Level 2 courses; Sgiliau i Waith/Skills for Work traineeship; training or an apprenticeship programme during the following academic year Learners are given the opportunity to re-sit Welsh, English and Maths GCSE if previously awarded a 'D' grade.

Campus Information Glynllifon

The course aims to:

  • Develops the learners personal, social and emotional needs
  • Provides a variety of vocational tasters e.g. Animal care, Land-based, Engineering etc.
  • The staff team work closely with mainstream vocational staff to prepare learners for progression to other departments (if appropriate).
  • Provide work experience that is related to personal skills and interests.
  • Helps learners to decide on career plan
  • Enable learners to practice their numeracy, literacy and digital literacy skills in preparation for a higher level of learning.
  • Support learners to enable them to access Level 1/ 2 courses; Project Search/ Traineeship; training or an apprenticeship programme during the following academic year Learners are given the opportunity to re-sit Welsh, English and Maths GCSE if previously awarded a 'D' grade.

Campus Information Llangefni

The course aims to:

  • Develops the learners personal, social and emotional needs
  • Provides a variety of vocational tasters e.g. Hair and Beauty, Hospitality, Engineering, Art, Media, Health and Fitness etc.
  • The staff team work closely with mainstream vocational staff to prepare learners for progression to other departments (if appropriate).
  • Provide work experience that is related to personal skills and interests. Helps learners to decide on career plan.
  • Enable learners to practice their numeracy, literacy and digital literacy skills in preparation for a higher level of learning.
  • Support learners to enable them to access Level 1/ 2 courses; Project Search/ Traineeship; training or an apprenticeship programme during the following academic year.
  • Learners are given the opportunity to re-sit Welsh, English and Maths GCSE if previously awarded a 'D' grade.

Campus Information Rhos-on-Sea

Develops the learners to enable them to:

Preparation for FE (Entry 3):

  • Promotes and focuses on building self-confidence and self-esteem through a variety of classroom based activities.
  • potentially access vocational mainstream programmes at level 1.
  • In year 1 - opportunities to undertake practical sessions on outdoor learning, Practical Sport, Practical Cookery and Practical Life Skills in our purpose-built flat
  • In year 2 - primarily the focus is on preparation for progressing to either Pre-Vocational Studies (Level 1) or mainstream vocational courses

Pre-Vocational Studies (Level 1):

  • Gain the skills and confidence to progress to mainstream opportunities in a chosen vocational area at Level 2.
  • This is a programme that has a much less practical focus and ios more about working towards the study skills, literacy and numeracy skills needed to progress to mainstream Level 2 courses.

There is an option at the end of both courses to progress to the Step Up to Work programmes, which is a supported employment programme that follows on from the Pre-Vocational pathway. This course enables learners to develop skills for the workplace that eventually leads to a variety of paid employment opportunities. Step Up to Work courses are one day in college and two days’ work experience.

Other details

Course type: Full-Time (Further Education)

Level: 1

