Key Details

  • Available at:
  • Study Mode:
  • Course Length:

    2 or 3 day courses

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Short Course

Please call Busnes@LlandrilloMenai today on 08445 460 460 or email

Course Description

This course will give you an insight into the basic pesticide application techniques and methods.

We offer the following:

PA1: Safe Use of Pesticides

PA2: Mounted sprayer

PA6: Hand held sprayer Replacing Grandfather Rights

You will learn about legislation, regulations, identify hazards, personal protective equipment and Health and Safety issues involved with Pesticides application. Also there is a practical element demonstrating safe and correct use of application equipment.

Entry Criteria

  • No formal entry requirements


This course is delivered by

  • taught sessions
  • practical sessions


  • Multiple choice examination
  • Practical assessment test


Candidates can access further Agriculture courses via the College, such as:

  • Safe use of sheep dip
  • ATV
  • Tractor driving

Other details

Course type: Short Course

Level: N/A


This programme is available bilingually at the following campus(es):

  • Glynllifon