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Brighter Futures staff at the charity’s base in Rhyl

Latest News: Brighter Futures striving towards a greener tomorrow thanks to Busnes@LlandrilloMenai


The Rhyl charity has teamed up with the Green Digital Academy to explore ways to reduce its carbon footprint

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Latest News: Lockheed Martin Degree Apprenticeship is First Class


A former Grŵp Llandrillo Menai apprentice has proved that you can gain a degree without accumulating debt. Jack Edwards recently graduated with a first-class honours BEng degree in Applied Electrical and Electronic Engineering Systems.

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Busnes@LlandrilloMenai learner Catherine Louise Rider

Latest News: Work Based Care Learner Recognised by JISC


Busnes@LlandrilloMenai learner Catherine Louise Rider (Kate) has been recognised for positively embracing Education Technology. She’s a mature learner studying Health and Social Care while working for Michael Phillips Care Agency Ltd.

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