Archwilio Llunio

Manylion Allweddol

  • Ar gael yn:
    Parc Menai
  • Dull astudio:
    Rhan amser
  • Hyd:

    3 awr yr wythnos am 10 wythnos

Gwnewch gais

Archwilio Llunio

Dewch i gysylltiad am ragor o wybodaeth am sut i wneud cais am y cwrs hwn.

Disgrifiad o'r Cwrs

This is a 10-week course open to all ages, abilities and experiences.

The course is designed to build up a varied body of work week by week, which explores “Drawing practice” as a way of expressing and communicating ideas.

There will be an emphasis on gaining knowledge and understanding of “Drawing” by experimentation in various drawing styles and techniques using different materials and subject matters.

All aspects of “Drawing practise” will be explored over the ten weeks especially developing in gaining confidence while drawing.

You will be introduced to the tradition of drawing developing a “Personal approach” to each task.

It will be in a stimulating, exciting environment and a valuable experience over the ten-week course especially those who are interested in progressing to the Painting course.

Basic materials will be provided for the course.

The course will be at the Main Coleg Menai Art department campus.

All will be warmly welcomed.

Gofynion mynediad



Gwaith grŵp




Cyrsiau eraill y Grŵp

Mwy o wybodaeth

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