Y daith i carbon sero

Mae un o reilffyrdd stêm hynaf y byd ymysg cwmnïau yng Ngwynedd sydd wedi manteisio ar brosiect sydd wedi ei gynllunio i helpu busnesau bach leihau eu hallyriadau carbon.

Thanks to the Green Digital Academy, run by Busnes@LlandrillioMenai, the Talyllyn Railway is on track as it aims to achieve its net zero target by 2030. Funded by UK Government’s Community Renewal Fund, the project works closely with SMEs across Gwynedd and Anglesey to provide mentoring and advice to help them adapt and reduce their carbon footprint.

On a recent visit to the popular attraction, Liz Savllie Roberts MP for Dwyfor Meirionnydd, said: “It’s been a real pleasure spending time at Talyllyn Railway today. It’s heartening to see how Green Digital Academy is enabling SMEs like this one to develop an affordable and workable plan to help them reduce carbon emissions and ultimately aim for net zero.”

Talyllyn Railway’s Liz Porrett, added: “'I joined the railway in March and since then we have been building on the positive steps the company had already taken to improve its carbon emissions, such as investment in solar panels and electric vehicles. As with many businesses, once those initial investments have been made, it becomes difficult to know where to focus effort and expenditure to make a real difference to the carbon footprint.

"As a company we were able to access support through Green Digital Academy. In practice this meant working with an expert who calculated our carbon footprint, including for our supply chain. Talyllyn Railway will now continue to work with the Green digital team to move forward towards our goal of becoming Net Zero.”

Busnes@LlandrilloMenai is part of Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, and provides training and support specifically targeted to businesses. Through this project the aim is to help owners understand net zero and to take action to meet growing consumer demand for environmentally-friendly products and services.

Julie Stokes Jones, is the Project Business Development Officer. She said: “It’s great to see this project having a positive impact on local businesses and I’m pleased that Talyllyn Railway is already benefiting from the support they have received. The hope is that the Green Digital Academy can also lead to increased efficiency and reduced production costs for businesses like this one.”

With a few remaining places left, SMEs in Gwynedd and Anglesey can still participate in the Green Digtial Academy. Those who are keen to play a part in tackling the climate crisis are encouraged to contact Busnes@LlandrillioMenai to register their interest.

This project is funded by the UK Government through the UK Community Renewal Fund. The UK Community Renewal Fund is a UK Government programme for 2021/22. This aims to support people and communities most in need across the UK to pilot programmes and new approaches to prepare for the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. It invests in skills, community and place, local business, and supporting people into employment. For more information, visit www.gov.uk/government/publications/uk-community-renewal-fund-prospectus

Diolch i’r Academi Ddigidol Werdd, sy’n cael ei rhedeg gan Busnes@LlandrillioMenai, mae Rheilffordd Talyllyn ar y trywydd iawn i gyrraedd y targed o sero net erbyn 2030. Wedi’i ariannu gan Gronfa Adnewyddu Cymunedol Llywodraeth y DU, mae’r prosiect yn gweithio gyda busnesau bach a chanolig ar draws Gwynedd a Môn i ddarparu mentora a chyngor i'w helpu nhw addasu a lleihau eu hôl troed carbon.

Ar ymweliad diweddar â’r atyniad poblogaidd, dywedodd Liz Savllie Roberts, AS Dwyfor Meirionnydd: “Mae wedi bod yn braf treulio amser gyda Rheilffordd Talyllyn heddiw. Ac mae’n galonogol gweld sut mae’r Academi Ddigidol Werdd yn galluogi SMEs fel hyn i ddatblygu cynllun fforddiadwy ac ymarferol i’w helpu nhw i leihau allyriadau carbon ac anelu am sero net yn y pen draw.”

Ychwanegodd Liz Porrett, o’r rheilffordd: “Ers i mi ymuno â’r cwmni nol ym mis Mawrth rydym wedi bod yn adeiladu ar y camau cadarnhaol roedd y rheilffordd eisoes wedi'u cymryd i wella ôl troed carbon - gan gynnwys buddsoddi mewn paneli solar a cherbydau trydan. Ond fel gyda llawer o fusnesau tebyg, unwaith mae’r buddsoddiad cychwynnol wedi’i wneud, mae’n dod yn fwy anodd gwybod ble i ganolbwyntio ymdrech a gwariant er mwyn gwneud gwahaniaeth gwirioneddol.

"Fel cwmni roedden ni’n falch iawn o allu derbyn cymorth trwy Academi Ddigidol Werdd. Yn ymarferol roedd hyn yn golygu gweithio gydag arbenigwr oedd yn edrych ar ein hallyriadau carbon, gan gynnwys ar gyfer ein cadwyn gyflenwi. Byddwn yn parhau rŵan i weithio gyda’r tîm Digidol Gwyrdd i symud ymlaen tuag at ein nod o gyrraedd sero net.”

Mae Busnes@LlandrilloMenai yn rhan o Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, ac yn darparu hyfforddiant a chefnogaeth sydd wedi ei dargedu’n benodol at fusnesau. Trwy’r prosiect hwn y nod yw helpu perchnogion busnes i ddeall sero net ac i gymryd camau i ateb y galw cynyddol am gynnyrch a gwasanaethau ecogyfeillgar.

Julie Stokes Jones yw Swyddog Datblygu Busnes y Prosiect. Dywedodd: “Mae’n wych gweld y prosiect hwn yn cael effaith gadarnhaol ar fusnesau lleol ac rwy’n falch bod Rheilffordd Talyllyn eisoes yn elwa o’r gefnogaeth. Y gobaith yw y bydd yr Academi Ddigidol Werdd hefyd yn arwain at gynnydd mewn elw i fusnesau trwy leihau costau cynhyrchu a gwella effeithlonrwydd.”

Gydag ychydig o lefydd ar ôl ar y cynllun, gall busnesau bach yng Ngwynedd ac Ynys Môn barhau i gymryd rhan yn yr Academi Ddigidol Werdd. Mae’r rhai sy’n awyddus i wneud gwahaniaeth wrth fynd i’r afael â’r argyfwng hinsawdd yn cael eu hannog i gysylltu â Busnes@LlandrillioMenai i gofrestru eu diddordeb.