Llwyddiant CDP - Francesca Giacomet, Nwy Domestig

“Mae gen i gymaint o angerdd am fy swydd a dwi’n ennill mwy o arian o ganlyniad i’r cymhwyster newydd.”

Enw: Francesca Giacomet

Cymhwyster: Nwy Domestig

Pam nes i ddewis y cwrs:

Yn fy swydd flaenorol, roeddwn i’n gweithio mewn warws i gwmni ar-lein, ar y dechrau roeddwn yn mwynhau, ond wrth symud ymlaen yn y busnes roeddwn yn treulio mwy o amser yn y swyddfa, tu ôl i ddesg a ddim yn mwynhau hyn cymaint. Dwi’n mwynhau bod mewn rôl sy’n ymarferol ac yn delio gyda heriau. Dechreuais feddwl am yrfaoedd gwahanol fyddai’n fy ngalluogi i wneud hyn.

Roeddwn i eisoes yn gweithio yn y diwydiant tân, ond nid yr ochor beirianneg. Roedd y cwmni eisiau peiriannydd nwy. Doeddwn i heb weithio efo tannau nwy o’r blaen nag yn gwybod llawer am y maes, ond yn awyddus i gael sialens ac o bosib gyrfa newydd.

Dechreuais wneud cwrs plymio Lefel 1 gyda’r nos i weld os fyswn i’n mwynhau. Roeddwn yn mwynhau’r ochor ymarferol ond nid y darnau theori. Daeth y cwrs i ben oherwydd Covid, ond fe wnes i basio gan mod i wedi cwblhau’r mwyafrif.

Dywedais wrth y tiwtor fod gen i ddiddordeb cymhwyso fel peiriannydd nwy. Dywedodd wrtha i am y cwrs CDP a’i fod yn cael ei ariannu’n llawn. Cysylltais gyda’r CDP, oedd yn barod iawn i helpu a rhannu'r holl wybodaeth am y cwrs. Dechreuais ar y cwrs yn 2020. Roeddwn yn ei weld yn heriol ar y dechrau, llawer o wybodaeth i ddysgu ond unwaith nes i dechrau deall, nes i ddechrau mwynhau. Doedd o ddim yn hawdd ond fe wnes i wneud fy ngorau.

Unrhyw gyngor ar gyfer dysgwyr y dyfodol?

Un peth defnyddio nes i ei wneud oedd recordio’r dosbarthiadau fel mod i’n gallu gwrando nôl wrth adolygu i gofio beth roedd y tiwtor wedi bod yn egluro’r diwrnod hwnnw. Roedd hyn helpu pan oedd hi’n anodd canolbwyntio ar yr holl wybodaeth.

Sut mae’r CDP wedi dy helpu?

Rwyf wedi cwblhau fy nghwrs diogelwch nwy ac wedi cymhwyso fel peiriannydd nwy erbyn hyn. Dwi’n mwynhau gweithio i gwmni Debrett Fires yn gosod tannau nwy. Dwi’n teimlo’n falch o fy hun am ennill y cymhwyster. Er mod i wedi cymhwyso mae gen i dal llawer i ddysgu a llawer o brofiad i’w ennill.


Mae Busnes@LlandrilloMenai a’r Ganolfan Isadeiledd, Sgiliau a Thechnoleg (CIST) yn helpu pobl i ddatblygu drwy eu Cyfrif Dysgu Personol (CDP).

Mae rhain yn gyrsiau hyblyg sy’n cael eu hariannu’n llawn ar gyfer pobl sy’n ennill llai na £29,534, neu mewn perygl o gael eu gwneud yn ddi-waith – gan roi’r sgiliau cywir i bobl ddatblygu neu newid eu gyrfa. Mae’r cyrsiau hyn yn rhai galwedigaethol ac yn canolbwyntio ar sectorau lle mae prinder sgiliau. Y nod yw helpu unigolion, drwy wella sgiliau pobl mewn meysydd fel TG, digidol, cyllid, adeiladu swyddi gwyrdd a mwy.

Dewch i wybod mwy.

Name: Francesca Giacomet

Course name: Domestic Gas

Why I decided to follow the course:

My previous job was working as a warehouse operative for an online business. I did enjoy it at the beginning, but moving up through the business I became more office and desk-based which I didn’t enjoy as much. I enjoy being hands-on and like to be active as well as different challenges in my work. So, I started to think about a different career that would allow me to do that.

I already worked in the fire trade but not on the engineering side. The company I worked for needed a gas engineer to work for them. I had never worked with gas fires previously or knew much about them so I thought this could be a new challenge for me and possibly a new career.

I started by doing a Level 1 plumbing course in the evening to see how I liked it. I enjoyed the practical part of the course more than the theory side of things. Unfortunately, due to covid the course was stopped towards the end but as we had completed the majority, I passed the course.

I told my tutor that I would like to become a gas engineer. He told me about PLA funding so I decided to find out more. They were very helpful, gave me all the information I needed about the course. I signed up and was accepted on the course.

I started in 2020 and did find it quite challenging at first. So much information to take in but once I started to understand it, I really enjoyed it. I knew it wouldn’t be easy and wanted to give it my best.

Any advice for future learners?

A good tip I learnt in class is to voice record my classes, I could listen back when revising to remember everything my tutor had been explaining that day. It helped when it was difficult to take all the information in.

How have I benefited?

I have completed my Gas Safe Course and am now a qualified gas engineer. I work installing gas fires for Debrett Fires which I’m really enjoying. I’m really proud of myself for achieving my qualification. The last time I had revised and been in a lesson situation I was studying for my GCSEs.

Even though I’m qualified there is still a lot to learn and plenty of experience to gain.

I have found a new passion for my job and as a bonus I earn more money for having my qualification.


Busnes@LlandrilloMenai and the Centre for Infrastructure Skills and Technology (CIST) are helping people change their story through Personal Learning Accounts (PLA).

These are flexible and fully funded courses for people who are earning under £29,534, or whose jobs are at risk – allowing them to gain the right skills to progress or change their career. The courses are vocational and focus on sectors where there are skills shortages. The aim is to help individuals, by upskilling in areas like IT and digital, finance, construction, green jobs and more.

More information

Name: Francesca Giacomet

Course name: Domestic Gas

Why I decided to follow the course:

My previous job was working as a warehouse operative for an online business. I did enjoy it at the beginning, but moving up through the business I became more office and desk-based which I didn’t enjoy as much. I enjoy being hands-on and like to be active as well as different challenges in my work. So, I started to think about a different career that would allow me to do that.

I already worked in the fire trade but not on the engineering side. The company I worked for needed a gas engineer to work for them. I had never worked with gas fires previously or knew much about them so I thought this could be a new challenge for me and possibly a new career.

I started by doing a Level 1 plumbing course in the evening to see how I liked it. I enjoyed the practical part of the course more than the theory side of things. Unfortunately, due to covid the course was stopped towards the end but as we had completed the majority, I passed the course.

I told my tutor that I would like to become a gas engineer. He told me about PLA funding so I decided to find out more. They were very helpful, gave me all the information I needed about the course. I signed up and was accepted on the course.

I started in 2020 and did find it quite challenging at first. So much information to take in but once I started to understand it, I really enjoyed it. I knew it wouldn’t be easy and wanted to give it my best.

Any advice for future learners?

A good tip I learnt in class is to voice record my classes, I could listen back when revising to remember everything my tutor had been explaining that day. It helped when it was difficult to take all the information in.

How have I benefited?

I have completed my Gas Safe Course and am now a qualified gas engineer. I work installing gas fires for Debrett Fires which I’m really enjoying. I’m really proud of myself for achieving my qualification. The last time I had revised and been in a lesson situation I was studying for my GCSEs.

Even though I’m qualified there is still a lot to learn and plenty of experience to gain.

I have found a new passion for my job and as a bonus I earn more money for having my qualification.


Busnes@LlandrilloMenai and the Centre for Infrastructure Skills and Technology (CIST) are helping people change their story through Personal Learning Accounts (PLA).

These are flexible and fully funded courses for people who are earning under £29,534, or whose jobs are at risk – allowing them to gain the right skills to progress or change their career. The courses are vocational and focus on sectors where there are skills shortages. The aim is to help individuals, by upskilling in areas like IT and digital, finance, construction, green jobs and more.

More information