EAL Dyfarniad Lefel 3 mewn Gosod a Chynnal a Chadw Systemau Ffotofoltaidd Solar ar Raddfa Fach

    Manylion Allweddol

    • Ar gael yn:
    • Dull astudio:
    • Hyd:

      3.5 diwrnod yn cynnwys arholiad


    EAL Dyfarniad Lefel 3 mewn Gosod a Chynnal a Chadw Systemau Ffotofoltaidd Solar ar Raddfa Fach

    Part-time Courses

    Disgrifiad o'r Cwrs

    Competent electricians who wish to become proficient in the installation of small scale SPV systems and wish to use the qualification to progress to formal recognition of their competence via an industry body/scheme

    The qualification comprises of knowledge/understanding and performance units, which between them cover the skills, knowledge and understanding required the installation of small scale SPV systems, e.g. dwelling installations.

    Summary of Learning Outcomes

    1. Know the health and safety risks and safe systems of work associated with solar photovoltaic system installation work

    2. Know the requirements of the relevant regulations/ standards relating to practical installation, testing and commissioning activities for solar photovoltaic system installation work

    3. Know the fundamental differences between a.c and d.c circuits within solar photovoltaic systems

    4. Know the purpose of solar photovoltaic system components

    5. Know the types, silicon characteristics and typical conversion efficiencies of solar photovoltaic modules

    6. Know the fundamental design principles used to determine solar photovoltaic system module array size and position requirements

    7. Know the preparatory work required for solar photovoltaic system installation work

    8. Know the layouts and the requirements for installing solar photovoltaic module arrays

    9. Know solar photovoltaic system d.c and a.c circuit installation layouts within the scope of the relevant Engineering Recommendation for grid tied systems

    10. Know solar photovoltaic system protection techniques and components

    11. Know the requirements to test and commission solar photovoltaic systems

    12. Know the requirements to handover solar photovoltaic systems.

    13. Plan and prepare for the installation of a solar photovoltaic system

    14. Install solar photovoltaic system components

    15. Inspect and test a new solar photovoltaic system installation

    16. Commission a new solar photovoltaic system installation

    17. Handover a new solar photovoltaic system installation.

    Dyddiadau Cwrs

    Coleg Llandrillo, Rhos-on-Sea

    Mae gofyn am gyfweliad cyn cofrestru ar gyfer y cwrs hwn. Ffoniwch ni am wybodaeth bellach.

    24/02/202509:00 Dydd Llun7.004 £6600 / 4TEE567123A

    Coleg Llandrillo, Rhos-on-Sea

    Mae gofyn am gyfweliad cyn cofrestru ar gyfer y cwrs hwn. Ffoniwch ni am wybodaeth bellach.

    03/06/202509:00 Dydd Mawrth7.004 £6600 / 4TEE567123B

    Gofynion mynediad

    1. ⁠GOFYNNOL dyfarniad Rheoliadau Weirio yr IET 18fed Argraffiad (e.e. C&G cyfres 2380 neu EAL 603/3298/0) a

    2. GOFYNNOL Lefel 3 Archwilio a Profi (e.e C&G 2391 neu cyfatebol) a

    3. GOFYNNOL NVQ Electrodechnegol Lefel 3 neu gymhwyster tebyg (Dyfarniadau blaenorol fel C&G 236 Rhan 2 neu Dystysgrif "B")


    A mixture of theory classroom-based delivery, group and practical activities


    On-line Exam and Practical Assessment

    Os na allwch ddod o hyd i'r cwrs rydych chi'n chwilio amdano, neu os hoffech gyngor ynghylch y cyllid sydd ar gael i hyfforddi, cysylltwch â ni

    Anfonwch neges atom