Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logosColeg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logos


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University Courses on Your Doorstep!

Are you ready for a new challenge after lockdown? Maybe you are looking to change career or improve your chances of promotion? Are you looking to study for a degree but you have commitments at home, you don’t want to incur exorbitant costs, or you don’t relish the long-distance travelling? Then look no further! Grŵp Llandrillo Menai has one of the largest suite of degrees and university-level courses in Wales.

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Coleg Glynllifon ar frig gwobrau cenedlaethol y Gymdeithas Goedwigaeth Frenhinol.

Rydym yn falch o gadarnhau, bod Adran Goedwigaeth Coleg Glynllifon wedi ennill y fedal aur am ei darpariaeth addysgol ragorol ar ei chyrsiau lefel 2 a 3 Rheoli Coedwigaeth a Chefn Gwlad gan y Gymdeithas Goedwigaeth Frenhinol.

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Coleg Glynllifon Awarded Gold Standard from Royal Forestry Society

Coleg Glynllifon’s Forestry department has been awarded the gold standard from the Royal Forestry Society for its Forestry and Countryside course provision.

The Grŵp Llandrillo Menai site won the gold medal for “excellent educational provision” on its Forestry and Countryside Management courses (Levels 2 and 3).

The Royal Forestry Society Education and Learning Excellence Award recognises those who increase awareness, understanding and skills related to the environment, particularly forestry, and the link between trees and wood products.

The judging panel for the award stated: “The way the college is approached by the local community to engage students with their projects, and by employers seeking potential future employees straight from the college, demonstrates how highly thought of these courses are across the forestry, conservation, landscape and nursery sectors. Well done Coleg Glynliffon!”

Jeff Jones, lecturer on the Forestry and Countryside Management course at Glynllifon said: “The Forestry department at Glynllifon is extremely proud and honoured to receive this award. Coleg Glynllifon has a fantastic estate with a working farm and over 110 hectares of mixed woodland. Students take part in managing the woodland on a day-to-day basis, gaining valuable industry experience.

“Students are also given a wide range of practical activities. These range from using our static Mebor sawmill to process timber on the estate, through to using new technology such as Haglof mensuration equipment.

“Working with industry is an important part of the student experience. We appreciate the support we receive from local companies for providing valuable work experience placements and allowing student visits to learn about the forestry and countryside sector.”

For more information about our Forestry and Countryside Management course HERE

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Y penwythnos diwethaf, enillodd myfyriwr o Goleg Menai fedal aur yn rownd derfynol Gemau Ysgolion 2021.

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A Coleg Menai student has won a gold medal at the 2021 School Games Finals this weekend.

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Cyn-fyfyriwr Chweched Y Rhyl yn codi pac i weithio gyda diemyntau!

Mae cyn-fyfyriwr o Chweched Y Rhyl newydd orffen Doethuriaeth mewn diemyntau yn Imperial College, Llundain ac mae ar ei ffordd i Efrog Newydd a New Jersey i weithio mewn sefydliad sy'n cynnal ymchwil ym maes diemyntau!

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Ex-Rhyl Sixth Student Jetting Off to USA to Work with Diamonds!

A former Rhyl Sixth student who recently completed his PhD in diamonds at Imperial College in London, is relocating to New York and New Jersey to work for a diamond research institution!

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Tiwtor o Goleg Llandrillo a Enillodd Wobr BAFTA yn cael ei Benodi'n Un o Gyfarwyddwyr Esports Wales

Mae tiwtor Datblygu Gemau yng Ngholeg Llandrillo, a enillodd 'Wobr Academaidd Addysg Bellach' eleni am ei waith arloesol ym maes cyfrifiadura a datblygu gemau, wedi cael ei benodi'n un o gyfarwyddwyr anweithredol Esports Wales, y corff cenedlaethol ar gyfer e-chwaraeon yng Nghymru.

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BAFTA-winning Coleg Llandrillo Tutor Appointed as Director for Esports Wales

A BAFTA-winning Coleg Llandrillo Games Development tutor who was presented with this year’s prestigious ‘Further Education Academic Award’ for his ground-breaking initiatives In the world of games development and computing, has been appointed as a non-Executive director for Esports Wales, the national body for esports in Wales.

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Ymestyn Cynllun Ysgoloriaethau Cymhelliant y Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol. £1500 ar gael i TI!

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