Art and Design students at Coleg Menai competed to design a brand new logo and branding for Young Carers Academy.
Darllenwch y straeon newyddion diweddaraf
Mae Jenna O'Brien, sy'n astudio ar y Diploma Estynedig Lefel 3 mewn Teithio a Thwristiaeth yng Ngholeg Menai, wedi ei choroni yn enillydd yn y Gwobrwyon 'Next Generation Tourism Cenedlaethol'.
Jenna O'Brien, who studies the Level 3 Extended Diploma in Travel and Tourism at Coleg Menai, has been crowned the winner of the National Next Generation Tourism Awards.
Rydym yn falch iawn o gyhoeddi bod dau o fyfyrwyr ein cwrs Sgiliau Bywyd a Gwaith yn Nolgellau, sef Kamar ElHoziel a Damien Slaney yn ddiweddar wedi ennill gwobrau aur ac arian yng nghystadleuaeth Sgiliau Cymru.
Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor is delighted to announce that two of its learners, Kamar ElHoziel and Damien Slaney - who are studying on the Skills for Life and Work course at the college's Dolgellau campus - have recently won gold and silver awards in Skills Competition Wales.
The National Centre For Diversity has featured Grŵp Llandrillo Menai in its Top 100 Most Inclusive Workplaces Index 2021.
Mae Kieran Jones, sy'n astudio Hyfforddi ym maes Chwaraeon yng Ngholeg Menai yn llawn cyffro wrth iddo ddychwelyd i gystadlu fel Taflwr Maen Elît!
Kieran Jones, who studies Sports Coaching at Coleg Menai, admits he’s thrilled to be back competing as an elite shot putter.
Cafwyd seremoni ffarwelio gyda myfyrwyr o’r adran Technoleg Diwidianau’r Tir yng Nglynllifon yn ddiweddar. Cafwyd cyfle i ddiolch i’r myfyrwyr oedd wedi cwblhau’r cyrsiau Lefel 2 a Lefel 3 a hynny o dan amgylchiadau heriol iawn, yn sgil y pandemig byd-eang.
A farewell ceremony was held recently with students from the Land Based Technology department at Glynllifon. There was an opportunity to thank the students who had completed the Level 2 and Level 3 courses in very challenging circumstances, given the global pandemic.