Fel rhan o raglen deledu newydd sy'n dathlu ac yn edrych i mewn i draddodiadau gwerin Cymru, ymwelodd y cwmni cynhyrchu Capten Jac â'r adran gelf yng Ngholeg Meirion-Dwyfor Pwllheli yn ddiweddar i ffilmio'r myfyrwyr yn yr adran sydd wedi bod yn gweithio gyda'u tiwtor celf, Ffion Gwyn, ar hen arferion Calan Gaeaf Cymru.
Newyddion Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor

Mae Hari Roberts, o Lannefydd yng Nghonwy, sydd newydd orffen Prentisiaeth Lefel 3 yng Ngholeg Glynllifon wedi cael ei dewis ar gyfer y Rhaglen Busnes ac Arloesi gyda Chyswllt Ffermio.

Rydym yn falch o gyhoeddi bod Daisy Bell o Borthmadog wedi cipio gwobr fawreddog Myfyriwr y Flwyddyn gan y Gymdeithas Goedwigaeth Frenhinol.

A Grŵp Llandrillo Menai student has scooped the Royal Forestry Society’s prestigious ‘Student of the Year’ award.
Daisy Bell from Porthmadog was awarded this national prize for her academic achievements, hard work and motivation whilst studying for her Level 3 Extended Diploma in Countryside Management at Coleg Glynllifon. In September she starts studying for a degree in Wildlife Conservation at Bangor University.
The awards were presented at a Covid-secure meeting in North Wales by Mr John Roe, the Royal Forestry Society’s divisional chairman.
Daisy’s tutor - and Forestry lecturer at the Glynllifon campus - Jeff Jones, said: “Over the past two years Daisy has gained distinctions in all units, as well as being continually motivated and enthusiastic. She will be studying at Bangor University this year and we wish her well with her future studies. It was a real pleasure teaching Daisy; she has a very bright future in the wildlife conservation sector. I would also like to thank the Royal Forestry Society for its continuing support and student award.”
For more details on any courses starting at Coleg Glynllifon, visit: www.gllm.ac.uk
telephone: 01286 830 261 or email: enquiries.glynllifon@gllm.ac.uk

Yn ddiweddar, fe gafodd Bwrdd Llywodraethwyr GLLM y cyfle i ymweld â datblygiad newydd ar safle Glynllifon.

Grŵp Llandrillo Menai's Board of Governors recently had the opportunity to visit the brand new state-of-art Animal Care centre at the Grŵp's Glynllifon campus. The new Animal Care Centre is a £ ..million development that will house the college's animal care courses. The movement of all animals will begin in the next few weeks, with students starting their studies there from September 2021 onwards.

Rydym yn falch iawn o gyhoeddi, bod un o fyfyrwyr lefel A Dolgellau, sef Ceri Mai Jones wedi derbyn ysgoloriaeth gan Brifysgol Bangor a Chyngor Gwynedd i astudio Cyfrifiadureg o fis Medi ymlaen.

Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor is delighted to announce that one of its A-level students from its Dolgellau campus, Ceri Mai Jones, has been awarded a scholarship by Bangor University and Gwynedd Council to study Computer Science from September.

Yn ddiweddar cafodd myfyrwyr ar ein cwrs Chwaraeon (Antur Awyr Agored) Lefel 3 a Gradd Sylfaen (FDSC) Gwyddor Chwaraeon (GWEITHGAREDDAU AWYR AGORED) yn Nolgellau brofiadau newydd a heriol, dan arweinyddiaeth wych yr Urdd.

Students on our Level 3 Sport (Outdoor Adventure) and Foundation Degree (FDSC) Sports Science (OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES) course in Dolgellau have recently had new and challenging experiences, under the excellent leadership of the Urdd.