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Efeilliaid 16 oed yn Cipio Gwobrau ym Maes Criced Merched

Roedd yr efeilliaid 16 oed o Goleg Llandrillo yn ganolbwynt sylw yn seremoni wobrwyo Cyngor Sir Bwrdeistref Conwy wedi i'w tîm ennill cystadleuaeth criced genedlaethol i ferched.

Roedd Amy - sydd 1 funud yn hŷn - a Hannah Kennedy o Hen Golwyn yn aelodau o dîm Merched Clwb Criced Bae Colwyn a gipiodd "Wobr Tîm Chwaraeon Hyn Merched" y cyngor. Roedd y gystadleuaeth yn agored i'r holl chwaraeon, gan gynnwys rygbi merched a chrefftau ymladd merched!

Daeth y tîm yn gydradd orau yng Nghynghrair Criced Merched Gogledd Cymru gan ennill hefyd y gystadleuaeth "100 Ball cup" gyntaf erioed - fel yr unig gynrychiolwyr o ogledd Cymru - a gynhaliwyd ar faes criced Morgannwg a'r Fro. Gyda'r ddau wedi eu lleoli ar gampws Llandrillo-yn-Rhos, mae Amy yn astudio Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol L3, a Hannah, Gwyddoniaeth Chwaraeon ac Ymarfer L3.

Yn noson gyflwyno'r clwb, yn ogystal a bod yn rhan yn o'r tîm a dderbyniodd y brif wobr tîm, dyfarnwyd dau dlws ychwanegol i Hannah: am gymryd wicedi ac am y mwyaf o rediadau a sgoriwyd (yn y gynghrair).

Mae Amy bob amser wedi bod eisiau gweithio gyda phlant ag anableddau, ond mae ganddi hefyd ei golygon ar yrfa fel cricedwr proffesiynol. Hoffai Hannah hefyd fod yn gricedwr proffesiynol neu yn hyfforddwr criced. Meddai: "Dwi wir yn mwynhau fy amser yn y coleg. Mae'r tiwtoriaid yn gynorthwyol, mae'r gwersi wir yn ddiddorol, ac yn gyffredinol, mae'n brofiad gwych."

Mae eu brawd Matt yn astudio Lletygarwch ac Arlwyo yn y coleg. Mae o hefyd yn gricedwr brwd, cafodd ei gapio yn ddiweddar am lwyddiannau gyda thîm criced gallu cymysg. Yn olaf ond yr un mor bwysig, mae eu mam Deb yn gweithio yn y coleg fel cynorthwyydd gweinyddol.

I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am gyrsiau yng Ngholeg Llandrillo, ewch i neu cysylltwch â thîm y Gwasanaethau i Ddysgwyr ar 01492 542 338.

Amy – who is 1 minute older - and Hannah Kennedy from Old Colwyn were members of the Colwyn Bay Cricket Club Ladies team which scooped the council’s ‘Women’s Senior Sports Team Award’. This was open to all sports, including women’s rugby and women’s martial arts!

The team came joint top of the North Wales Women's Cricket League and also won the first ever '100 Ball Cup' competition – as the sole representatives from north Wales – which took place at the Vale of Glamorgan cricket ground. Both based at the college’s Rhos-on-Sea campus, Amy is studying Health & Social Care L3, and Hannah, Sport & Exercise Science L3.

At the club presentation night, as well as being part of the team that accepted the main team award, Hannah was awarded two extra trophies: for wicket-taking and most runs scored (in league).

Amy has always wanted to work with children with disabilities, but also has her sights set on a career as a professional cricketer. Hannah would also like to be a professional cricketer or a cricket coach. She said: “I am really enjoying my time at college. The tutors are helpful, lessons are really interesting, and overall, it is a great experience.”

Brother Matt studies Hospitality & Catering at the college, is also a keen cricketer, and was recently capped for successes with a mixed ability cricket team. Last but not least, mum Deb works at the college as an administrative assistant.

For more information on courses at Coleg Llandrillo, visit or please contact the college’s Learner Services team on 01492 542 338.

Amy – who is 1 minute older - and Hannah Kennedy from Old Colwyn were members of the Colwyn Bay Cricket Club Ladies team which scooped the council’s ‘Women’s Senior Sports Team Award’. This was open to all sports, including women’s rugby and women’s martial arts!

The team came joint top of the North Wales Women's Cricket League and also won the first ever '100 Ball Cup' competition – as the sole representatives from north Wales – which took place at the Vale of Glamorgan cricket ground. Both based at the college’s Rhos-on-Sea campus, Amy is studying Health & Social Care L3, and Hannah, Sport & Exercise Science L3.

At the club presentation night, as well as being part of the team that accepted the main team award, Hannah was awarded two extra trophies: for wicket-taking and most runs scored (in league).

Amy has always wanted to work with children with disabilities, but also has her sights set on a career as a professional cricketer. Hannah would also like to be a professional cricketer or a cricket coach. She said: “I am really enjoying my time at college. The tutors are helpful, lessons are really interesting, and overall, it is a great experience.”

Brother Matt studies Hospitality & Catering at the college, is also a keen cricketer, and was recently capped for successes with a mixed ability cricket team. Last but not least, mum Deb works at the college as an administrative assistant.

For more information on courses at Coleg Llandrillo, visit or please contact the college’s Learner Services team on 01492 542 338.

Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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