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Tîm Achub Mynydd Aberdyfi yn ymweld â Choleg Meirion-Dwyfor Dolgellau

Ar ddydd Mawrth, Hydref 11, daeth Tîm Achub Mynydd Aberdyfi draw i’r coleg i ddangos i fyfyrwyr Chwaraeon a Gweithgareddau Awyr Agored am eu gwaith.

Mae Tîm Achub Mynydd Aberdyfi yn darparu gwasanaeth Chwilio ac Achub 24 awr y dydd, 365 diwrnod y flwyddyn mewn lleoliadau gwyllt ac anghysbell ledled De Eryri a Chanolbarth Cymru. Mae’r tîm yn cynnwys criw ymroddedig o wirfoddolwyr a ariennir yn gyfan gwbl gan roddion elusennol. Daw aelodau’r tîm o amrywiaeth eang o gefndiroedd, megis Artistiaid, Hyfforddwyr Mynydd, Peirianwyr a Gwyddonwyr i enwi ond ychydig. Mae pob un yn rhoi llawer iawn o'u hamser i hyfforddi a darparu gwasanaeth chwilio ac achub gwirfoddol ddydd neu nos, trwy gydol y flwyddyn.

Pwrpas yr ymweliad oedd dysgu ein myfyrwyr ar ein cyrsiau Awyr Agored am waith pwysig y Tîm Achub. Cafwyd cyflwyniad hynod o ddiddorol gan dri aelod o’r Tîm Achub, cyn i’r myfyrwyr symud ymlaen i ddefnyddio offer achub mynydd, a sut i achub bywyd mewn ffordd ddiogel mewn rhai o fannau mwyaf anghysbell y wlad.

Dywedodd Lara Abbott, myfyriwr gradd sylfaen ar ein cwrs Chwaraeon a Gweithgareddau Awyr Agored yn Nolgellau.

“I mi, mi oedd gwneud y penderfyniad i aros yn lleol, yma yn fy ardal enedigol i wneud fy ngradd yn un hawdd iawn. Mae popeth sydd ei angen arnom ar gwrs fel hwn yma ar stepen ein drws. Mae’r mynyddoedd, y llynnoedd ar gyfleoedd yn y maes awyr agored yn ddiddiwedd.”

Ychwanegodd Lara.

“Enghraifft berffaith o hyn ydi ymweliad blynyddol Tîm Achub Mynydd Aberdyfi a’r coleg. Mae’n ffordd hynod o effeithiol i ni fedru dysgu am eu gwaith, dod i ddeall yr heriau sy’n eu hwynebu wrth iddynt geisio cadw ein mynyddoedd yn ddiogel. I mi yn bersonol, mi wnes i fwynhau cael dysgu am eu gwaith a chael cyfle i ddefnyddio peth o’r cyfarpar. Dwi wirioneddol yn cysidro ymgeisio am le fel aelod o’r Tîm Achub yn ystod y blynyddoedd nesaf.”

Dywedodd Huw Evans o Dîm Achub Mynydd Aberdyfi.

“Mae'r tîm yn gwasanaethu ardal ddaearyddol eang o gefn gwlad anghysbell a gwyllt o fewn Parc Cenedlaethol Eryri a Chanolbarth Cymru y mae'n darparu gwasanaeth Chwilio ac Achub ar ei gyfer. O fewn yr ardal mae nifer o fynyddoedd mawr, gan gynnwys Cadair Idris, Aran Fawddwy a Phumlumon. Rydym yn chwilio am wirfoddolwyr yn gyson i ymuno a ni, felly mae cael dod i’r coleg fel hyn i ddysgu’r myfyrwyr am ein gwaith yn hynod o bwysig.”

Ychwanegodd Huw Evans

“Mae’r bartneriaeth rhwng y coleg a ninnau yn un pwysig iawn, ac yn un yr hoffem ei ddatblygu yn ystod y blynyddoedd nesaf. Mae hi’n amlwg bod gan y myfyrwyr ar y cwrs Chwaraeon a Gweithgareddau Awyr Agored y sgiliau cychwynnol i fedru cael eu mentora i ddod yn aelodau o Dîm Achub Mynydd Aberdyfi.”

Os hoffet ti ddysgu mwy am ein cyrsiau Awyr Agored yn y Coleg, clicia YMA

The Aberdyfi Mountain Rescue Team provides a Search and Rescue service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year in wild and remote locations throughout South Snowdonia and Mid Wales. The team consists of a dedicated group of volunteers who are funded entirely by charitable donations. The team members come from a wide variety of backgrounds, such as Artists, Mountain Instructors, Engineers and Scientists to name but a few. All give a great deal of their time to train and provide a volunteer search and rescue service day or night, throughout the year.

The purpose of the visit was to teach our students on our Outdoor courses about the important work of the Rescue Team. There was an extremely interesting presentation by three members of the Rescue Team, before the students moved on to use mountain rescue equipment, and how to save a life in a safe way in some of the most remote places in the country.

Lara Abbott, a foundation degree student on our Sports and Outdoor Activities course in Dolgellau said.

" I made the decision to stay local, here in my home area to study for my degree because everything we need on a course like this is right here on our doorstep. The mountains, the lakes, the opportunities are endless.”

Lara added.

"A perfect example of this is the annual visit of the Aberdyfi Mountain Rescue Team to the college. It is an extremely effective way for us to be able to learn about their work, to understand the challenges they face as they try to keep our mountains safe. For me personally, I enjoyed learning about their work and having the opportunity to use some of the equipment. I am really considering applying for a place as a member of the Rescue Team in the coming years."

Huw Evans from the Aberdyfi Mountain Rescue Team said.

"The team serves a wide geographical area of ​​remote and wild countryside within Snowdonia and Mid Wales National Park for which it provides a Search and Rescue service. Within the area there are a number of large mountains, including Cadair Idris, Aran Fawddwy and Phumlumon. We are constantly looking for volunteers to join us, so being able to come to the college like this to teach the students about our work is extremely important."

Huw Evans added

"The partnership between the college and us is a very important one, and one that we would like to develop in the coming years. It is clear that the students on the Sports and Outdoor Activities course have the initial skills to be able to be mentored to become members of the Aberdyfi Mountain Rescue Team."

If you would like to learn more about our Outdoor courses at the College, click HERE

The Aberdyfi Mountain Rescue Team provides a Search and Rescue service 24 hours a day, 365 days a year in wild and remote locations throughout South Snowdonia and Mid Wales. The team consists of a dedicated group of volunteers who are funded entirely by charitable donations. The team members come from a wide variety of backgrounds, such as Artists, Mountain Instructors, Engineers and Scientists to name but a few. All give a great deal of their time to train and provide a volunteer search and rescue service day or night, throughout the year.

The purpose of the visit was to teach our students on our Outdoor courses about the important work of the Rescue Team. There was an extremely interesting presentation by three members of the Rescue Team, before the students moved on to use mountain rescue equipment, and how to save a life in a safe way in some of the most remote places in the country.

Lara Abbott, a foundation degree student on our Sports and Outdoor Activities course in Dolgellau said.

" I made the decision to stay local, here in my home area to study for my degree because everything we need on a course like this is right here on our doorstep. The mountains, the lakes, the opportunities are endless.”

Lara added.

"A perfect example of this is the annual visit of the Aberdyfi Mountain Rescue Team to the college. It is an extremely effective way for us to be able to learn about their work, to understand the challenges they face as they try to keep our mountains safe. For me personally, I enjoyed learning about their work and having the opportunity to use some of the equipment. I am really considering applying for a place as a member of the Rescue Team in the coming years."

Huw Evans from the Aberdyfi Mountain Rescue Team said.

"The team serves a wide geographical area of ​​remote and wild countryside within Snowdonia and Mid Wales National Park for which it provides a Search and Rescue service. Within the area there are a number of large mountains, including Cadair Idris, Aran Fawddwy and Phumlumon. We are constantly looking for volunteers to join us, so being able to come to the college like this to teach the students about our work is extremely important."

Huw Evans added

"The partnership between the college and us is a very important one, and one that we would like to develop in the coming years. It is clear that the students on the Sports and Outdoor Activities course have the initial skills to be able to be mentored to become members of the Aberdyfi Mountain Rescue Team."

If you would like to learn more about our Outdoor courses at the College, click HERE

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