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Digwyddiad Rhithwir i Ddathlu'r Hyn a Gyflawnwyd gan Brosiect ADTRAC

Mae digwyddiad rhithwir wedi cael ei gynnal heddiw (28 Gorffennaf) i ddod â phrosiect ADTRAC i ben ac i ddathlu'r hyn a gyflawnwyd ganddo.

Dan arweiniad Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, mae ADTRAC wedi darparu cefnogaeth bersonol i bobl ifanc 16-24 oed yng Ngogledd Cymru gyda materion cyflogadwyedd a lles i'w helpu i symud ymlaen i addysg, hyfforddiant neu gyflogaeth.

Rhwng 2017 a 2021, mae ADTRAC wedi gweithio gyda 1,194 o bobl ifanc o bob cwr o Ogledd Cymru. Yn ystod y cyfnod hwn, enillodd 318 o'r bobl ifanc gymwysterau, aeth 158 ymlaen i addysg neu hyfforddiant a chafodd 239 waith cyflogedig. Gwellhaodd lles meddyliol dros 300 o'r bobl ifanc a gwellhaodd 478 ohonynt eu sgiliau cyflogadwyedd.

Ariannwyd y prosiect yn rhannol gan Gronfa Gymdeithasol Ewrop drwy Lywodraeth Cymru. Grŵp Llandrillo Menai ai harweiniodd, gan weithio mewn partneriaeth a Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr a chwe awdurdod lleol Gogledd Cymru.

Roedd y gefnogaeth a ddarparwyd gan ADTRAC yn cynnwys gwasanaeth mentora oedd wedi'i deilwra i'r unigolyn a chynllun gweithredu personol. Roedd hyn yn helpu llesiant pobl ifanc ac yn eu helpu i fagu hyder a goresgyn y rhwystrau a oedd yn eu dal yn ôl.

Roedd y prosiect hefyd yn darparu hyfforddiant a chyfle i ennill cymwysterau ynghyd â syniadau ac awgrymiadau ynghylch sut y gallai'r bobl ifanc feithrin gwydnwch emosiynol drwy gynnwys y Pum Ffordd at Les yn eu bywyd bob dydd.

Fel yr esboniodd un o'r bobl ifanc a gefnogwyd yng Ngholeg Llandrillo,

"Gyda chefnogaeth ADTRAC a thiwtor y cwrs 'Meithrin Sgiliau' rwyf wedi llwyddo i wneud penderfyniad ynghylch sut yr hoffwn weld fy hun yn y dyfodol ac i ba gyfeiriad yr hoffwn fynd. Diolch yn fawr am yr holl gefnogaeth."

Ac yn ôl person arall a gefnogwyd gan ADTRAC,

"Mae fy mhrofiad efo ADTRAC wedi bod yn wych – o adolygu a golygu fy CV i chwilio am gyflogwyr posib a chael help i baratoi at gyfweliadau"

Meddai Sara Williams, Rheolwr Prosiect Rhanbarthol ADTRAC

Roedd cefnogi lles y bobl ifanc oedd yn rhan o'r prosiect yn gwbl ganolog i ddull gweithredu ADTRAC, ac roedden ni'n defnyddio'r pum ffordd at les i feithrin gwytnwch ac i alluogi'r bobl ifanc i sicrhau canlyniadau cynaliadwy."

"Diolch i'r holl awdurdodau lleol am eu cefnogaeth, ac i Fwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr oedd yn allweddol i'r gwaith o ddarparu gwasanaethau iechyd meddwl i'r bobl ifanc. Dangosodd ein partneriaid rhanbarthol frwdfrydedd gwirioneddol dros y prosiect ac nid oes gennyf amheuaeth na fydd eu gwaith yn parhau i gael effaith bellgyrhaeddol"

Meddai Vaughan Gethin, Gweinidog yr Economi:

"Hoffwn longyfarch ADTRAC am gynnal rhaglen lwyddiannus i gefnogi pobl ifanc i wireddu eu potensial a gwella'u rhagolygon gyrfaol.

"Wrth i ni ddod allan o bandemig y coronafeirws mae'n bwysicach nag erioed ein bod yn cefnogi pobl ifanc, yn enwedig y rhai sy'n wynebu rhwystrau, i gael y sgiliau a'r profiadau sydd eu hangen i lwyddo ym myd gwaith.

"Mae eu doniau, eu sgiliau a'u creadigrwydd nhw'n hanfodol i sicrhau llwyddiant ein gwlad yn y dyfodol.

Dyna pam rydym wedi ymrwymo i ddarparu ein Gwarant i Bobl Ifanc, a fydd yn cynnig cefnogaeth i bawb o dan 25 oed yng Nghymru i fynd ymlaen i waith, addysg, hyfforddiant neu hunangyflogaeth. Bydd y gwersi a ddysgwyd o lwyddiannau ADTRAC yn ein helpu i gyrraedd y sawl sydd bellaf oddi wrth y farchnad lafur."

Mae Prosiect ADTRAC wedi gorffen erbyn hyn. Ceir gwybodaeth bellach am yr hyn a gyflawnwyd ganddo ynghyd ag adborth gan y bobl ifanc a'r staff oedd yn rhan o'r prosiect ar

Between 2017 and 2021, ADTRAC has worked with 1,194 young people from across the North Wales region. During that time 318 young people gained qualifications, 158 entered either education or training and 239 entered employment. Over 300 young people improved their mental wellbeing and 478 improved their employability.

The project which was partially funded by European Social Fund (ESF), through Welsh Government, was led by Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, working in partnership with all six North Wales Local Authorities and Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board.

ADTRAC support included a bespoke mentoring service to develop a personalised action plan, support to develop confidence and overcome barriers which prevented progression, and welfare and wellbeing support.

The project also provided access to qualifications and training, and ideas and suggestions on how to embed the Five Ways to Wellbeing into the young people’s daily routines to build emotional resilience.

One young person who was supported through Coleg Llandrillo, explained,

‘‘Through the support of ADTRAC and the tutor on the ‘Get Skilled Up’ course I have managed to make a decision as to how I would like to see myself in the future and in what direction I would like to go. Thank you for all the support.’’

Another young person supported by ADTRAC, said,

“My experience with ADTRAC has been wonderful, from the process of reviewing and editing my CV, to looking for potential employers and helping me prepare for interviews”

Sara Williams, ADTRAC Regional Manager GLLM, said

“ADTRAC put supporting the wellbeing of the young people it worked with at the heart of the delivery model, promoting the five ways to wellbeing, so the young people could be more resilient and achieve sustainable outcomes.”

“Thanks to all of the local authorities for their support, and to Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board who were key in delivering mental health support to the young people. Our regional partners demonstrated real passion in their delivery and I’ve no doubt that the positive impact of their work will continue to have far reaching benefits”

Economy Minister Vaughan Gething said:

“I would like to congratulate ADTRAC on its successful programme supporting young people to unlock their potential and improve their career prospects.

“As we emerge from the coronavirus pandemic it is more important than ever that we support young people, especially those who face barriers to skills and experiences needed to succeed in the world of work.

“It's their talents, skills and creativity that are essential to ensure our country’s future success.

“That’s why we have committed to delivering our Young Person’s Guarantee, which will provide everyone under 25 across Wales with an offer of support into work, education, training or self-employment. Lessons learnt from ADTRAC’s achievements will help us reach those furthest away from the labour market.”

The ADTRAC Project has now closed and further information about it’s achievements and feedback from the young people and staff involved can be found at

Between 2017 and 2021, ADTRAC has worked with 1,194 young people from across the North Wales region. During that time 318 young people gained qualifications, 158 entered either education or training and 239 entered employment. Over 300 young people improved their mental wellbeing and 478 improved their employability.

The project which was partially funded by European Social Fund (ESF), through Welsh Government, was led by Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, working in partnership with all six North Wales Local Authorities and Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board.

ADTRAC support included a bespoke mentoring service to develop a personalised action plan, support to develop confidence and overcome barriers which prevented progression, and welfare and wellbeing support.

The project also provided access to qualifications and training, and ideas and suggestions on how to embed the Five Ways to Wellbeing into the young people’s daily routines to build emotional resilience.

One young person who was supported through Coleg Llandrillo, explained,

‘‘Through the support of ADTRAC and the tutor on the ‘Get Skilled Up’ course I have managed to make a decision as to how I would like to see myself in the future and in what direction I would like to go. Thank you for all the support.’’

Another young person supported by ADTRAC, said,

“My experience with ADTRAC has been wonderful, from the process of reviewing and editing my CV, to looking for potential employers and helping me prepare for interviews”

Sara Williams, ADTRAC Regional Manager GLLM, said

“ADTRAC put supporting the wellbeing of the young people it worked with at the heart of the delivery model, promoting the five ways to wellbeing, so the young people could be more resilient and achieve sustainable outcomes.”

“Thanks to all of the local authorities for their support, and to Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board who were key in delivering mental health support to the young people. Our regional partners demonstrated real passion in their delivery and I’ve no doubt that the positive impact of their work will continue to have far reaching benefits”

Economy Minister Vaughan Gething said:

“I would like to congratulate ADTRAC on its successful programme supporting young people to unlock their potential and improve their career prospects.

“As we emerge from the coronavirus pandemic it is more important than ever that we support young people, especially those who face barriers to skills and experiences needed to succeed in the world of work.

“It's their talents, skills and creativity that are essential to ensure our country’s future success.

“That’s why we have committed to delivering our Young Person’s Guarantee, which will provide everyone under 25 across Wales with an offer of support into work, education, training or self-employment. Lessons learnt from ADTRAC’s achievements will help us reach those furthest away from the labour market.”

The ADTRAC Project has now closed and further information about it’s achievements and feedback from the young people and staff involved can be found at

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