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Alex yn ennill Ysgoloriaeth LIPA fawreddog

Yn ddiweddar, cyhoeddwyd mai cyn-fyfyriwr cerdd o Goleg Llandrillo, Alex Snape, yw enillydd Ysgoloriaeth Sennheiser LIPA eleni.

Golygai'r ysgoloriaeth y bydd Alex yn derbyn bwrsariaeth ariannol i dalu am ei hyfforddiant yn y Sefydliad Celfyddydau Perfformio byd-enwog yn Lerpwl, sef LIPA, lle mae ar hyn o bryd yn ail flwyddyn ei gwrs gradd BA (Anrh) mewn Technoleg Sain.

Bydd hefyd yn cael mynediad i rwydwaith helaeth Sennheiser o gysylltiadau, ac yn elwa o brofiad, arbenigedd a mentoriaeth yr arbenigwr offer sain yn y diwydiant.

Dechreuodd Alex o Gonwy yn LIPA fis Medi diwethaf, ar ôl ennill gradd rhagoriaeth ar gwrs Perfformio a Chynhyrchu Cerddoriaeth Lefel 3 ar gampws Coleg Llandrillo yn Llandrillo-yn-Rhos.

Dywedodd bod astudio yn y sefydliad enwog yn gwireddu breuddwyd.

“Mae'n teimlo ychydig yn haerllug i ofyn am fwy!” meddwi. “Mae gallu dilyn fy mreuddwyd mewn lle fel LIPA yn teimlo fel breuddwyd. Ond rydw i hefyd wedi dysgu ei bod yn bwysig creu fy nghyfleoedd fy hun.”

The scholarship means Alex will receive a financial bursary for his tuition at the world-renowned Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts, where he is in the second year of a BA (Hons) degree in Sound Technology.

He will also gain access to Sennheiser’s vast network of contacts, and benefit from the audio equipment specialist’s industry experience, expertise and mentorship.

Alex, from Conwy, started at LIPA last September, after gaining a distinction in his Level 3 Music Performance and Production at Coleg Llandrillo’s Rhos-on-Sea campus.

He said it’s a dream come true to be studying at the famous institution.

“It almost feels wrong to ask for more!” he said. “Being able to pursue my passion in a place like LIPA already feels like a dream. But I have also learned that it is important to create my own opportunities.”

The scholarship means Alex will receive a financial bursary for his tuition at the world-renowned Liverpool Institute for Performing Arts, where he is in the second year of a BA (Hons) degree in Sound Technology.

He will also gain access to Sennheiser’s vast network of contacts, and benefit from the audio equipment specialist’s industry experience, expertise and mentorship.

Alex, from Conwy, started at LIPA last September, after gaining a distinction in his Level 3 Music Performance and Production at Coleg Llandrillo’s Rhos-on-Sea campus.

He said it’s a dream come true to be studying at the famous institution.

“It almost feels wrong to ask for more!” he said. “Being able to pursue my passion in a place like LIPA already feels like a dream. But I have also learned that it is important to create my own opportunities.”

Mae Alex wedi adeiladu ei stiwdio recordio ei hun yng nghartref ei deulu yng Nghonwy, a hefyd wedi teithio i Frasil i recordio amrywiaeth o synau ar gyfer ei waith.

Fel rhan o’i gais am ysgoloriaeth Sennheiser roedd rhaid iddo gyflawni tasg greadigol; roedd ei brofiad blaenorol yng Ngholeg Llandrillo felly yn amhrisiadwy.

Meddai Alex: “Roedd hi'n dipyn o hwyl cymryd rhan yr ysgoloriaeth. Fe wnaethon ni gwblhau tasg ddylunio sain ar gyfer ffilm, rhywbeth oedd James Taylor wedi dysgu i mi yn un o’r modiwlau yng Ngholeg Llandrillo, felly roeddwn i wedi fy mharatoi'n rhyfeddol ar gyfer dod yma i LIPA ac ar gyfer ymgeisio am yr ysgoloriaeth.

“Doedd gen i ddim syniad am weithfannau sain digidol dair blynedd yn ôl pan ddechreuais i yng Ngholeg Llandrillo. Ond mi wnes i ganolbwyntio a gweithio'n galed. Dysgodd y cwrs beth i mi popeth roeddwn i angen ei wybod, ac rydw i mor ddiolchgar am hynny. Fyddwn i ddim lle rydw i heddiw oni bai am y cwrs yng Ngholeg Llandrillo.”

Creodd creadigrwydd a sgiliau technegol Alex argraff ar feirniaid yr ysgoloriaethau, gan gynnwys Rheolwr Cynllunio Strategol Sennheiser, Tim Sherratt.

Alex has built his own recording studio at his family home in Conwy, while he also travelled to Brazil to field-record an array of sounds for his work.

As part of his application for the Sennheiser scholarship he had to complete a creative task, and his previous experience at Coleg Llandrillo proved invaluable.

Alex said: “The scholarship was a blast to take part in. We did a sound design task for a film, which we were taught by James Taylor in one of our modules at Coleg Llandrillo, so that set me up amazingly for coming here to LIPA and for the scholarship.

“I didn’t have a clue about digital audio workstations three years ago when I first started at Coleg Llandrillo. But I got my head down and worked hard. The course gave me what I needed to know, and I’m so grateful for that. I wouldn’t be where I am now if it wasn’t for the course at Llandrillo.”

Alex’s creativity and technical skills impressed the scholarship judges, including Sennheiser’s strategic planning manager Tim Sherratt.

Alex has built his own recording studio at his family home in Conwy, while he also travelled to Brazil to field-record an array of sounds for his work.

As part of his application for the Sennheiser scholarship he had to complete a creative task, and his previous experience at Coleg Llandrillo proved invaluable.

Alex said: “The scholarship was a blast to take part in. We did a sound design task for a film, which we were taught by James Taylor in one of our modules at Coleg Llandrillo, so that set me up amazingly for coming here to LIPA and for the scholarship.

“I didn’t have a clue about digital audio workstations three years ago when I first started at Coleg Llandrillo. But I got my head down and worked hard. The course gave me what I needed to know, and I’m so grateful for that. I wouldn’t be where I am now if it wasn’t for the course at Llandrillo.”

Alex’s creativity and technical skills impressed the scholarship judges, including Sennheiser’s strategic planning manager Tim Sherratt.

Meddai Tim: “Gyda chyfuniad Alex o angerdd am fod yn greadigol ynghyd â'i hyfedredd technegol, rydw i'n hyderus y bydd yn ein swyno yn y dyfodol gyda'i greadigaethau, ym mha bynnag fformat y byddant yn dod i'r amlwg. Mae wedi fy ngadael yn chwilfrydig, a byddaf yn ei ddilyn yn agos.”

Dywedodd y Cynllunydd Sain Theatr, Ben Harrison, a oedd hefyd yn un o’r beirniaid: “Mae Alex yn hynod haeddiannol o’r ysgoloriaeth, ac edrychaf ymlaen at weld sut y bydd yn datblygu’n ei astudiaethau a’i yrfa gyda’r cyfleoedd a ddaw yn ei sgil.”

Meddai James Taylor, arweinydd y rhaglen Technoleg Cerddoriaeth Lefel 3 yng Ngholeg Llandrillo a chyn-diwtor Alex: “Llongyfarchiadau enfawr i Alex am y gamp wych hon.

“Gweithiodd Alex yn galed iawn pan oedd ar y cwrs Lefel 3 ac roedd bob amser yn dod o hyd i lwybrau cyffrous drwy'r prosiectau gwahanol a osodwyd gennym. Mae LIPA yn sefydliad uchel ei barch ynddo'i hun, ond mae sicrhau ysgoloriaeth Sennheiser yn rhywbeth arall! Da iawn Alex, rydyn ni'n edrych ymlaen at dy ddilyn dros y blynyddoedd nesaf gyda diddordeb mawr."

Mae Alex yn un o nifer o fyfyrwyr sydd wedi mynd ymlaen i LIPA yn y blynyddoedd diwethaf ar ôl cwblhau’r cwrs Perfformio a Chynhyrchu Cerddoriaeth yng Ngholeg Llandrillo.

Roedd Dylan Williams, a fu’n gweithio ar gystadleuaeth yr Eurovision Song Contest yn Lerpwl eleni, hefyd yn un o’r pump a gyrhaeddodd rownd derfynol yr ysgoloriaeth gydag Alex.

Mae Osian Jones a Lewis Clayton hefyd yn eu hail flwyddyn ar gwrs BA (Anrh) mewn Technoleg Sain gydag Alex, tra bod Julia Jastrzebska yn ei thrydedd flwyddyn ar yr un cwrs.

I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am y cwrs Perfformio a Chynhyrchu Cerddoriaeth Lefel 3 yng Ngholeg Llandrillo, cliciwch yma. Mae ceisiadau ar gyfer mynediad ym mis Medi 2024 yn agor ym mis Tachwedd.

Tim said: “With Alex’s combination of passion for the creative matched with his technical proficiency, I am confident he will delight us in the future with his creations, in whatever format they materialise. He has left me curious, and I will be following him closely.”

Theatre sound designer Ben Harrison, who was also one of the judges, said: “Alex is hugely deserving of the scholarship, and I look forward to seeing how he takes his studies and career forward with the opportunities it will bring him.”

James Taylor, programme leader for Level 3 Music Technology at Coleg Llandrillo and Alex’s former tutor, said: "A huge congratulations to Alex for this fantastic achievement.

“Alex worked very hard when on the L3 course and always found exciting routes through the different projects we set. LIPA is a highly regarded institution in itself, but to secure the Sennheiser scholarship is something else! Well done Alex, we look forward to watching your future years with great interest."

Alex is one of several students who have gone on to LIPA in recent years after completing the Music Performance and Production at Coleg Llandrillo.

Dylan Williams, who worked on the Eurovision Song Contest when it was held in Liverpool this year, joined Alex as one of five finalists for the scholarship.

Osian Jones and Lewis Clayton are also on the second year BA (Hons) in Sound Technology with Alex, while Julia Jastrzebska is in her third year of the same course.

For more information on the Level 3 Music Performance and Production course at Coleg Llandrillo, click here. Applications for September 2024 entry open in November.

Tim said: “With Alex’s combination of passion for the creative matched with his technical proficiency, I am confident he will delight us in the future with his creations, in whatever format they materialise. He has left me curious, and I will be following him closely.”

Theatre sound designer Ben Harrison, who was also one of the judges, said: “Alex is hugely deserving of the scholarship, and I look forward to seeing how he takes his studies and career forward with the opportunities it will bring him.”

James Taylor, programme leader for Level 3 Music Technology at Coleg Llandrillo and Alex’s former tutor, said: "A huge congratulations to Alex for this fantastic achievement.

“Alex worked very hard when on the L3 course and always found exciting routes through the different projects we set. LIPA is a highly regarded institution in itself, but to secure the Sennheiser scholarship is something else! Well done Alex, we look forward to watching your future years with great interest."

Alex is one of several students who have gone on to LIPA in recent years after completing the Music Performance and Production at Coleg Llandrillo.

Dylan Williams, who worked on the Eurovision Song Contest when it was held in Liverpool this year, joined Alex as one of five finalists for the scholarship.

Osian Jones and Lewis Clayton are also on the second year BA (Hons) in Sound Technology with Alex, while Julia Jastrzebska is in her third year of the same course.

For more information on the Level 3 Music Performance and Production course at Coleg Llandrillo, click here. Applications for September 2024 entry open in November.

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Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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