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Myfyrwyr Lefel A yn Mwynhau Ymweliad Theatr y Goleudy

Mynychodd myfyrwyr a staff Coleg Meirion Dwyfor berfformiad o The Many Lives of Amy Dillwyn’ nos Iau 10 Mawrth 2022 yn Neuadd Dwyfor, Pwllheli.

Cefnogwyd yr ymweliad gan Fenter Gaeaf Lles sy’n annog pobl ifanc i gymryd rhan mewn digwyddiadau cymdeithasol a diwylliannol. Mae gan yr adran Saesneg yn y Coleg berthynas hir gyda The Lighthouse Theatre sydd yn aml yn cynnig gweithdai i fyfyrwyr y coleg.

Cafwyd sgwrs gan gyd-gyfarwyddwyr y sioe, Sonia Beck ac Adrian Metcalfe cyn y sioe am y broses ysgrifennu.

Dywedodd Carys Hind, myfyrwraif Lefel A yng Ngholeg Meirion-Dwyfor Pwllheli

“Roedd y sgwrs cyn y sioe yn wych, a mi wnes i fwynhau’r ddrama’n fwy ar ôl clywed y drafodaeth ar sut yr ysgrifennwyd y ddrama o lythyrau a dyddiaduron Amy Dillwyn.”

Roedd gan Jacob Bruce , myfyriwr Lefel A yng Ngholeg Meirion-Dwyfor Pwllheli.

“Roedd o ddiddordeb mawr i mi cael cipolwg ar fywyd rhywun nad oeddwn erioed wedi clywed amdani o’r blaen.”

Cyflwynwyd y myfyrwyr i fywyd hynod ddiddorol Miss Elizabeth Amy Dillwyn a oedd yn nofelydd, yn sosialwr, yn swffragist ac yn ddynes busnes llewyrchus.

Ychwanegodd Jacob Bruce, myfyriwr Lefel A yng Ngholeg Meirion-Dwyfor Pwllheli.

“Mi wnes i fwynhau dysgu sut roedd yr actor yn dangos treigl amser ac roeddwn i'n hoffi'r modd yr oedd hi'n defnyddio’r synhwyrau i greu mwy nac un cymeriad, mewn sioe un person.”

Dywedodd Sam Paice, myfyrwraig Lefel A yng Ngholeg Meirion-Dwyfor Pwllheli

“Mi wnes i fwynhau’r ymweliad yn fawr, dyma'r tro cyntaf i mi weld cynhyrchiad byw ar tro cyntaf i mi ymweld a Neuadd Dwyfor ers dros 2 flynedd.”

Dywedodd Ceridwen Price Swyddog Celfyddydau Creadigol Neuadd Dwyfor

‘Rydym bob amser yn edrych ymlaen at groesawu Coleg Meirion Dwyfor Pwllheli. Roedd yn bleser eu cael yn y gynulleidfa ar gyfer ein sioe agoriadol The Many Lives of Amy Dillwyn ac yn ogystal ar gyfer sgwrs arbennig cyn y sioe gyda’r cast. Rydym yn gyffrous i barhau i weithio gyda’r coleg ac yn edrych ymlaen at weld y myfyrwyr yn dychwelyd yma ar gyfer eu hymarferion Drama yn fuan!

Rydym yr un mor gyffrous am y Sioe Gerdd ac yn edrych ymlaen at glywed pa gynhyrchiad y byddant yn dewis ei berfformio yn 2022. Gobeithio y bydd llawer mwy o ymweliadau â theatr fyw yn y dyfodol.'

I ddysgu mwy am ddarpariaeth lefe A y coleg, cliciwch ar y linc isod.

The English Department has a long standing relationship with The Lighthouse Theatre who always offer a workshop for college students about their latest production and we were delighted to support them as they returned to the boards.

Co-directors Sonia Beck and Adrian Metcalfe’s pre-show talk was about the writing process for the play’s monologue. Students are currently studying a creative writing module in their lectures.

Carys Hind A level student at CMD Pwllheli said

‘I found the talk enlightening and I enjoyed the play more for having heard the discussion on how it was written from Amy Dillwyn’s letters and diaries. I especially liked how the lighting turned to a warm yellow when she talked of her friendship with Olive.’

Jacob Bruce A level student at CMD Pwllheli said

‘I was very interested in gaining an insight into the life of someone I had never heard of before.’ The play took place during the week of International Women’s Day and students were introduced to the fascinating life of Miss Elizabeth Amy Dillwyn who was a novelist, socialite, suffragist and business woman.

Harriet Barton A level student at CMD Pwllheli said

'I enjoyed ‘the conversation with the actor and writers who gave an amazing insight into the writing process as well as the context for the play. I enjoyed how the actor displayed the passing of time and I liked how she created the sense of many characters despite being a one woman show.’

Sam Paice A level student at CMD Pwllheli said

‘I enjoyed the theatre trip last night, it was the first time I had seen a live production and been to Neuadd Dwyfor for over 2 years.’ It was a pleasure to see so many young people gathering in the foyer and enjoying live theatre again.

Ceridwen Price, Creative Arts officer for Neuadd Dwyfor commented,

‘We always look forward to welcoming Coleg Meirion Dwyfor, Pwllheli. It was a pleasure to have them in the audience for our opening show The Many Lives of Amy Dillwyn as well as for a special pre-show talk with the cast. We are excited to continue working with the college and are looking forward to seeing the students return here for their Drama rehearsals soon!

We are equally excited about the Sioe Gerdd and can’t wait to hear which production they choose to perform in 2022. Hopefully there will be many more visits to live theatre in the future.'

For more information about our A level provision click on the link below.

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