Cynnal seremoni er mwyn cydnabod gwaith rhagorol yr uned Technoleg Diwydiannau'r Tir
Cafwyd seremoni ffarwelio gyda myfyrwyr o’r adran Technoleg Diwidianau’r Tir yng Nglynllifon yn ddiweddar. Cafwyd cyfle i ddiolch i’r myfyrwyr oedd wedi cwblhau’r cyrsiau Lefel 2 a Lefel 3 a hynny o dan amgylchiadau heriol iawn, yn sgil y pandemig byd-eang.
Dywedodd Esmor Wyn Hughes, Cydlynydd BTEC Diploma Estynedig Lefel 3 mewn Amaethyddiaeth.
“Mae dyfalbarhad y myfyrwyr yn ystod y flwyddyn a aeth heibio i’w ganmol yn fawr iawn. Mae’r cwrs BTEC hwn yn golygu llawer o waith ymarferol, yn y gweithdy, ac oherwydd cyfyngiadau cofid, tydi hynny heb fod yn bosib drwy’r holl flwyddyn. Ond er gwaethaf hynny, mae’r myfyrwyr wedi dangos dygnwch a dyfalbarhad.”
Ychwanegodd –
“Mae cynnal digwyddiad fel hwn, fel ein bod ni fel Coleg yn gallu dangos ein gwerthfawrogiad i’r myfyrwyr yn bwysig iawn i ni fel adran. Derbyniodd pob un o’r myfyrwyr dystysgrif, a derbyniodd rhai cydnabyddiaeth ychwanegol, oherwydd eu gwaith arbennig yn ystod y flwyddyn academaidd a aeth heibio.”
Cafwyd cystadlaethau ar y diwrnod hefyd oedd yn cynnwys gyrru tractor, gyrru Telescopic handler a defnyddio’r Simulator weldio.
Enillwyr y cystadlaethau hyn oedd -
Lefel 2 Peirianneg Diwydiannau'r Tir - Iolo Jones Evans
Lefel 3 Peirianneg Diwydiannau'r Tir (Blwyddyn 1) - Tomos Price
Lefel 3 Peirianneg Diwydiannau'r Tir (Blwyddyn 2) - Bedwyr Tomos Davies
Dyfarnwyd gwobrau i’r unigolion canlynol am waith ac ymdrech arbennig yn ystod y flwyddyn academaidd
Lefel 2
Myfyrwyr yn dangos datblygiad gorau - Sion Parker
Myfyriwr y flwyddyn - Iolo Jones Evans
Lefel 3
Datblygiad Gorau - Gwilym Welsh
Myfyriwr Ymarferol gorau - Guto Brady
Myfyriwr wedi dangos yr ymroddiad gorau tuag at y cwrs - Osian Robert Huw Jones.
Myfyriwr y flwyddyn- Bedwyr Tomos Davies
Diolch i’r cwmniau canlynol am noddi’r achlysur.
GNH Agri, Emyr Evans and company, Eifion Hughes.
Esmor Wyn Hughes, BTEC Co-ordinator Level 3 Extended Diploma in Agriculture, said.
“The perseverance of students over the past year has been highly commended. This BTEC course involves a lot of practical work, in the workshop, and due to constraints, this had not been possible all year round. But despite that, the students have shown endurance and perseverance. ”
He added -
“Holding an event like this, so that we as a College can show our appreciation to the students is very important to us as a department. All the students received a certificate, and some received additional recognition, for their outstanding work during the past academic year. ”
There were also competitions on the day which included tractor driving, driving a Telescopic handler and using the welding Simulator.
The winners of these competitions were -
Level 2 Land-based Engineering - Iolo Jones Evans
Level 3 Land-based Engineering (Year 1) - Tomos Price
Level 3 Land-based Engineering (Year 2) - Bedwyr Tomos Davies
Awards were made to the following individuals for outstanding work and effort during the academic year
Level 2
Best development - Sion Parker
Student of the year - Iolo Jones Evans
Level 3
Best Development – Gwilym Welsh
Best Practical Student - Guto Brady
Student has shown the best commitment to the course - Osian Robert Huw Jones.
Student of the year- Bedwyr Tomos Davies
Thanks to the following companies for sponsoring the event.
Esmor Wyn Hughes, BTEC Co-ordinator Level 3 Extended Diploma in Agriculture, said.
“The perseverance of students over the past year has been highly commended. This BTEC course involves a lot of practical work, in the workshop, and due to constraints, this had not been possible all year round. But despite that, the students have shown endurance and perseverance. ”
He added -
“Holding an event like this, so that we as a College can show our appreciation to the students is very important to us as a department. All the students received a certificate, and some received additional recognition, for their outstanding work during the past academic year. ”
There were also competitions on the day which included tractor driving, driving a Telescopic handler and using the welding Simulator.
The winners of these competitions were -
Level 2 Land-based Engineering - Iolo Jones Evans
Level 3 Land-based Engineering (Year 1) - Tomos Price
Level 3 Land-based Engineering (Year 2) - Bedwyr Tomos Davies
Awards were made to the following individuals for outstanding work and effort during the academic year
Level 2
Best development - Sion Parker
Student of the year - Iolo Jones Evans
Level 3
Best Development – Gwilym Welsh
Best Practical Student - Guto Brady
Student has shown the best commitment to the course - Osian Robert Huw Jones.
Student of the year- Bedwyr Tomos Davies
Thanks to the following companies for sponsoring the event.