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Chloe'n Profi Llwyddiant yn y Diwydiant Adeiladu

Prentis sydd ar ail flwyddyn ei chwrs Gwaith Saer yng Ngholeg Menai yw Chloe Bidwell ac mae'n gwneud popeth yn ei gallu i brofi bod merched yn gallu llwyddo yn y diwydiant.

Ar ôl ennill medal Aur yng nghategori Gwaith Asiedydd rownd derfynol Cystadleuaeth Sgiliau Cymru'n ddiweddar, mae Chloe'n sicr ar ei ffordd i fod yn grefftwr llwyddiannus iawn. Yn y gystadleuaeth roedd rhaid i Chloe adeiladu ffrâm gan ddefnyddio uniadau mortais, tyno a bagl, ac yna torri a ffitio gleiniau gwydro i'w ffrâm. Bydd Chloe yn cystadlu nesaf yn rowndiau rhagbrofol 'Go Construct Skillbuild' sy'n cael eu cynnal ar gampws Coleg Menai yn Llangefni ar 8 Mehefin.

Mae Chloe yn brentis gyda'r darparwr llety myfyrwyr 'Varcity Living' ym Mangor ac yn ddiweddar fe'i gwahoddwyd i gymryd rhan mewn podcast ar y diwydiant Adeiladu.

Mae 'Construction Talk' yn cael ei gyflwyno gan Peter Haddock sy'n newyddiadurwr ym maes Adeiladu ac yn y podcast mae Chloe yn trafod sut y dechreuodd ymddiddori mewn gwaith saer, ei phrentisiaeth gyda Choleg Menai, a'i phrofiadau yn y gweithle. Gallwch wrando ar y podcast yma.

Meddai Chloe:

“Hyd yma, mae'n debyg mai rhan orau fy mhrofiad fel prentis yw'r cystadlaethau gan eu bod wedi fy annog i wneud rhywbeth hollol wahanol a chystadlu yn erbyn llwyth o bobl eraill. Rydw i wedi mwynhau dysgu pethau newydd a fydd yn fy helpu i wella fy sgiliau i gyd trwy gydol fy ngyrfa."

Dywedodd Dyfed Jones, Dirprwy Reolwr y Maes Rhaglen Adeiladu yng Ngholeg Menai:

"Mae'n wych gweld Chloe'n cael y fath lwyddiant ar ei phrentisiaeth, yn profi ei hun ar lefel genedlaethol yng Nghystadleuaeth Sgiliau Cymru ac yn ennill medal Aur!

"Mae Chloe'n ysbrydoliaeth i'n dysgwyr i gyd, ac yn dangos beth y gall sgiliau a gwaith caled ei gyflawni.

"Rydyn ni yng Ngholeg Menai yn falch o'i chefnogi ar ei thaith, ac mae ei chyflogwr, Varcity Living ym Mangor, yr un mor awyddus i weld Chloe yn cymryd rhan mewn cystadlaethau sgiliau."

Having won the Gold medal award in Joinery at the Skills Competition Wales national final recently, Chloe is on track to become an extremely successful tradesperson. The competition saw Chloe having to construct a frame using mortice, tenon, and bridle joints, and cut and fix glazing beads to their frame. Chloe is due to next compete at the ‘Go Construct Skillbuild’ heats, which are to be held at Coleg Menai’s Llangefni campus on June 8th.

Chloe is completing her apprenticeship with Bangor-based student accommodation provider ‘Varcity Living’, and was recently invited to be interviewed for a Construction podcast.

The ‘Construction Talk’ podcast, run by Construction Journalist Peter Haddock, discusses how Chloe began her journey as a carpenter and her apprenticeship with Coleg Menai, and her experience in the workplace. You can listen to the podcast here.

Chloe said,

“Doing the competitions has probably been the best part of my apprenticeship experience so far - as they have encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone and compete against lots of other people.”

“I have really enjoyed learning new things that will help to improve all of my skills throughout my career.”

Dyfed Jones, Deputy Program Area Manager for Construction at Coleg Menai, said,

“It's fantastic to see Chloe’s great success in her apprenticeship, testing herself nationally within the Skills Wales Competition and winning the Gold!”

“Chloe is an inspiration to our learners, showcasing what her skills and talents can achieve. We at Coleg Menai are proud to be supporting her along her journey, and her employer, Varcity Living Bangor are equally supportive in allowing Chloe to take part in the skills competition”.

Having won the Gold medal award in Joinery at the Skills Competition Wales national final recently, Chloe is on track to become an extremely successful tradesperson. The competition saw Chloe having to construct a frame using mortice, tenon, and bridle joints, and cut and fix glazing beads to their frame. Chloe is due to next compete at the ‘Go Construct Skillbuild’ heats, which are to be held at Coleg Menai’s Llangefni campus on June 8th.

Chloe is completing her apprenticeship with Bangor-based student accommodation provider ‘Varcity Living’, and was recently invited to be interviewed for a Construction podcast.

The ‘Construction Talk’ podcast, run by Construction Journalist Peter Haddock, discusses how Chloe began her journey as a carpenter and her apprenticeship with Coleg Menai, and her experience in the workplace. You can listen to the podcast here.

Chloe said,

“Doing the competitions has probably been the best part of my apprenticeship experience so far - as they have encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone and compete against lots of other people.”

“I have really enjoyed learning new things that will help to improve all of my skills throughout my career.”

Dyfed Jones, Deputy Program Area Manager for Construction at Coleg Menai, said,

“It's fantastic to see Chloe’s great success in her apprenticeship, testing herself nationally within the Skills Wales Competition and winning the Gold!”

“Chloe is an inspiration to our learners, showcasing what her skills and talents can achieve. We at Coleg Menai are proud to be supporting her along her journey, and her employer, Varcity Living Bangor are equally supportive in allowing Chloe to take part in the skills competition”.

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