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Gallai dewis gyrfa ym maes chwaraeon antur awyr agored arwain at yr antur orau un!

Mae tirwedd drawiadol Gogledd Cymru yn amgylchedd perffaith i gynnig addysg arbenigol a chyfleoedd unigryw i bobl ennill cyflog, byw a dysgu mewn tirlun hardd a naturiol.

Mae sector twristiaeth awyr agored Gogledd Cymru yn tyfu ac mae cyflogwyr blaenllaw yn dewis buddsoddi mewn talent ifanc a'u datblygu i lenwi swyddi gwag yn y sector. Mae gyrfaoedd yn y sector antur awyr agored yng Ngogledd Cymru yn cynnig cyfleoedd cyffrous i sicrhau cyflogaeth tymor hir gyda'r fantais ychwanegol o ddysgu mwy am y secor.

Mae nifer o arbenigwyr cyffrous Gogledd Cymru yn awyddus i rannu eu profiadau ym maes chwaraeon antur awyr agored i ysgogi pobl i fynd amdani a gwneud y mwyaf o'r cyfleoedd sydd ar gael i sicrhau gyrfa gyffrous ac amrywiol.

Ers sefydlu'r Bartneriaeth Awyr Agored 17 mlynedd yn ôl mae Tracey Evans, Prif Weithredwr y Bartneriaeth, wedi gweld mwy a mwy o bobl ifanc yn ennyn diddordeb, yn gwirfoddoli ac yn gweithio yn y sector gweithgareddau awyr agored. Dywedodd Tracey bod 'mwy o gyfleoedd ar gael yn y sector gweithgareddau awyr agored heddiw nag erioed o’r blaen a does unman gwell na Gogledd Cymru i ddysgu a gweithio'.

Cychwynnodd diddordeb Mark Jones sy'n Rheolwr Rhaglen y Bartneriaeth Awyr Agored ym maes chwaraeon antur awyr agored wedi iddo wirfoddoli mewn canolfannau addysg awyr agored yng Ngwynedd. Yna, aeth yn ei flaen i hyfforddi ymhellach drwy astudio Gradd Sylfaen mewn Anturiaethau Awyr Agored yng Ngholeg Menai Bangor.

Cychwynnodd Drew Hollins Roberts weithio yn Zip World fel hyfforddwr awyr agored yn 2015. Erbyn hyn mae Drew yn cydlynu gwaith recriwtio a hyfforddi Zip World yn y brif swyddfa. Astudiodd Drew gwrs chwaraeon awyr agored yng Ngholeg Llandrillo, Llandrillo-yn-Rhos cyn mynd ymlaen i ennill gradd. Meddai: 'Dw i wedi dod o hyd i amrywiaeth eang o swyddi y gallwch eu gwneud yn y sector hwn yn ogystal â chyfleoedd gwych i feithrin sgiliau newydd. Nid dim ond swyddi yn ystod tymor y gwyliau, ond gyrfaoedd tymor hir."

Hyfforddwr gweithgareddau awyr agored yng Nglan-llyn yw Glesni Jones a fu'n astudio cwrs addysg awyr agored ar gampws Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor yn Nolgellau. Yng Nglan-llyn mae elfen ychwanegol o allu gweithio drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg a rhannu gwybodaeth am yr iaith Gymraeg, ei diwylliant a'i hanes.

Mae Glan-llyn yn rhoi pwyslais mawr ar ddatblygu gyrfaoedd drwy ei bartneriaeth addysgol gyda Grŵp Llandrillo Menai. Mae’r ganolfan yn cynnig addysg a hyfforddiant ochr yn ochr â gwaith cyflogedig ym maes antur awyr agored. Mae hyn yn cynnig profiadau a chyfleoedd gwerthfawr i allu ennyn cymwysterau hyd at lefel gradd gan herio dysgwyr i roi'r gwaith theori maen nhw wedi'i ddysgu yn y coleg ar waith wrth gymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau ymarferol yng Nghlan-llyn.

Nicole Ramsden yw Rheolwr AD a Hyfforddiant Parc Antur Eryri, sy'n gartref i lagŵn syrffio cyntaf y byd ar y tir yn ogystal â nifer o weithgareddau antur awyr agored eraill... Meddai: “Mae'n gyfle i chi gyfarfod â chymaint o wahanol bobl o bob lliw a llun ac mae'r swyddi hyn hefyd yn cynnig cyfleoedd gwych i ddatblygu sgiliau a magu hyder i weithio ledled y byd."

Os ydych chi'n barod am yrfa tymor hir cyffrous ym maes chwaraeon antur awyr agored anfonwch e-bost i am gyngor ac arweiniad ar sut i fynd ati i ddechrau hyfforddi a chychwyn ar un o anturiaethau mwyaf eich bywyd.

North Wales’ outdoor tourism sector is growing, and leading employers are choosing to invest in, and develop, future talent to fill job vacancies within the sector. Careers in North Wales’ outdoor adventure sector provide exciting opportunities for long term employment with the added benefit of career-connected learning.

Many of North Wales’ leading experts are eager to share their experiences in outdoor adventure sport to inspire people to take the leap, and embrace an exciting and vibrant career journey.

Since establishing The Outdoor Partnership 17 years ago, Tracey Evans, CEO, has seen more and more local young people becoming interested, volunteering and working in the outdoor activities sector. Tracey said that “opportunities within the outdoor activity sector are greater now than ever before, and what better place to learn and work than North Wales”.

Mark Jones, who is Programme Manager for The Outdoor Partnership, initially became interested in outdoor adventure sport careers after volunteering at outdoor education centres in Gwynedd. He later advanced his training by studying a Foundation Degree in Outdoor Pursuits at Coleg Menai in Bangor.

Drew Hollins Roberts started working for Zip World as an outdoor instructor in 2015. Drew now coordinates Zip World's recruitment and training at their head office. Drew studied an outdoor sports course at Coleg Llandrillo in Rhos-on-Sea and went on to achieve a degree. He explains: “I’ve discovered a broad range of roles that you can undertake within this sector, with endless possibilities for gaining new skills. It's not just a seasonal job like people think, it's a long-term career.”

Glesni Jones is an outdoor activity instructor at Glan-llyn who studied on an outdoor education course at Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor’s Dolgellau campus. At Glan-llyn there is an additional element of working through the medium of Welsh, and transferring knowledge of language, culture and history.

Glan-llyn actively encourages career development through its educational partnership with Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, offering education and training alongside paid outdoor adventure sports careers at the centre. This enables valuable experiences and opportunities to gain qualifications up to degree level, challenging learners to apply the theory learnt at college with practical experiences at Glan-llyn.

Nicole Ramsden is the HR & Training Manager for Adventure Parc Snowdonia, which is home to the world's first inland surf lagoon amongst other outdoor adventure activities. She said: “Not only do you get to meet so many different people from all walks of life, but these roles also provide great opportunities to develop skills and build confidence to work all over the world."

If you’re ready for an exciting long-term career in outdoor adventure sport, email for advice and guidance on how you can start training for what could be the greatest adventure of your life.

North Wales’ outdoor tourism sector is growing, and leading employers are choosing to invest in, and develop, future talent to fill job vacancies within the sector. Careers in North Wales’ outdoor adventure sector provide exciting opportunities for long term employment with the added benefit of career-connected learning.

Many of North Wales’ leading experts are eager to share their experiences in outdoor adventure sport to inspire people to take the leap, and embrace an exciting and vibrant career journey.

Since establishing The Outdoor Partnership 17 years ago, Tracey Evans, CEO, has seen more and more local young people becoming interested, volunteering and working in the outdoor activities sector. Tracey said that “opportunities within the outdoor activity sector are greater now than ever before, and what better place to learn and work than North Wales”.

Mark Jones, who is Programme Manager for The Outdoor Partnership, initially became interested in outdoor adventure sport careers after volunteering at outdoor education centres in Gwynedd. He later advanced his training by studying a Foundation Degree in Outdoor Pursuits at Coleg Menai in Bangor.

Drew Hollins Roberts started working for Zip World as an outdoor instructor in 2015. Drew now coordinates Zip World's recruitment and training at their head office. Drew studied an outdoor sports course at Coleg Llandrillo in Rhos-on-Sea and went on to achieve a degree. He explains: “I’ve discovered a broad range of roles that you can undertake within this sector, with endless possibilities for gaining new skills. It's not just a seasonal job like people think, it's a long-term career.”

Glesni Jones is an outdoor activity instructor at Glan-llyn who studied on an outdoor education course at Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor’s Dolgellau campus. At Glan-llyn there is an additional element of working through the medium of Welsh, and transferring knowledge of language, culture and history.

Glan-llyn actively encourages career development through its educational partnership with Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, offering education and training alongside paid outdoor adventure sports careers at the centre. This enables valuable experiences and opportunities to gain qualifications up to degree level, challenging learners to apply the theory learnt at college with practical experiences at Glan-llyn.

Nicole Ramsden is the HR & Training Manager for Adventure Parc Snowdonia, which is home to the world's first inland surf lagoon amongst other outdoor adventure activities. She said: “Not only do you get to meet so many different people from all walks of life, but these roles also provide great opportunities to develop skills and build confidence to work all over the world."

If you’re ready for an exciting long-term career in outdoor adventure sport, email for advice and guidance on how you can start training for what could be the greatest adventure of your life.

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