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Myfyrwyr CMD Lefel A yn Cael Mynediad i Ysgol Wyddoniaeth Prifysgol Bangor

Yn ddiweddar, cafodd myfyrwyr Lefel A Seicoleg Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor fynediad i Ysgol Gwyddorau Dynol ac Ymddygiad Prifysgol Bangor, ar ôl cwblhau wythnos o leoliad gwaith yno.

Roedd yr wythnos yn cynnwys ystod eang o weithgareddau pwrpasol: gan gynnwys amrywiaeth o ddarlithoedd, teithiau labordy, seminarau a thiwtorialau - i gyd wedi'u cynllunio i roi cipolwg o brofiad o fod yn fyfyriwr prifysgol ym Mangor.

Fe wnaeth Leah Rowlands a Hana Evans, sy’n fyfyrwyr Lefel A ar gampws Pwllheli Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor, fwynhau eu profiadau’n fawr.

Dywedodd Leah Rowlands: “Mae’r wythnos o brofiad gwaith ym Mhrifysgol Bangor wedi datblygu ymhellach fy nealltwriaeth o faes eang seicoleg. Rhoddodd y daith labordy agoriadol a ddarparwyd gan yr Athro Debbie Mills gipolwg gwirioneddol ar fywyd myfyriwr ym Mangor: sydd yn ymarferol, heriol ac unigryw.

“Cafodd gweithgareddau ymarferol fel darlith Dr Kami Koldewyn ar ‘yr hyn y mae’r llygaid yn ei ddweud wrthym am yr ymennydd’ sylw llawn pob myfyriwr, wrth i ni gael y cyfle i ddefnyddio’r dechnoleg sydd newydd ei datblygu ein hunain, a thrwy hynny datblygu ein dealltwriaeth o sut mae’r ymennydd. yn ymateb i wahanol ysgogiadau.”

“Roedd hyn yn gysylltiedig â darlith seicoleg a roddwyd gan Delyth Kerr, yn dangos sut mae technegau marchnata yn cael eu defnyddio, ar ôl ymchwil hir ar sut mae'r ymennydd yn cymryd i mewn ac yn ymateb i wahanol wybodaeth. Roedd hyn yn arbennig o ddiddorol i mi gan fy mod yn ceisio arbenigo mewn seicoleg defnyddwyr yn fy ngyrfa yn y dyfodol. Rwy’n teimlo’n ddiolchgar iawn am y cyfle o fod wedi cymryd rhan yn yr wythnos profiad gwaith ym Mangor, ac yn ddiolchgar iawn i’r staff, yn enwedig Dr Emma Hughes-Parry, a wnaeth y profiad hwn yn un hawdd a phleserus”.

Gorffennodd Hana Evans: “Roedd yr wythnos yn llawn darlithoedd, seminarau a gweithgareddau diddorol, ac yn cynnwys teithiau o amgylch y campws a’r labordai. Cawsom wybod am feysydd cwnsela, seicoleg glinigol a seicoleg defnyddwyr, a hefyd astudiwyd effeithiau cyffuriau ar yr ymennydd. Roedd yn brofiad a ddangosodd lawer o wahanol lwybrau gyrfa seicoleg a hefyd yn rhoi cipolwg ar fywyd myfyriwr seicoleg ym Mangor.”

I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am ein holl gyrsiau Safon Uwch yn CMD, cliciwch ar y ddolen isod.


The whirlwind week included an itinerary comprising a wide range of bespoke activities: including a variety of lectures, laboratory tours, seminars and tutorials - all designed to give each college student an insight into the experience of being a university student at Bangor.

Leah Rowlands and Hana Evans, who are A-level students at Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor’s Pwllheli campus, thoroughly enjoyed their experiences.

Leah Rowlands said: “The week of work experience at Bangor University has further developed my understanding of the vast field of psychology. The eye-opening lab tour provided by Professor Debbie Mills gave a true insight into how student life is at Bangor: hands-on, challenging, and unique.

“Practical activities such as Dr Kami Koldewyn’s lecture on ‘what the eyes tell us about the brain’ captured every student's full attention, as we were given the opportunity to use the newly-developed technology ourselves, thus gaining a greater understanding of how the brain reacts to different stimuli.”

“This was linked to a consumer psychology lecture given by Delyth Kerr, showing how marketing techniques are used, after lengthy research on how the brain takes in and reacts to different information. This was especially interesting to me as I’m seeking to specialise in consumer psychology in my future career. I feel very grateful for the opportunity to have partaken in the work experience week at Bangor, and am very thankful to the staff, especially Dr Emma Hughes-Parry, who made this experience easy and enjoyable”.

Hana Evans concluded: “The week was full of lectures, seminars and interesting activities, and included tours of the campus and laboratories. We had insights into the fields of counselling, clinical psychology and consumer psychology, and also studied the effects of recreational drugs on the brain. It was an overall experience that showcased many different psychology career paths and also provided an insight into the life of a psychology student in Bangor.”

For more information about all our A-level courses at CMD, please click on the link below.


The whirlwind week included an itinerary comprising a wide range of bespoke activities: including a variety of lectures, laboratory tours, seminars and tutorials - all designed to give each college student an insight into the experience of being a university student at Bangor.

Leah Rowlands and Hana Evans, who are A-level students at Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor’s Pwllheli campus, thoroughly enjoyed their experiences.

Leah Rowlands said: “The week of work experience at Bangor University has further developed my understanding of the vast field of psychology. The eye-opening lab tour provided by Professor Debbie Mills gave a true insight into how student life is at Bangor: hands-on, challenging, and unique.

“Practical activities such as Dr Kami Koldewyn’s lecture on ‘what the eyes tell us about the brain’ captured every student's full attention, as we were given the opportunity to use the newly-developed technology ourselves, thus gaining a greater understanding of how the brain reacts to different stimuli.”

“This was linked to a consumer psychology lecture given by Delyth Kerr, showing how marketing techniques are used, after lengthy research on how the brain takes in and reacts to different information. This was especially interesting to me as I’m seeking to specialise in consumer psychology in my future career. I feel very grateful for the opportunity to have partaken in the work experience week at Bangor, and am very thankful to the staff, especially Dr Emma Hughes-Parry, who made this experience easy and enjoyable”.

Hana Evans concluded: “The week was full of lectures, seminars and interesting activities, and included tours of the campus and laboratories. We had insights into the fields of counselling, clinical psychology and consumer psychology, and also studied the effects of recreational drugs on the brain. It was an overall experience that showcased many different psychology career paths and also provided an insight into the life of a psychology student in Bangor.”

For more information about all our A-level courses at CMD, please click on the link below.


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