Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logosColeg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logos

Coleg Glynllifon ar frig gwobrau cenedlaethol y Gymdeithas Goedwigaeth Frenhinol.

Rydym yn falch o gadarnhau, bod Adran Goedwigaeth Coleg Glynllifon wedi ennill y fedal aur am ei darpariaeth addysgol ragorol ar ei chyrsiau lefel 2 a 3 Rheoli Coedwigaeth a Chefn Gwlad gan y Gymdeithas Goedwigaeth Frenhinol.

Rhoddir Gwobr Rhagoriaeth Addysg a Dysgu'r Gymdeithas yn flynyddol i gydnabod y rhai sy'n cynyddu ymwybyddiaeth, dealltwriaeth a sgiliau sy'n gysylltiedig â'r amgylchedd, yn enwedig coedwigaeth, a'r cysylltiad rhwng coed a chynhyrchion pren.

Dywedodd panel beirniadu’r wobr -

“Mae'r ffordd y mae'r gymuned leol yn cysylltu â'r coleg i ymgysylltu myfyrwyr â'u prosiectau, a gan gyflogwyr sy'n chwilio am ddarpar weithwyr yn y dyfodol yn syth o'r coleg, yn dangos pa mor uchel eu parch ydi’r cyrsiau hyn ar draws y sectorau coedwigaeth, cadwraeth a thirwedd. Da iawn Coleg Glynliffon! ”

Dywedodd Jeff Jones, Darlithydd ar y cwrs rheoli Coedwigaeth a Chefn Gwlad yn Glynllifon,

“Mae'r Adran Goedwigaeth yn Glynllifon yn hynod falch o dderbyn y wobr hon.

"Mae gan Goleg Glynllifon ystâd wych gyda fferm weithredol o dros 110 hectar (ha) o goetir cymysg. Mae myfyrwyr yn cymryd rhan mewn rheoli'r coetir ac yn ennill profiad gwerthfawr o ddydd i ddydd."

“Rhoddir ystod eang o weithgareddau ymarferol i fyfyrwyr. Mae hyn yn cynnwys defnyddio ein melin lif statig Mebor i brosesu pren ar yr ystâd, a ddefnyddio technoleg newydd fel offer mensuration Haglof.

“Mae gweithio gyda diwydiant yn rhan bwysig o brofiad y myfyriwr. Rydym yn gwerthfawrogi'r gefnogaeth a gawn gan gwmnïau lleol i ddarparu lleoliadau profiad gwaith gwerthfawr a chaniatáu ymweliadau myfyrwyr i ddysgu am y sector coedwigaeth a chefn gwlad. "

Mwy o wybodaeth am ein cyrsiau Coedwigaeth YMA

The Grŵp Llandrillo Menai site won the gold medal for “excellent educational provision” on its Forestry and Countryside Management courses (Levels 2 and 3).

The Royal Forestry Society Education and Learning Excellence Award recognises those who increase awareness, understanding and skills related to the environment, particularly forestry, and the link between trees and wood products.

The judging panel for the award stated: “The way the college is approached by the local community to engage students with their projects, and by employers seeking potential future employees straight from the college, demonstrates how highly thought of these courses are across the forestry, conservation, landscape and nursery sectors. Well done Coleg Glynliffon!”

Jeff Jones, lecturer on the Forestry and Countryside Management course at Glynllifon said: “The Forestry department at Glynllifon is extremely proud and honoured to receive this award. Coleg Glynllifon has a fantastic estate with a working farm and over 110 hectares of mixed woodland. Students take part in managing the woodland on a day-to-day basis, gaining valuable industry experience.

“Students are also given a wide range of practical activities. These range from using our static Mebor sawmill to process timber on the estate, through to using new technology such as Haglof mensuration equipment.

“Working with industry is an important part of the student experience. We appreciate the support we receive from local companies for providing valuable work experience placements and allowing student visits to learn about the forestry and countryside sector.”

For more details on any courses starting at Coleg Glynllifon, visit: telephone: 01286 830 261 or email:

The Grŵp Llandrillo Menai site won the gold medal for “excellent educational provision” on its Forestry and Countryside Management courses (Levels 2 and 3).

The Royal Forestry Society Education and Learning Excellence Award recognises those who increase awareness, understanding and skills related to the environment, particularly forestry, and the link between trees and wood products.

The judging panel for the award stated: “The way the college is approached by the local community to engage students with their projects, and by employers seeking potential future employees straight from the college, demonstrates how highly thought of these courses are across the forestry, conservation, landscape and nursery sectors. Well done Coleg Glynliffon!”

Jeff Jones, lecturer on the Forestry and Countryside Management course at Glynllifon said: “The Forestry department at Glynllifon is extremely proud and honoured to receive this award. Coleg Glynllifon has a fantastic estate with a working farm and over 110 hectares of mixed woodland. Students take part in managing the woodland on a day-to-day basis, gaining valuable industry experience.

“Students are also given a wide range of practical activities. These range from using our static Mebor sawmill to process timber on the estate, through to using new technology such as Haglof mensuration equipment.

“Working with industry is an important part of the student experience. We appreciate the support we receive from local companies for providing valuable work experience placements and allowing student visits to learn about the forestry and countryside sector.”

For more details on any courses starting at Coleg Glynllifon, visit: telephone: 01286 830 261 or email:

Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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