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Adran Goedwigaeth Coleg Glynllifon yn cael eu dewis fel y gorau o’r goreuon gan y Gymdeithas Goedwigaeth Frenhinol.

Mae adran Goedwigaeth a Rheolaeth Cefn Gwlad Coleg Glynllifon wedi ennill gwobr arbennig gan y Gymdeithas Goedwigaeth Frenhinol.

Yn dilyn pum mlynedd o gystadlaethau rhanbarthol mewn rhagoriaeth yn y maes, aeth yr enillwyr mewn pum categori gwahanol benben yn erbyn eu gilydd eleni.

Ers 140 o flynyddoedd, mae'r Gymdeithas wedi ymroi i rannu gwybodaeth am gelfyddyd a gwyddor rheoli coetir fel bod doethineb a phrofiad cronedig tirfeddianwyr, coedwigwyr, coedwyr ac eraill yn cael eu trosglwyddo o un genhedlaeth i'r llall.

Dewiswyd Coleg Glynllifon fel un o’r sefydliadau addysg a dysgu gorau drwy’r holl wlad i gynnig cyrsiau coedwigaeth a rheolaeth cefn gwlad.

Dywedodd Jeff Jones, Pennaeth adran Coedwigaeth a Rheolaeth Cefn Gwlad o Goleg Glynllifon:

“Mae Adran Goedwigaeth Coleg Glynllifon yn hynod o falch o dderbyn y wobr hon.

“Mae gan Goleg Glynllifon stad wych gyda fferm weithiol a thros 110ha o goetir cymysg, mae myfyrwyr yn cymryd rhan mewn rheoli’r coetir ac yn cael profiad gwerthfawr o ddydd i ddydd.

“Mae myfyrwyr yn cael ystod mor eang â phosibl o weithgareddau ymarferol o ddefnyddio ein melin lifio Mebor statig i brosesu pren ar yr ystâd gan ddefnyddio technoleg newydd fel offer mesur Hagloff.

“Mae gweithio gyda diwydiant yn rhan bwysig o brofiad y myfyrwyr, rydym yn gwerthfawrogi’r gefnogaeth a gawn gan gwmnïau lleol ar gyfer darparu lleoliadau profiad gwaith gwerthfawr a chaniatáu i ymweliadau myfyrwyr ddysgu am y sector coedwigaeth a chefn gwlad.”

Os hoffet ti wybod mwy am gyrsiau Coedwigaeth a Rheolaeth Cefn Gwlad sydd a’r gael yn y coleg, clicia YMA.

Following five years of regional competitions in excellence in the field, the winners in five different categories went head to head against each other this year.

For 140 years, the Society has been dedicated to sharing knowledge about the art and science of woodland management so that the accumulated wisdom and experience of landowners, foresters, woodcutters and others is passed on from one generation to the next.

Coleg Glynllifon was chosen as one of the best education and learning institutions throughout the country to offer forestry and countryside management courses.

Jeff Jones, Head of Forestry and Countryside Management at Coleg Glynllifon said:

"The Forestry Department of Coleg Glynllifon is extremely proud to receive this award.

"Glynllifon College has a great estate with a working farm and over 110ha of mixed woodland, students take part in managing the woodland and gain valuable experience day to day.

"Students get as wide a range of practical activities as possible from using our static Mebor sawmill to processing wood on the estate using new technology such as Hagloff measuring equipment.

"Working with industry is an important part of the students' experience, we appreciate the support we receive from local companies for providing valuable work experience placements and allowing student visits to learn about the forestry sector and the countryside."

If you would like to know more about Forestry and Countryside Management courses available at the college, click HERE.

Following five years of regional competitions in excellence in the field, the winners in five different categories went head to head against each other this year.

For 140 years, the Society has been dedicated to sharing knowledge about the art and science of woodland management so that the accumulated wisdom and experience of landowners, foresters, woodcutters and others is passed on from one generation to the next.

Coleg Glynllifon was chosen as one of the best education and learning institutions throughout the country to offer forestry and countryside management courses.

Jeff Jones, Head of Forestry and Countryside Management at Coleg Glynllifon said:

"The Forestry Department of Coleg Glynllifon is extremely proud to receive this award.

"Glynllifon College has a great estate with a working farm and over 110ha of mixed woodland, students take part in managing the woodland and gain valuable experience day to day.

"Students get as wide a range of practical activities as possible from using our static Mebor sawmill to processing wood on the estate using new technology such as Hagloff measuring equipment.

"Working with industry is an important part of the students' experience, we appreciate the support we receive from local companies for providing valuable work experience placements and allowing student visits to learn about the forestry sector and the countryside."

If you would like to know more about Forestry and Countryside Management courses available at the college, click HERE.

Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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