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Coleg Llandrillo yn cynnal twrnamaint pêl-droed llwyddiannus i 400 o blant gyda'r Urdd

Yn ddiweddar, bu timau o 38 o ysgolion yn cystadlu yng nghystadleuaeth flynyddol ysgolion cynradd Urdd Conwy ar gaeau 3G campws Llandrillo-yn-Rhos, gyda myfyrwyr chwaraeon Coleg Llandrillo yn helpu i wneud y digwyddiad yn llwyddiant ysgubol.

Cynhaliwyd twrnamaint pêl-droed blynyddol Urdd Conwy i ysgolion cynradd gan Goleg Llandrillo, gan groesawu bron i 400 o fechgyn a merched o bob rhan o'r sir.

Gwnaeth timau o 38 o ysgolion gymryd rhan yn y twrnamaint saith bob ochr ar gaeau 3G campws Llandrillo-yn-Rhos, a roddodd gyfle i blant blynyddoedd pump a chwech fwynhau chwaraeon wrth ddatblygu eu sgiliau iaith.

Trefnwyd y twrnamaint gan Urdd Gobaith Cymru, gyda myfyrwyr chwaraeon o Goleg Llandrillo yn helpu i wneud y diwrnod yn llwyddiant.

Gwnaeth 28 o ddysgwyr sydd ar gyrsiau Lefel 3 Gwyddor Chwaraeon, Perfformiad a Rhagoriaeth a Hyfforddi Chwaraeon helpu i ddyfarnu a chadw amser, yn ogystal â helpu i drefnu timau i sicrhau bod y digwyddiad yn rhedeg yn esmwyth.

Ysgol Bod Alaw o Fae Colwyn oedd yn fuddugol yn y twrnamaint ar ôl curo Ysgol Bro Gwydir o Lanrwst mewn gêm derfynol agos a sgorio ‘gôl aur’ yn ystod amser ychwanegol. Bydd Ysgol Bod Alaw nawr yn mynd ymlaen i chwarae yn y rowndiau terfynol cenedlaethol yng Ngŵyl Ysgolion Cynradd yr Urdd yn Aberystwyth fis Mai nesaf.

Coleg Llandrillo hosted the annual Urdd Conwy primary school football tournament, welcoming nearly 400 boys and girls from across the county.

Teams from 38 schools played in the seven-a-side tournament on the 3G pitches at the Rhos-on-Sea campus, offering year five and six children an opportunity to enjoy sport while developing their language skills.

The tournament was organised by Urdd Gobaith Cymru, with sports students from Coleg Llandrillo helping to make the day a success.

Twenty-eight learners from the Level 3 Sports Science, Performance and Excellence and Sports Coaching courses were involved in refereeing and timekeeping, as well as helping to organise teams to ensure the smooth running of the event.

Ysgol Bod Alaw of Colwyn Bay were crowned the winners, after beating Ysgol Bro Gwydir of Llanrwst in a closely contested final settled by a ‘golden goal’ in extra time. Ysgol Bod Alaw will now go on to play the national finals at the Urdd Primary Schools Festival in Aberystwyth next May.

Coleg Llandrillo hosted the annual Urdd Conwy primary school football tournament, welcoming nearly 400 boys and girls from across the county.

Teams from 38 schools played in the seven-a-side tournament on the 3G pitches at the Rhos-on-Sea campus, offering year five and six children an opportunity to enjoy sport while developing their language skills.

The tournament was organised by Urdd Gobaith Cymru, with sports students from Coleg Llandrillo helping to make the day a success.

Twenty-eight learners from the Level 3 Sports Science, Performance and Excellence and Sports Coaching courses were involved in refereeing and timekeeping, as well as helping to organise teams to ensure the smooth running of the event.

Ysgol Bod Alaw of Colwyn Bay were crowned the winners, after beating Ysgol Bro Gwydir of Llanrwst in a closely contested final settled by a ‘golden goal’ in extra time. Ysgol Bod Alaw will now go on to play the national finals at the Urdd Primary Schools Festival in Aberystwyth next May.

Dyfarnodd Harvey Bennett, sydd yn ail flwyddyn ei gwrs Perfformiad a Rhagoriaeth Lefel 3, y rownd derfynol yn ogystal â sawl gêm arall.

Dywedodd: “Rydw i'n meddwl ei fod yn syniad da iawn i blant ifanc sy'n dod o gefndiroedd gwahanol. Roedd yna lawer o fechgyn a merched ifanc yna ac rydw i’n meddwl ei fod wedi bod yn gyfle da iddynt sgorio goliau a mwynhau gyda’u ffrindiau.”

Roedd Gracey Anderson, myfyrwraig blwyddyn gyntaf Lefel 3 Gwyddor Chwaraeon, yn helpu i gadw amser, trefnu’r timau a chyfathrebu’n ddwyieithog gyda’r plant.

Meddai: “Gan fy mod i wedi mynd i ysgol Gymraeg rydw i’n meddwl ei fod wedi bod yn gyfle da i ddefnyddio’r Gymraeg.

“Roeddwn i’n amseru’r gemau ac yn gwneud yn siŵr bod pawb yn gwybod beth roedden nhw’n ei wneud, a hefyd yn cyfathrebu gyda’r disgyblion yn Saesneg ac yn Gymraeg fel eu bod nhw’n gyfforddus mewn unrhyw iaith maen nhw eisiau siarad ynddi.

Harvey Bennett, who is in the second year of his Level 3 Performance & Excellence course, refereed the final as well as several other games.

He said: “I think it’s a really good idea for young kids to come from different backgrounds. There’s a lot of young boys and girls here and I think it’s a good opportunity for them to score goals and have fun with their mates.”

Gracey Anderson, a first-year Level 3 Sports Science student, was involved in timekeeping, organising the teams and communicating bilingually with the children.

She said: “Because I’ve come from a Welsh-speaking school I think it’s a good opportunity to use Welsh.

“I’m timing the games and making sure everyone knows what they’re doing, and also communicating with the pupils in English and in Welsh so that they’re comfortable in any language they want to speak in.

Harvey Bennett, who is in the second year of his Level 3 Performance & Excellence course, refereed the final as well as several other games.

He said: “I think it’s a really good idea for young kids to come from different backgrounds. There’s a lot of young boys and girls here and I think it’s a good opportunity for them to score goals and have fun with their mates.”

Gracey Anderson, a first-year Level 3 Sports Science student, was involved in timekeeping, organising the teams and communicating bilingually with the children.

She said: “Because I’ve come from a Welsh-speaking school I think it’s a good opportunity to use Welsh.

“I’m timing the games and making sure everyone knows what they’re doing, and also communicating with the pupils in English and in Welsh so that they’re comfortable in any language they want to speak in.

“Gan eu bod nhw'n dod o ysgolion gwahanol ac o rannau gwahanol o'r ardal, roedd yn gyfle iddynt allu gwneud cysylltiadau gyda phobl newydd, a bod yn gyfeillgar â'i gilydd ar y cae er nad oedden nhw’n chwarae i’r un tîm.”

Dywedodd Amy Thomson, Rheolwr Maes Rhaglen ar gyfer Chwaraeon a Gwasanaethau Cyhoeddus: “Rydyn ni'n falch iawn o gael cydweithio’n agos gyda’r Urdd eto.

“Mae ein dysgwyr wedi cael profiad amhrisiadwy wrth ddyfarnu’r twrnamaint, datblygu eu hyder a’u sgiliau cyfathrebu yn ogystal â chael cyfle i fod yn fodelau rôl i’r plant.

“Rydyn ni'n edrych ymlaen at gynnal twrnameintiau tebyg yn Llandrillo-yn-Rhos yn y dyfodol, yn enwedig twrnamaint pêl-droed merched ysgolion cynradd Conwy fis nesaf.”

Meddai Lawrence Wood, Pennaeth Coleg Llandrillo: “Roedd yn wych gweld plant o bob rhan o’r rhanbarth yn dod yma i Goleg Llandrillo i chwarae pêl-droed yng nghystadleuaeth yr Urdd. Roedd hefyd yn gyfle da iawn i'n myfyrwyr chwaraeon wneud eu cymwysterau arwain a hyfforddi.

“Rydyn ni’n gefnogwr mawr i’r Urdd, ac rydyn ni eisiau gwneud popeth o fewn ein gallu i’w hyrwyddo.”

“Because they all come from different schools in different parts of the area, they’ve got an opportunity to be able to make connections with new people, and they can have a bond on the pitch even though they’re not playing for the same team.”

Amy Thomson, programme area manager for Sport and Public Services, said: “We're delighted to be working closely with the Urdd again.

“Our learners gain invaluable experience in refereeing the tournament, developing their confidence and communication skills as well as role-modelling for the youngsters.

“We are looking forward to the future tournaments that are going to be held at Llandrillo, in particular the Conwy primary schools girls’ football tournament next month.”

Lawrence Wood, Coleg Llandrillo Principal, said: “It’s fantastic to see children from across the region come here to Coleg Llandrillo to play football in this Urdd competition. It’s also a really good opportunity for our sports students to do their leadership and coaching qualifications.

“We’re a great supporter of the Urdd, and we want to do all we can to promote it.”

“Because they all come from different schools in different parts of the area, they’ve got an opportunity to be able to make connections with new people, and they can have a bond on the pitch even though they’re not playing for the same team.”

Amy Thomson, programme area manager for Sport and Public Services, said: “We're delighted to be working closely with the Urdd again.

“Our learners gain invaluable experience in refereeing the tournament, developing their confidence and communication skills as well as role-modelling for the youngsters.

“We are looking forward to the future tournaments that are going to be held at Llandrillo, in particular the Conwy primary schools girls’ football tournament next month.”

Lawrence Wood, Coleg Llandrillo Principal, said: “It’s fantastic to see children from across the region come here to Coleg Llandrillo to play football in this Urdd competition. It’s also a really good opportunity for our sports students to do their leadership and coaching qualifications.

“We’re a great supporter of the Urdd, and we want to do all we can to promote it.”

Dywedodd Guto Williams, Hwylusydd y Gymraeg yng Ngholeg Llandrillo: “Roedd yn ddiwrnod penigamp. Mae wedi bod yn wych gweithio mewn partneriaeth â'r Urdd ac roedd yn gyfle da iawn i'n myfyrwyr gael profiad ymarferol.

“Maen nhw hefyd wedi bod ar gwrs hyfforddi wedi’i ariannu o flaen llaw gan yr Urdd, felly cawson nhw brofiad o'r ochr ymarferol yn ogystal â’r ochr theori.

“Mae nifer o’r myfyrwyr wedi cael profiad o chwarae pêl-droed, ond dim cymaint o ddyfarnu, felly roedd yn brofiad gwerthfawr iddynt. Mae hefyd wedi bod yn wych gweithio gyda mudiad mor amlwg â’r Urdd i hybu’r Gymraeg."

Meddai Gwion John Williams, Uwch Swyddog Datblygu Chwaraeon Urdd Gobaith Cymru ar gyfer Gogledd a Chanolbarth Cymru: “Gwnaeth dros 30 o dimau gymryd rhan a bron i 400 o blant yn y diwrnod llawn pêl-droed, a’r cyfan drwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg.

Guto Williams, Welsh language facilitator at Coleg Llandrillo, said: “It’s been a great day. It’s brilliant to work in partnership with the Urdd and it’s a fantastic opportunity for our students to get practical experience.

“They’ve also been on a coaching course beforehand funded by the Urdd, so they’re getting the practical side as well as the theory side.

“Many of the students have got experience of playing football, but not so much of refereeing, so it’s a valuable experience for them. It’s great to promote the Welsh language as well, working with such a prominent organisation as the Urdd.”

Gwion John Williams, Urdd Gobaith Cymru’s senior sports development officer for North and Mid Wales, said: “There are over 30 teams taking part and almost 400 children here for a day full of football, and all through the medium of Welsh.

Guto Williams, Welsh language facilitator at Coleg Llandrillo, said: “It’s been a great day. It’s brilliant to work in partnership with the Urdd and it’s a fantastic opportunity for our students to get practical experience.

“They’ve also been on a coaching course beforehand funded by the Urdd, so they’re getting the practical side as well as the theory side.

“Many of the students have got experience of playing football, but not so much of refereeing, so it’s a valuable experience for them. It’s great to promote the Welsh language as well, working with such a prominent organisation as the Urdd.”

Gwion John Williams, Urdd Gobaith Cymru’s senior sports development officer for North and Mid Wales, said: “There are over 30 teams taking part and almost 400 children here for a day full of football, and all through the medium of Welsh.

“Rydyn ni'n falch iawn o gynnal y twrnamaint yn flynyddol ym mhob rhanbarth, ac rydyn ni'n edrych ymlaen at weld yr enillwyr yn symud ymlaen i’r rowndiau terfynol cenedlaethol ar Gaeau Blaendolau yn Aberystwyth ym mis Mai'r flwyddyn nesaf.”

Dywedodd Chris Browne, rhiant a wyliodd ei fab yn chwarae yn y twrnamaint: “Roedd yn wych i'r plant. Roedd yn brofiad da iawn i’r holl blant mewn lleoliad da, ac roedd yn ddiwrnod allan gwych i bawb ei fwynhau.”

I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am yr amrywiaeth o gyrsiau chwaraeon ac addysg awyr agored sydd ar gael yng Ngholeg Llandrillo a Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, cliciwch yma.

“We’re very proud to host the tournament annually across all regions, and we’re looking forward to seeing the winners go to the national finals at Caeau Blaendolau in Aberystwyth in May next year.”

Chris Browne, a parent who watched his son play in the tournament, said: “It’s fantastic for the kids. It’s a great experience for all the kids at a good venue, and it’s a good day out for everyone involved to enjoy.”

For more information on the range of sport and outdoor education courses available at Coleg Llandrillo and Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, click here.

“We’re very proud to host the tournament annually across all regions, and we’re looking forward to seeing the winners go to the national finals at Caeau Blaendolau in Aberystwyth in May next year.”

Chris Browne, a parent who watched his son play in the tournament, said: “It’s fantastic for the kids. It’s a great experience for all the kids at a good venue, and it’s a good day out for everyone involved to enjoy.”

For more information on the range of sport and outdoor education courses available at Coleg Llandrillo and Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, click here.

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