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Darlithydd Celf Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor yn cipio’r wobr gyntaf mewn cystadleuaeth genedlaethol.

Mae Ffion Gwyn, darlilyth Lefel A Celf yng Ngholeg Meirion-Dwyfor Pwllheli wedi cipio’r wobr gyntaf yn nghystadeluaeth Gwobrau Hearts for the Arts 2022 Ymgyrch Genedlaethol y Celfyddydau (NCA).

Derbyniwyd enwebiadau o bob cwr o'r DU ym mhob un o dri chategori'r gwobrau: Prosiect Celfyddydau Gorau; Hyrwyddwr Celfyddydau Gorau – Gweithiwr Awdurdod Lleol; Hyrwyddwr Celfyddydau Gorau – Cynghorydd

Ar ôl i gynrychiolwyr o bartneriaid Hearts for the Arts eleni greu’r rhestr fer o enwebiadau, dewiswyd yr enillwyr gan weithwyr proffesiynol proffil uchel yn y celfyddydau, busnes a newyddiaduraeth. Mae Ffion Meleri Gwyn wedi’i dewis fel enillydd ‘Hyrwyddwr Celfyddydau Gorau – Cynghorydd’ am ei harweinyddiaeth ysbrydoledig dros greadigrwydd, ac am arwain ystod o brosiectau creadigol ac arloesol, gan gyfrannu’n aruthrol at les cymuned Criccieth yn ystod cyfnod heriol iawn i bawb.

dywedodd Samuel West, actor a chyfarwyddwr, Ymddiriedolwr y National Campaign for the Arts

“Mae Ffion Gwyn yn artist sydd wedi mentro i fyd gwleidyddiaeth ac mae’r canlyniadau’n glir i’w gweld – mae’n arwain trwy esiampl ac nid yw’n ofni dod â’i artiswaith i’r amlwg sy’n ysbrydoledig i’w weld! Mae hi'n deall sut mae celfyddydau a chreadigrwydd yn cysylltu pobl. Rwyf wrth fy modd yn arbennig yn y ffordd y mae hi'n cynnwys natur yn ei gwaith. Mae hi'n deall bod mynd i'r afael ag arwahanrwydd, yn enwedig yn ystod y Pandemig yn hanfodol”

“Ar adeg o bryder gwirioneddol, pan oedd gwahanu yn ychwanegu at unigrwydd a dieithrwch pobl, torchodd Ffion ei llewys a gwneud celf a oedd yn dod â phobl ynghyd a'u gwneud yn falch o'u cymuned. Mae hi wedi gwneud gwahaniaeth. Mae ei syniadau yn syml, fforddiadwy ac ymarferol; yn union beth sydd ei angen pan nad oes llawer o arian neu hyder yn ei gylch. Mae ei henwebiad yn dangos i ni fod y llawenydd artistig mwyaf yn aml yn dod o wneud a gwneud pethau ein hunain.”

Mewn ymateb i ennill dywedodd Ffion Gwyn:

“Mae’n bleser ac yn anrhydedd i mi ennill y wobr hon sy’n deyrnged i waith anhygoel ac ymrwymiad aelodau o’n cymuned, o’r ifanc i’r hen, mewn cymaint o brosiectau cofiadwy. Rydym yn byw mewn cyfnod digynsail ac mae’n wych gallu estyn allan trwy ein mentrau creadigol amrywiol i gynnwys cannoedd yn ein cymuned ddwyieithog. Mae’r prosiectau hyn wedi rhoi hwb i les pob un ohonom.”

Dywedodd Dr Catrin Jones, Clerc Cyngor Tref Criccieth:

“Llongyfarchiadau gwresog i Ffion Gwyn ar ennill y wobr fawreddog hon mewn maes cystadleuol iawn. Yng nghyfnod Cofid, mae Ffion fel artist ac fel Cynghorydd, wedi gwireddu creadigrwydd mewn partneriaeth drwy osod esiampl o sut, er gwaethaf yr holl gyfyngiadau mae hi’n bosibl ac yn fuddiol i arloesi a chreu a gwneud celf yn antur gymunedol. Mae hi wedi darparu arweinyddiaeth ysbrydoledig ar ystod o brosiectau creadigol ac arloesol, gan weithio’n ddiflino i ymgysylltu â’r gymuned, gan annog pobl o bob cefndir i gymryd rhan. Er mwyn lansio a chyflawni Strategaeth Greadigol yn llwyddiannus mae angen un Ffion ar bob Cyngor.”

Mae Hearts For The Arts yn ymgyrch genedlaethol y Menter Ymgyrch Genedlaethol y Celfyddydau a ddarperir gan yr NCA mewn partneriaeth â Community Leisure UK, Creative Lives, Cymdeithas Llywodraeth Leol, Thrive ac UK Theatre.

The winners have been announced for the annual National Campaign for the Arts' (NCA) Hearts for the Arts Awards 2022. The awards celebrate the unsung heroes of Local Authorities who are championing the arts against all odds.

Nominations were received from across the UK for each of the three award categories. Best Arts Project; Best Arts Champion - Local Authority or Cultural Trust Worker; and Best Arts Champion – Councillor.

After representatives from this year’s Hearts for the Arts partners created the shortlist of nominations, winners were selected by high-profile professionals in the arts, business, and journalism. Ffion Meleri Gwyn has been selected as the winner of ‘Best Arts Champion – Councillor’ for her inspired leadership, advocating for creativity, and spear-heading a range of creative and innovative projects, contributing massively to the well-being of the Cricieth community during a very challenging time for all.

Samuel West, actor, director, trustee of the National Campaign for the Arts said

“At a time of real anxiety, when separation added to people's loneliness and alienation, Cllr Gwyn rolled up her sleeves and made art that brought people together and made them proud of their community. She's made a difference. Her ideas are simple, affordable and practical; exactly what's needed when there isn't a lot of money or confidence about. Her nomination shows us that the greatest artistic joy often comes from doing and making things ourselves.”

Discussing Councillor Ffion Meleri Gwyn and her work for Cricieth Town Council, the judges said:

“There is a real connection here to the local area and its specific character and needs. The response to Ty’n Rhos, by bringing local residents together to make the ‘rainbow bridge’ - a place of art and connection, is an inspiration. The emphasis on nature and bio-diversity in local art projects, the focus on intergenerational projects and cultural activities rooted in the history of the area, and the alliances forged with local artists is impressive.” Kadiatu Kanneh-Mason, author, speaker and supporter of music education

Deborah Meaden, businesswoman and TV Dragon said

“Ffionis clearly someone who makes everything beautiful. I love the sense of transforming through art, and clearly Ffion has transformed everything through Rainbow Bridge and made impact in numerous other places besides”

In response to winning Ffion Gwyn said

“I’m delighted and honoured to have won this award which is a tribute to the amazing work and involvement of members of our community, from young to old in so many memorable projects. We are living in unprecedented times and it’s fantastic to be able to reach out through our varied creative initiatives to involve hundreds in our bilingual community. These projects have boosted the well-being of all of us. “

Dr Catrin Jones, Clerk of Cricieth Town Council said:

“Congratulations to Ffion on winning this prestigious award in a very competitive field. In the time of Covid, Ffion, as an artist and as a Councillor, has made the case for creativity in partnership by setting an example of how, despite all the necessary restrictions, it was and remains possible and beneficial to innovate and create and make art a community adventure. She’s provided inspired leadership on a range of creative and innovative projects, working tirelessly to engage with the community, encouraging people from all walks of life to take part. To successfully launch and accomplish a Creative Strategy every Council needs a Ffion.”

Hearts For The Arts is a National Campaign for the Arts initiative delivered by the NCA in partnership with Community Leisure UK, Creative Lives, the Local Government Association, Thrive and UK Theatre.

The National Campaign for the Arts (NCA) is a charity and independent campaigning organisation, run by a board of volunteer trustees. They campaign for more investment in the arts, to improve the lives of everyone; and they champion those who make that happen.

Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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