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Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor, y dewis naturiol i nifer cynyddol o bobl sydd eisiau dilyn cwrs addysg uwch.

Gyda chostau byw yn cynyddu a mwy o bwyslais yn cael ei roi ar anghenion lleol, mae dilyn cyrsiau addysg uwch yng Ngholeg Meirion-Dwyfor yn dod yn ddewis poblogaidd i lawer o drigolion gogledd-orllewin Cymru.

Mae Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor yn cynnig amrywiaeth o gyrsiau mewn meysydd penodol, ac mae'r rhain yn cynnwys

  • BA Anrh. ym maes Rheoli Busnes
  • Gradd Sylfaen ym maes Rheoli Busnes
  • Gradd Sylfaen mewn Gwyddor Chwaraeon (Awyr Agored)
  • BA Anrh. ym maes Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol, ynghyd â llwybrau arbenigol ychwanegol
  • Gradd Sylfaen ym maes Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol
  • HNC mewn Peirianneg Gyffredinol

Meddai Bryn Hughes-Parry, Pennaeth Cynorthwyol Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor.

"Un o brif fanteision dod yma i ddilyn cwrs addysg uwch yw'r ffaith fod ein holl gyrsiau wedi'u gwreiddio’n llwyr yn ein cymunedau. Yn aml iawn, mae'r gwaith ymchwil a wneir yma ar ein cyrsiau gradd a'n cyrsiau addysg uwch yn diwallu anghenion y cymunedau hyn ac yn ymateb i'r heriau maen nhw'n eu hwynebu."

Enghraifft berffaith o hyn yw teitlau traethodau hir diweddar yr adran fusnes gan eu bod yn dangos yn glir bod yna gysylltiad agos rhwng y cwrs a gwead cymdeithasol yr ardal. Ymhlith y traethodau hyn roedd

  • Ymchwil i effaith COVID-19 ar y diwydiant bwyd a diod yng Ngogledd Cymru (gyda Dolgellau’n cael sylw amlwg)
  • Ymchwiliad i effaith y cyfryngau cymdeithasol ar fusnesau bach (defnyddiwyd nifer o fusnesau yn y Bermo ar gyfer y gwaith ymchwil)
  • Ymchwiliad i ddirywiad y stryd fawr yng Ngogledd Cymru – gan ganolbwyntio ar y stryd fawr yn y Bermo a Wrecsam
  • Ymchwil i effaith y coronafeirws ar y diwydiant twristiaeth yng Ngogledd Cymru (defnyddiwyd busnesau a defnyddwyr o Ddolgellau, Blaenau Ffestiniog a'r Bermo ar gyfer yr ymchwil)

Datblygiad cyffrous a lansiwyd yn ystod yr haf oedd partneriaeth gweithio ac astudio newydd rhwng y Coleg a'r Urdd. Ochr yn ochr â'u hastudiaethau bydd myfyrwyr y cwrs Gradd Sylfaen mewn Gweithgareddau Awyr Agored yn cael cyfle i wneud cais i fynd ar gynllun hyfforddi yng Nglan-llyn. Dyma gyfle gwych i'r myfyrwyr gyfuno'u hastudiaethau academaidd â hyfforddiant ymarferol yng Nghanolfan Awyr Agored Glan-llyn gan feithrin sgiliau gwaith pwysig ac ennill cymwysterau ychwanegol ym maes chwaraeon awyr agored.

Meddai Siân Lloyd o Lan-llyn:

"Fel estyniad naturiol i'r cwrs gradd, yr hyn yr hoffem ei gynnig drwy'r Coleg i'r myfyrwyr hynny sydd â diddordeb gwirioneddol mewn gweithgareddau awyr agored yw'r cyfle i ennill cyflog a phrofiad am ddau ddiwrnod yr wythnos drwy weithio yng Ngwersyll yr Urdd, Glan-llyn."


"Drwy feithrin sgiliau ac ennill cymwysterau ym maes gweithgareddau awyr agored bydd y myfyrwyr yn cael profiadau gwerth chweil yn ogystal â chyfle i roi'r theori maent yn ei ddysgu ar eu cwrs gradd ar waith mewn ffordd ymarferol. Bydd y myfyrwyr yn dechrau gweithio fel Hyfforddwyr Awyr Agored yn y ganolfan."

Mae'r gost yn ystyriaeth bwysig i lawer o'r myfyrwyr addysg uwch ar ein cwrs Iechyd a Gofal. Wrth i gostau byw gynyddu mae'n bosibl arbed miloedd o bunnau drwy fyw gartref a pheidio â gorfod talu'r ffioedd llety uchel sy'n wynebu'r myfyrwyr sy'n byw oddi cartref.

Meddai Maia Jones sy'n ddarlithydd ar y cyrsiau Iechyd a Gofal yng Ngholeg Meirion-Dwyfor.

"Er bod costau'n ystyriaeth bwysig i lawer o'r myfyrwyr sy'n dod yma i ddilyn cyrsiau addysg uwch, mae'r elfen leol yn eithriadol o bwysig hefyd. Ers y pandemig mae cynnydd wedi bod yn y nifer sy'n dangos diddordeb yn ein cyrsiau, a cheir pwyslais cynyddol ar y gymuned a'r elfen leol."


"Mae hyn yn rhywbeth y gallwn ni ei gynnig yma yn y coleg. Rydym yn goleg sydd wedi'i wreiddio yn ein cymunedau gyda llawer o'r myfyrwyr yn dewis aros yma i weithio ar ôl graddio neu fynd ymlaen i ddilyn cyrsiau nyrsio neu fydwreigiaeth lle mae galw mawr am unigolion dwyieithog."

Meddai Sam Buffery sy'n fyfyriwr ar y cwrs HNC mewn Peirianneg Gyffredinol,

"Roedd dewis dod yma i Ddolgellau i wneud y cwrs HNC yn un hawdd i mi. Rydw i'n hogyn lleol ac rydw i'n nabod y staff a'r darlithwyr. Ro'n i hefyd eisiau aros yn fy nghartref felly roedd y dewis yn un hawdd. Ar ôl gorffen y cwrs rydw i'n gobeithio dilyn prentisiaeth. Mae'r cysylltiadau sydd gan yr adran beirianneg â chyflogwyr a busnesau lleol yn help mawr ac yn agor y drws i gyfleoedd newydd cyffrous. "

The college offers a range of courses in specific areas, which include.

· BA Business Management

· Foundation Degree in Business Management

· Foundation Degree Sports Science (Outdoors)

· BA Health and Social Care, with specialist additional pathways

· Health and Social Care Foundation Degree

· HNC General Engineering

Bryn Hughes-Parry, Assistant Principal of Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor said.

"One of the great advantages of coming here to study a higher education course is the fact that all our courses are completely rooted in our communities. Very often, the research work that is carried out here, on our degree courses and higher education courses, meets the requirements and responds to challenges in those communities."

A perfect example is to look at the titles of our recently completed business department dissertations, which clearly show that studying here is an integral part of the social fabric of our area. Those essays included studies on

· Research into the impact of COVID-19 on businesses in the food and drink industry in North Wales (Dolgellau was a major focus for this research)

· Investigate the impact of social media on small businesses (a number of businesses in Barmouth were used for this research)

· An investigation into the decline of the high street in North Wales - focusing on the high streets of Barmouth and Wrexham

· Research into the impact of coronavirus on the North Wales tourism industry (Businesses and consumers from Dolgellau, Blaenau and Bermo were used for this research)

An exciting new development launched during the summer was the new work and study partnership between the College and the Urdd. Students on the Foundation Degree in Outdoor Leisure will have the opportunity to apply for a Glan-llyn training scheme alongside their degree studies. This is a great opportunity for students to complete their academic studies with practical skills training at Glan-llyn Outdoor Center and gain further outdoor qualifications and valuable work skills.

Siân Lloyd from Glan-llyn said:

"What we would like to offer, through the college, to those students who are really interested in the outdoors is the opportunity to work for two days a week earning a salary and experience at Gwersyll yr Urdd Glan-llyn as a natural extension to the degree course."

She added

"By developing outdoor training and qualifications, students will gain valuable experiences, as well as an opportunity to put their theoretical work into practice in a practical setting. Students will start as Outdoor Instructors at the centre.”

One key factor for many students on our Health and Care higher education courses is cost. With costs often increasing, by living at home, it is possible to save several thousand pounds as there will be no need to pay the accommodation costs that students living away from home have to pay.

Maia Jones, Lecturer on Health and Care courses at Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor said.

"Although costs are an important consideration for many students who come to study higher education courses with us, the local element is also extremely important. Ever since the days of the pandemic, there has been an increase in numbers showing interest in our courses, with an increasing emphasis on the community and local element"

She added

"That is something we can offer here at the college, we are a college that is rooted in our communities, with many students choosing to stay here to work after graduating or go on to follow nursing or midwifery courses, where there is a lot of demand for bilingual individuals."

Sam Buffery, who is a student on the HNC General Engineering course, said,

"I chose to come here to Dolgellau to study an HNC course easily. I'm a local boy, I know the staff and the lecturers, I also want to stay here in my home, so it was an easy choice for me. I hope to follow an apprenticeship after completing the course, the connections the engineering department has with many employers and local businesses are a great help, and open the door to exciting new opportunities."

For more information about all our HE provision, please click on the link

The college offers a range of courses in specific areas, which include.

· BA Business Management

· Foundation Degree in Business Management

· Foundation Degree Sports Science (Outdoors)

· BA Health and Social Care, with specialist additional pathways

· Health and Social Care Foundation Degree

· HNC General Engineering

Bryn Hughes-Parry, Assistant Principal of Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor said.

"One of the great advantages of coming here to study a higher education course is the fact that all our courses are completely rooted in our communities. Very often, the research work that is carried out here, on our degree courses and higher education courses, meets the requirements and responds to challenges in those communities."

A perfect example is to look at the titles of our recently completed business department dissertations, which clearly show that studying here is an integral part of the social fabric of our area. Those essays included studies on

· Research into the impact of COVID-19 on businesses in the food and drink industry in North Wales (Dolgellau was a major focus for this research)

· Investigate the impact of social media on small businesses (a number of businesses in Barmouth were used for this research)

· An investigation into the decline of the high street in North Wales - focusing on the high streets of Barmouth and Wrexham

· Research into the impact of coronavirus on the North Wales tourism industry (Businesses and consumers from Dolgellau, Blaenau and Bermo were used for this research)

An exciting new development launched during the summer was the new work and study partnership between the College and the Urdd. Students on the Foundation Degree in Outdoor Leisure will have the opportunity to apply for a Glan-llyn training scheme alongside their degree studies. This is a great opportunity for students to complete their academic studies with practical skills training at Glan-llyn Outdoor Center and gain further outdoor qualifications and valuable work skills.

Siân Lloyd from Glan-llyn said:

"What we would like to offer, through the college, to those students who are really interested in the outdoors is the opportunity to work for two days a week earning a salary and experience at Gwersyll yr Urdd Glan-llyn as a natural extension to the degree course."

She added

"By developing outdoor training and qualifications, students will gain valuable experiences, as well as an opportunity to put their theoretical work into practice in a practical setting. Students will start as Outdoor Instructors at the centre.”

One key factor for many students on our Health and Care higher education courses is cost. With costs often increasing, by living at home, it is possible to save several thousand pounds as there will be no need to pay the accommodation costs that students living away from home have to pay.

Maia Jones, Lecturer on Health and Care courses at Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor said.

"Although costs are an important consideration for many students who come to study higher education courses with us, the local element is also extremely important. Ever since the days of the pandemic, there has been an increase in numbers showing interest in our courses, with an increasing emphasis on the community and local element"

She added

"That is something we can offer here at the college, we are a college that is rooted in our communities, with many students choosing to stay here to work after graduating or go on to follow nursing or midwifery courses, where there is a lot of demand for bilingual individuals."

Sam Buffery, who is a student on the HNC General Engineering course, said,

"I chose to come here to Dolgellau to study an HNC course easily. I'm a local boy, I know the staff and the lecturers, I also want to stay here in my home, so it was an easy choice for me. I hope to follow an apprenticeship after completing the course, the connections the engineering department has with many employers and local businesses are a great help, and open the door to exciting new opportunities."

For more information about all our HE provision, please click on the link

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