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Arddangosfa gwanwyn Myfyrwyr Celf Coleg Menai

Bydd myfyrwyr Celf Coleg Menai yn arddangos eu gwaith celf yn y Galeri, Caernarfon, fel rhan o brosiectau terfynol diwedd y flwyddyn academaidd.

Rhwng Ebrill 22 ac 27 Mai 2023 bydd yr arddangosfa yn rhoi lle canolog i waith y myfyrwyr sy'n seiliedig ar dref Caernarfon. Mae mynediad i'r arddangosfa yn rhad ac am ddim.

Mae myfyrwyr ail flwyddyn y cwrs BA mewn Celf Gain, a myfyrwyr sy'n dilyn Gradd Sylfaen mewn Celf a Dylunio wedi defnyddio Tref Caernarfon a'r ardal gyfagos fel ysbrydoliaeth. Mae eu gwaith yn ceisio cyfleu harddwch ac amrywiaeth y tirlun lleol ynghyd â themâu cysyniadol, ac yn cynnwys elfennau o hanes a diwylliant cyfoethog yr ardal.

Nod y prosiect ydy tynnu sylw at greadigrwydd celfyddydol a sgiliau technegol y myfyrwyr wrth iddynt lunio darnau yn unigol neu ar y cyd ag eraill. Mae'n cynnig cyfle i ddysgwyr weld sut beth ydy bywyd artist a chanfod eu hunaniaeth eu hunain yn y diwydiant.

Fel rhan o'r cwrs terfynol, mae myfyrwyr wedi bod yn gyfrifol am bob agwedd o'r arddangosfa, ac o'r gwaith trefnu. Maen nhw wedi bod yn gweithio ar hyrwyddo eu gwaith drwy gyfrif penodol ar Instagram sydd i'w weld yma.

Dywedodd Jane MacFarlan, Darlithydd Celf a Dylunio,

"Rydym wrth ein boddau bod y Galeri yn parhau i gefnogi ein myfyrwyr drwy gynnig y gofod fel lleoliad i'r arddangosfa. Maen nhw'n cael cyfle i ymestyn eu hunain yn greadigol a datblygu eu harferion proffesiynol.

"Er bod pob darn o waith yn seiliedig ar Gaernarfon, mae darnau'r myfyrwyr yn wahanol iawn i'w gilydd. Mae gan bob artist arddull unigryw, a'r gwaith yn amrywio o ddarluniau olew ac acrylig, ffotograffau, cerfluniau, gemwaith a thechnegau gwnïo. Mae'r arddangosfa'n un gyffroes iawn.

Ychwanegodd Maisey Lovatt, myfyriwr Celf Gain,

"Rydw i'n edrych ymlaen at osod fy ngwaith yn Galeri Caernarfon. Mae'n wych ein bod yn cael y cyfle yma i ddangos ein hymdrechion yn y stiwdio i'r cyhoedd."

Ychwanegodd Silvia Padolini, Myfyrwraig arall o'r cwrs Celf Gain,

"Rydw i'n ddiolchgar iawn i Galeri Caernarfon a'n tiwtoriaid Emrys Williams a Jane Parry am y cyfle i arddangos ein darnau gwaith. Rydym wedi mynd ati'n frwd gyda chryn ymdrech i'w cwblhau. Mae plymio i grombil hanes ac awyrgylch dinas Caernarfon a defnyddio'r emosiynau a ddaw yn sgil hynny i greu gwaith wedi bod yn hynod gyffroes.

I gloi meddai Ffion Evans o Dîm Creadigol, Galeri Caernarfon:

"Mae gan Goleg Menai enw da am ysbrydoli a datblygu pobl greadigol o safon uchel sy'n creu darnau arbennig o waith. Rydym yn edrych ymlaen yn arw at weld gwaith newydd myfyrwyr Coleg Menai yn eu harddangosfa 'Cyfoes Menai Contemporary'. Mae Galeri yn falch iawn o barhau i gydweithio a chefnogi artistiaid y dyfodol."

Am fwy o wybodaeth am ein cyrsiau Celf a Dylunio, cliciwch yma.

From April 22nd to the 27th of May 2023, the exhibition, which showcases the students’ range of work based on the town of Caernarfon, will be open to all free of charge.

The second year BA Fine Arts students, and FdA Art & Design students have used the locality of Caernarfon Town as inspiration, aiming to capture the beauty and diversity of local landscapes and conceptual themes, drawing on the rich history and heritage of the area.

The project aims to highlight the students artistic creativity and technical skills, whilst working on individual and collaborative pieces. It will provide the learners with the freedom to experience the life of an artist and find their own identity within the industry.

As part of their final project, students have been responsible for the entirety of the exhibition and its organisation. They have also been working on promoting their work through a dedicated Instagram account that you can access here.

Jane MacFarlan, Art & Design Lecturer said,

“We're delighted that Galeri continues to support our students by providing this venue for their exhibition, giving them the opportunity to extend their creative ambitions and develop their professional practice”

“Though all of their work is based on Caernarfon, the students’ pieces are worlds apart. Each artist has a very unique style, ranging from oil and acrylic paintings, photography, prints, sculptures, jewellery making, to sewing techniques, which makes this exhibition really exciting”.

Maisy Lovatt, Fine Art student adds,

‘I’m really excited to be able to put up work in Galeri Caernarfon. It’s great to have opportunities like this where our efforts in the studio are shown to the public”,

Silvia Padolini, Fine Art student also said,

‘I am very grateful to Galeri Caernarfon and our tutors Emrys Williams and Jane Parry for giving us the opportunity to show our work that we have done with so much effort and enthusiasm. It has been very exciting to dive into the history and atmosphere of the city of Caernarfon and try to reflect the feelings that it provokes in us”.

Ffion Evans, Creative Team at Galeri Caernarfon ends with:

“Coleg Menai are renowned for inspiring and developing creatives of a high standard who often produce incredible ideas and we are really excited to see the new works created by the Coleg Menai students in their showcase Cyfoes Menai Contemporary. Galeri are grateful to continue working alongside and supporting our artists of the future”.

To learn more about our Art and Design courses, click here.

From April 22nd to the 27th of May 2023, the exhibition, which showcases the students’ range of work based on the town of Caernarfon, will be open to all free of charge.

The second year BA Fine Arts students, and FdA Art & Design students have used the locality of Caernarfon Town as inspiration, aiming to capture the beauty and diversity of local landscapes and conceptual themes, drawing on the rich history and heritage of the area.

The project aims to highlight the students artistic creativity and technical skills, whilst working on individual and collaborative pieces. It will provide the learners with the freedom to experience the life of an artist and find their own identity within the industry.

As part of their final project, students have been responsible for the entirety of the exhibition and its organisation. They have also been working on promoting their work through a dedicated Instagram account that you can access here.

Jane MacFarlan, Art & Design Lecturer said,

“We're delighted that Galeri continues to support our students by providing this venue for their exhibition, giving them the opportunity to extend their creative ambitions and develop their professional practice”

“Though all of their work is based on Caernarfon, the students’ pieces are worlds apart. Each artist has a very unique style, ranging from oil and acrylic paintings, photography, prints, sculptures, jewellery making, to sewing techniques, which makes this exhibition really exciting”.

Maisy Lovatt, Fine Art student adds,

‘I’m really excited to be able to put up work in Galeri Caernarfon. It’s great to have opportunities like this where our efforts in the studio are shown to the public”,

Silvia Padolini, Fine Art student also said,

‘I am very grateful to Galeri Caernarfon and our tutors Emrys Williams and Jane Parry for giving us the opportunity to show our work that we have done with so much effort and enthusiasm. It has been very exciting to dive into the history and atmosphere of the city of Caernarfon and try to reflect the feelings that it provokes in us”.

Ffion Evans, Creative Team at Galeri Caernarfon ends with:

“Coleg Menai are renowned for inspiring and developing creatives of a high standard who often produce incredible ideas and we are really excited to see the new works created by the Coleg Menai students in their showcase Cyfoes Menai Contemporary. Galeri are grateful to continue working alongside and supporting our artists of the future”.

To learn more about our Art and Design courses, click here.

Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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