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Myfyriwr o Goleg Menai'n ennill medal efydd ym mhencampwriaethau Codi Pwysau Prydain

Mae myfyriwr o Goleg Menai, Cian Green, wedi llwyddo i ennill medal efydd ym Mhencampwriaethau Codi Pwysau Prydain yn ystod y penwythnos, i'w gadw ar y trywydd cywir i gystadlu yng Ngemau'r Gymanwlad.

Daeth Cian yn drydydd yng nghategori'r dynion 73kg ym Manceinion, gan dderbyn medal y tro cyntaf iddo gystadlu ym Mhencampwriaethau Prydain.

Dyma'i ail fedal yn 2023, wedi i'r myfyriwr 19 oed lwyddo i ennill medal arian fis diwethaf ym Mhencampwriaethau Codi Pwysau'r Gymanwlad yn India.

Cian yw pencampwr Cymru ar hyn o bryd, ac mae ei lwyddiant diweddar yn ei gadw ar y trywydd cywir i gystadlu yng Ngemau'r Gymanwlad yn 2026. Mae'n gobeithio cynrychioli Cymru os cynigir lleoliad i'r Gemau.

Cododd y myfyriwr Lefel 3 mewn Weldio a Ffabrigo 107kg yn y gystadleuaeth cipiad, a 137kg yn y gystadleuaeth plwc dwy law ym Manceinion - gyda'i gyfanswm pwysau, 244kg, un cilogram yn brin o'i gamp bersonol orau.

Dywedodd Cian, o Nantlle ger Penygroes: "Dw i'n hapus iawn efo'r fedal efydd. Hwn oedd y tro cyntaf i mi gystadlu ym Mhencampwriaethau Prydain, ac roeddwn i yn y categori dynion hŷn hefyd, felly roedd yr ieuengaf ac eithrio fi tua 26 neu 27 oed."

Jonathan Chin o Loegr enillodd y fedal aur gyda 282kg, gyda Craig Crafray o'r Alban yn ail gyda 254kg. Y cystadleuydd nesaf at Cian, a ddaeth yn bedwerydd, oedd Antonio Capavanni o Stockport, wnaeth godi'r un pwysau yn y gystadleuaeth cipiad ond ni allai gyfateb gyda'i bwysau plwc dwy law gan orffen gyda 237kg.

Dywedodd Cian, sy'n cynrychioli Clwb Codi Pwysau Prifysgol Bangor: "Roeddwn i'n mynd i'r gystadleuaeth gyda siawns o ennill medal efydd, ar bapur.

Cian finished third in the 73kg men’s category in Manchester, making the podium in his first ever appearance at the British Championships.

It was his second major medal of 2023, after the 19-year-old’s impressive silver in last month’s Commonwealth Championships in India.

Cian is also the reigning Welsh champion, and his success keeps him on track to compete at the 2026 Commonwealth Games, when he hopes to represent Wales if a host can be found for the event.

The Level 3 Welding and Fabrication student lifted 107kg in the snatch and 137kg in the clean-and-jerk in Manchester - with his total of 244kg just one kilogram short of his personal best.

Cian, from Nantlle near Penygroes, said: “I’m very happy with the bronze medal. It was my first time at the British Championships and it was in the senior category as well, so the youngest apart from me was about 26 or 27.

England’s Jonathan Chin won gold with 282kg, while Scotland’s Craig Crafray was second with 254kg. Cian’s closest competitor in fourth place was Antonio Capavanni from Stockport, who equalled his lift in the snatch but couldn’t match his clean-and-jerk and finished with 237kg.

Cian, representing Bangor University Weightlifting Club, said: “On paper I was going into it with a chance of winning a bronze medal.

Cian finished third in the 73kg men’s category in Manchester, making the podium in his first ever appearance at the British Championships.

It was his second major medal of 2023, after the 19-year-old’s impressive silver in last month’s Commonwealth Championships in India.

Cian is also the reigning Welsh champion, and his success keeps him on track to compete at the 2026 Commonwealth Games, when he hopes to represent Wales if a host can be found for the event.

The Level 3 Welding and Fabrication student lifted 107kg in the snatch and 137kg in the clean-and-jerk in Manchester - with his total of 244kg just one kilogram short of his personal best.

Cian, from Nantlle near Penygroes, said: “I’m very happy with the bronze medal. It was my first time at the British Championships and it was in the senior category as well, so the youngest apart from me was about 26 or 27.

England’s Jonathan Chin won gold with 282kg, while Scotland’s Craig Crafray was second with 254kg. Cian’s closest competitor in fourth place was Antonio Capavanni from Stockport, who equalled his lift in the snatch but couldn’t match his clean-and-jerk and finished with 237kg.

Cian, representing Bangor University Weightlifting Club, said: “On paper I was going into it with a chance of winning a bronze medal.

"Cefais frwydr dda gyda chystadleuydd arall, ddaeth yn bedwerydd, ond roeddwn i'n gyffyrddus yn y trydydd safle yn y diwedd felly roeddwn i wedi fy mhlesio efo hynny."

Bydd Cian yn cynrychioli Cymru yng nghystadleuaeth y Cenhedloedd Celtaidd yn Iwerddon ym mis Hydref, cyn amddiffyn ei deitl fel pencampwr Cymru yn ddiweddarach yn ystod y flwyddyn.

Ochr yn ochr â’i astudiaethau yng Ngholeg Menai yn Llangefni, mae Cian yn gweithio fel weldiwr i Castle Marine Ltd, busnes trwsio propelorau cychod yng Nghaernarfon.

Dywedodd Islwyn Williams, Darlithydd Weldio yng Ngholeg Menai: "Mae'r holl staff a dysgwyr yn adran weldio Coleg Menai yn falch iawn o lwyddiannau codi pwysau Cian a'r oriau o hyfforddi mae'n ei wneud i'w alluogi i gystadlu ar lefel genedlaethol a rhyngwladol mor uchel.

"Mae wedi gweithio'n galed iawn i gyrraedd y safon hon, ac ar nodyn personol, gan fy mod innau wedi fy ngeni ym mhentref Nantlle, rydw i wrth fy modd fod Cian, trwy ei ymrwymiad i'w gamp, yn llysgennad gwych ar ran y pentref.

"Rwy'n gobeithio'n fawr y bydd Gemau'r Gymanwlad yn cael eu cynnal yn 2026 i sicrhau bod Cian yn cael cystadlu ar y lefel haeddiannol i'w sgiliau penigamp. Da iawn ti, Cian. Rydw i'n edrych ymlaen at glywed dy straeon yn dilyn dy daith i India."

“I had a good battle with another guy who ended up finishing fourth, but I was comfortably third in the end so I was pleased with that.”

Cian will represent Wales in the Celtic Nations competition in Ireland in October, before defending his Welsh title later in the year.

Alongside his studies at Coleg Menai in Llangefni, Cian works as a welder for Castle Marine Ltd, a boat propeller repair business in Caernarfon.

Islwyn Williams, welding lecturer at Coleg Menai, said: “All the staff and learners at Coleg Menai's welding department are extremely proud of Cian's weightlifting achievements and the hours of training he has put in to enable him to compete at such a high national and international level.

“He has worked extremely hard to reach the standard he is now achieving, and on a personal note, as I was also born in the village of Nantlle, I am delighted that Cian, through his dedication to his sport, is a great ambassador for the village.

“I very much hope that the next Commonwealth Games do go ahead to ensure that Cian is given the opportunity to compete at the level that his skills deserve. Well done Cian, I am looking forward to hearing your stories from your trip to India.”

“I had a good battle with another guy who ended up finishing fourth, but I was comfortably third in the end so I was pleased with that.”

Cian will represent Wales in the Celtic Nations competition in Ireland in October, before defending his Welsh title later in the year.

Alongside his studies at Coleg Menai in Llangefni, Cian works as a welder for Castle Marine Ltd, a boat propeller repair business in Caernarfon.

Islwyn Williams, welding lecturer at Coleg Menai, said: “All the staff and learners at Coleg Menai's welding department are extremely proud of Cian's weightlifting achievements and the hours of training he has put in to enable him to compete at such a high national and international level.

“He has worked extremely hard to reach the standard he is now achieving, and on a personal note, as I was also born in the village of Nantlle, I am delighted that Cian, through his dedication to his sport, is a great ambassador for the village.

“I very much hope that the next Commonwealth Games do go ahead to ensure that Cian is given the opportunity to compete at the level that his skills deserve. Well done Cian, I am looking forward to hearing your stories from your trip to India.”

Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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