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Myfyrwyr Coleg Menai'n codi pwysau dros Gymru

Bydd myfyriwr a chyn-fyfyriwr o Goleg Menai yn cynrychioli Cymru ym Mhencampwriaethau Codi Pwysau'r Gymanwlad yn India fis nesaf.

⁠Dewiswyd Cian Green a Nikole Roberts i gystadlu yn y Pencampwriaethau yn Delhi, India a gynhelir rhwng 11 a 16 Gorffennaf. Mae'r ddau yn anelu i ennill lle yng Ngemau'r Gymanwlad yn Awstralia yn 2026.

Bydd Cian, pencampwr Cymreig, sy'n dilyn cwrs Ffabrigo a Weldio Lefel 3 yng Ngholeg Menai, yn cystadlu yn y categori 73Kg i ddynion.

A bydd Nikole, pencampwr Prydain, oedd yn dilyn cwrs Lefel 3 mewn Chwaraeon (Addysg Awyr Agored) yn y coleg y llynedd, yn cystadlu yn y categori 55kg i ferched.

Cian, o Nantlle ger Penygroes ydy pencampwr hŷn Chymru a'r pencampwr Dan 20 ar hyn o bryd. Mae'n hyfforddi yng Nghanolfan Brailsford ym Mangor.

Daeth yn ail y llynedd yn y gystadleuaeth International Junior Battle yn Awstria mewn cystadleuaeth ffyrnig ac roedd yn aelod o'r tîm a enillodd fedal arian yn nigwyddiad Cenedlaethau Celtaidd i dimau yn yr Alban.

Enillodd goron Pencampwr Hŷn Cymru ym mis Rhagfyr yn Hwlffordd. Daliodd ei afael ar deitl Dan 20 Cymru ym mis Chwefror ar ôl cwblhau cipiad 180kg a phlwc dwy law 180kg, a thrwy wneud hynny cyrhaeddodd safonau cymhwyso ar gyfer Pencampwriaethau'r Gymanwlad.

Dywedodd Cian: "Mi ges i alwad pythefnos yn ôl, i ddweud fy mod i wedi cael fy newis i fynd i India, fedra i ddim aros! Dw i'n edrych ymlaen yn eiddgar at y Pencampwriaethau, ac yn awchu i fynd."

Diolchodd i Goleg Menai am y gefnogaeth wrth iddo baratoi i hedfan hanner ffordd ar draws y byd gan ddweud: "Mae Coleg Menai'n agos iawn at ble dw i'n hyfforddi - mae pawb wedi bod yn gefnogol iawn, fedra i ddim diolch digon iddynt."

Mi ddechreuodd Cian godi pwysau er mwyn cryfhau ei gorff i chwarae rygbi ac mae'n gobeithio cynrychioli Cymru yng Ngemau'r Gymanwlad yn Victoria ymhen tair blynedd.

Nikole o Fangor ydy pencampwr Prydeinig y categorïau i rai Dan 23 a Dan 20. Roedd hi hefyd yn bencampwr hŷn Cymru yn 2021 ond methodd amddiffyn ei choron y llynedd oherwydd anaf.

Cafodd ei dewis i gynrychioli Prydain ym Mhencampwriaeth Codi Pwysau Iau IWF yn Saudi Arabia yn 2021 ac yn ystod y llynedd cipiodd mwy nag un record Brydeinig wrth gystadlu ym Mhencampwriaethau Iau a Dan 23 Ewrop.

Dywedodd Nikole, sy'n gobeithio ennill medal yn India: Mae'n gyffrous. Mae hefyd yn gyfnod allweddol wrth baratoi ar gyfer Gemau'r Gymanwlad yn 2026. Mi fydda i'n cystadlu yn erbyn pobl eraill a fydd yn y gemau hynny.

Mi enillais le yn y gystadleuaeth gyda safon digon da i ennill medal, gobeithio medra i addasu i'r amgylchiadau yn India. Mi fydd hi'n llawer poethach yno nag ydy hi yma, mi fydd y bwyd yn wahanol, felly dw i wedi cael cyngor gan fy maethegydd ar y pethau medra i fwyta a beth na ddylwn i fwyta."

Dywedodd Nikole bod staff Coleg Menai, ac Andrew Collins ei thiwtor yn benodol, wedi ei chynorthwyo yn ystod ei chyfnod yn y coleg drwy ganiatáu amser iddi fynd i gystadlu a mynychu sesiynau hyfforddiant.

"Roedd Andrew, fy nhiwtor, yn gymorth mawr i mi pan roedd rhaid i mi gymryd amser o'r coleg i fynd i gystadlu neu deithio yn ôl a blaen i Nottingham, lleoliad British Weightlifting," meddai

Treuliodd NIkole gyfnod yn gweithio yn Fitness First ym Mangor ar ôl gadael Coleg Menai, ond mae hi wedi gadael y swydd honno erbyn hyn er mwyn canolbwyntio ar Bencampwriaethau'r Gymanwlad. Mae hi hefyd yn cynnal sesiynau hyfforddiant ar ei chyfrif Instagram.

Ar ôl Pencampwriaethau'r Gymanwlad mi fydd hi'n mynd ymlaen i ddilyn cwrs gwyddor chwaraeon a maeth ym Mhrifysgol Nottingham, sydd yn agos at ganolfan hyfforddi British Weightlifting.

Bydd Nikole, fel Cian, yn anelu at ennill lle yn nhîm Cymru yng Ngemau Gymanwlad 2026 yn Victoria, felly mae hi'n gobeithio ennill medalau yn y digwyddiadau rhyngwladol cyn y gemau hynny.

Bydd Charlotte Whalley, Emma McCready, Niamh Collins, Leah Clarke, Michael Farmer a Harry Nelms yn ymuno â Cian a Nikole yn nhîm Cymru.

Hyfforddwyr y tîm yn ystod eu cyfnod yn India fydd Ania Negele, Christie-Marie Williams a Simon Roach.

Dywedodd llefarydd ar ran British Weightlifting: “Hoffai British Weightlifting longyfarch Mikey, Cian, Harry, Nikole, Charlotte, Emma, Niamh a Leah ar gael eu dewis, rydym yn dymuno pob llwyddiant iddynt."

Am ragor o wybodaeth am gyrsiau Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, cliciwch yma.

Cian Green and Nikole Roberts have been selected to compete at the Championships in Delhi, India from July 11-16, as they target qualification for the 2026 Commonwealth Games in Australia.

Multiple Welsh champion Cian, who studies Level 3 Fabrication and Welding at Coleg Menai, is set to compete in the men’s 73kg competition.

And British champion Nikole, who was on the Sport (Outdoor Education) Level 3 course at the college last year, will contest the women’s 55kg category.

Cian, who is from Nantlle near Penygroes and trains at Canolfan Brailsford in Bangor, is the reigning Welsh senior and under-20 champion.

Last year he placed second while representing Wales against tough opposition in the International Junior Battle in Austria, and also helped his country earn silver in the Celtic Nations team event in Scotland.

He was crowned senior Welsh champion in Haverfordwest in December, before retaining his U20 title in February with a 108kg snatch and 137kg clean and jerk, hitting the qualifying standards for the Commonwealth Championships.

Cian said: “Two weeks ago I got the call that I have been selected to go to India, and I can’t wait. I've got very high hopes for the Commonwealth Championship and I’m buzzing to go!”

He thanked Coleg Menai for its support as prepares to head halfway across the world, saying: “Coleg Menai is down the road from where I train - I've had nothing but support from everyone and can't thank them enough.”

Having originally got into weightlifting in order to strengthen up for rugby, Cian is hoping to represent Wales at the Commonwealth Games in Victoria in three years’ time.

Nikole, from Bangor, is the reigning British U23 and U20 champion. She was the Welsh senior champion in 2021, but was unable to defend her crown last year of injury.

She represented Great Britain at the IWF Youth World Championships in Saudi Arabia in 2021, and last year broke British records while competing in the European Junior & Under-23 Championships.

Nikole is hoping to medal in India, and said: “It’s exciting. It’s a big part of the build-up to the Commonwealth Games in 2026, as I’ll be competing against people who could be at those games.

“I qualified in a spot for a medal, so hopefully I can adapt to the conditions in India. It’s going to be much hotter than it is here, and the food is going to be a little bit different so I’ve had help from my nutritionist in terms of what I can and can’t eat.”

Nikole says during her time at Coleg Menai, staff were a big help in terms of allowing her to fit in competitions and training sessions - especially her tutor Andrew Collins.

“My tutor Andy was really helpful whenever I needed to take time off to compete or to go back and forth to Nottingham, where British Weightlifting is based,” she said.

After leaving Coleg Menai, Nikole worked in Fitness First in Bangor, but has now left that job to concentrate on the Commonwealth Championships. She still runs her own online coaching sessions from her Instagram account.

Following the Commonwealth Championships, she will be studying sport science and nutrition at the University of Nottingham, where she can be close to British Weightlifting’s training centre.

Like Cian she will be targeting a place in the Wales team for Victoria 2026, and will be aiming to medal at international events in the run-up to those Games.

Cian and Nikole will be joined in the Wales team by Charlotte Whalley, Emma McCready, Niamh Collins, Leah Clarke, Michael Farmer and Harry Nelms.

The team will be supported by coaches Ania Negele, Christie-Marie Williams and Simon Roach over the course of the event in India.

A spokesperson for British Weightlifting said: “British Weightlifting would like to congratulate Mikey, Cian, Harry, Nikole, Charlotte, Emma, Niamh and Leah on their selection, and wish them all the best in training and competition.”

For more information on courses at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, click here.

Cian Green and Nikole Roberts have been selected to compete at the Championships in Delhi, India from July 11-16, as they target qualification for the 2026 Commonwealth Games in Australia.

Multiple Welsh champion Cian, who studies Level 3 Fabrication and Welding at Coleg Menai, is set to compete in the men’s 73kg competition.

And British champion Nikole, who was on the Sport (Outdoor Education) Level 3 course at the college last year, will contest the women’s 55kg category.

Cian, who is from Nantlle near Penygroes and trains at Canolfan Brailsford in Bangor, is the reigning Welsh senior and under-20 champion.

Last year he placed second while representing Wales against tough opposition in the International Junior Battle in Austria, and also helped his country earn silver in the Celtic Nations team event in Scotland.

He was crowned senior Welsh champion in Haverfordwest in December, before retaining his U20 title in February with a 108kg snatch and 137kg clean and jerk, hitting the qualifying standards for the Commonwealth Championships.

Cian said: “Two weeks ago I got the call that I have been selected to go to India, and I can’t wait. I've got very high hopes for the Commonwealth Championship and I’m buzzing to go!”

He thanked Coleg Menai for its support as prepares to head halfway across the world, saying: “Coleg Menai is down the road from where I train - I've had nothing but support from everyone and can't thank them enough.”

Having originally got into weightlifting in order to strengthen up for rugby, Cian is hoping to represent Wales at the Commonwealth Games in Victoria in three years’ time.

Nikole, from Bangor, is the reigning British U23 and U20 champion. She was the Welsh senior champion in 2021, but was unable to defend her crown last year of injury.

She represented Great Britain at the IWF Youth World Championships in Saudi Arabia in 2021, and last year broke British records while competing in the European Junior & Under-23 Championships.

Nikole is hoping to medal in India, and said: “It’s exciting. It’s a big part of the build-up to the Commonwealth Games in 2026, as I’ll be competing against people who could be at those games.

“I qualified in a spot for a medal, so hopefully I can adapt to the conditions in India. It’s going to be much hotter than it is here, and the food is going to be a little bit different so I’ve had help from my nutritionist in terms of what I can and can’t eat.”

Nikole says during her time at Coleg Menai, staff were a big help in terms of allowing her to fit in competitions and training sessions - especially her tutor Andrew Collins.

“My tutor Andy was really helpful whenever I needed to take time off to compete or to go back and forth to Nottingham, where British Weightlifting is based,” she said.

After leaving Coleg Menai, Nikole worked in Fitness First in Bangor, but has now left that job to concentrate on the Commonwealth Championships. She still runs her own online coaching sessions from her Instagram account.

Following the Commonwealth Championships, she will be studying sport science and nutrition at the University of Nottingham, where she can be close to British Weightlifting’s training centre.

Like Cian she will be targeting a place in the Wales team for Victoria 2026, and will be aiming to medal at international events in the run-up to those Games.

Cian and Nikole will be joined in the Wales team by Charlotte Whalley, Emma McCready, Niamh Collins, Leah Clarke, Michael Farmer and Harry Nelms.

The team will be supported by coaches Ania Negele, Christie-Marie Williams and Simon Roach over the course of the event in India.

A spokesperson for British Weightlifting said: “British Weightlifting would like to congratulate Mikey, Cian, Harry, Nikole, Charlotte, Emma, Niamh and Leah on their selection, and wish them all the best in training and competition.”

For more information on courses at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, click here.

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