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Datgelu cydweithrediad fydd yn hwb i economi bwyd-amaeth Cymru

Yn ddiweddar, aeth Lesley Griffiths, Gweinidog Llywodraeth Cymru dros Faterion Gwledig a Gogledd Cymru, a’r Trefnydd i Grŵp Llandrillo Menai i ddathlu cyhoeddi partneriaeth rhwng Grŵp Llandrillo Menai ac AMRC Cymru, gyda’r nod o drawsnewid yr economi wledig drwy ddatblygu sgiliau ac archwilio technolegau newydd ar gyfer y sector bwyd-amaeth.

Mae’r bartneriaeth hon yn gysylltiedig â Hwb Economi Wledig Glynllifon, a’i diben yw creu gweithlu bwyd-amaeth o’r radd flaenaf gyda’r lefelau uchaf o safonau amgylcheddol.

Wrth sôn am y cyfle a ddaw yn sgil y cytundeb i economi Gogledd Cymru, esboniodd Martin Jardine, Cyfarwyddwr Bwyd-Amaeth Grŵp Llandrillo Menai,

“Trwy ddod ag arbenigedd Grŵp Llandrillo Menai ac AMRC Cymru ynghyd, mae’r cytundeb hwn yn gyfle gwych i’r economi wledig ffynnu drwy gyfnewid gwybodaeth, arloesi a darparu mynediad hawdd at gymorth ehangach.

"Rydym yn llawn cyffro i fod yn sefydlu canolfan ar gyfer technoleg amaeth fel rhan o'r arlwy a ddarperir gan Hwb Economi Wledig Glynllifon, a gefnogir gan Fargen Twf Gogledd Cymru. Rydym yn croesawu'n fawr y cynlluniau i AMRC Cymru gael canolfan o fewn yr hwb ac yn edrych ymlaen at gefnogi busnesau gwledig i ddefnyddio ffyrdd modern o weithio sy’n ceisio cynyddu awtomeiddio, effeithlonrwydd a chynhyrchiant.”

Dywedodd Lesley Griffiths, Gweinidog Llywodraeth Cymru dros Faterion Gwledig a Gogledd Cymru, a’r Trefnydd, am y cytundeb:

“Mae’n wych bod yma i ddatgelu’r cytundeb cydweithio hwn rhwng Grŵp Llandrillo Menai ac AMRC Cymru. Rydym yn gweld cydweithredu rhwng partneriaid yn hanfodol i ysgogi twf yn y diwydiant yn y dyfodol. Felly mae’n hynod gadarnhaol gweld dau o’r sefydliadau mwyaf blaenllaw o fewn bwyd-amaeth Cymru yn dod at ei gilydd er budd busnesau mawr a bach.

“Mae’r cytundeb hwn yn hwb nid yn unig i Ogledd Cymru, ond i economi Cymru yn gyffredinol, wrth i ni geisio creu gweithlu bwyd a diod o’r radd flaenaf sy’n arloesol, sydd â’r lefelau uchaf o safonau amgylcheddol ac yn addas ar gyfer y dyfodol.”

Dywedodd Andrew Martin, Pennaeth Bwyd a Diod AMRC Cymru,

“Mae’n bleser gallu creu’r cytundeb hwn i helpu i dyfu economi bwyd-amaeth Cymru. Ein nod yw helpu'r gymuned gweithgynhyrchu a bwyd-amaeth i gael mynediad at dechnolegau uwch a fydd yn ysgogi gwelliannau mewn cynhyrchiant, perfformiad ac ansawdd. Drwy gyfuno ein harbenigedd gyda Choleg Glynllifon a Chanolfan Technoleg Bwyd Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, byddwn yn gallu darparu atebion ar gyfer y gadwyn gyflenwi gyfan a helpu busnesau bwyd- amaeth i ddatblygu galluoedd newydd a gwreiddio datblygiadau technolegol ac arloesiadau newydd.”

Mae AMRC Cymru, a reolir gan Brifysgol Sheffield ac sy’n aelod o’r Catapwlt Gweithgynhyrchu Gwerth Uchel (HVM), yn rhan o glwstwr o ganolfannau o’r radd flaenaf ar gyfer ymchwil sy’n canolbwyntio ar ddiwydiant a datblygu technolegau a ddefnyddir mewn sectorau gweithgynhyrchu gwerth uchel. Mae ganddo enw da yn fyd-eang am helpu cwmnïau i oresgyn problemau gweithgynhyrchu ac mae wedi dod yn fodel ar gyfer ymchwil cydweithredol sy'n cynnwys prifysgolion, academyddion a diwydiant ledled y byd.

Mae ei ganolfan o’r radd flaenaf gwerth £20m a ariennir gan Lywodraeth Cymru yn canolbwyntio ar sectorau gweithgynhyrchu uwch gan gynnwys awyrofod, moduro, niwclear a bwyd ym meysydd ymchwil allweddol gyriant, cynaliadwyedd a gweithgynhyrchu digidol yn y dyfodol.

Bydd Grŵp Llandrillo yn gweithio'n agos gydag AMRC Cymru ar brosiectau trosglwyddo gwybodaeth lefel uchel gyda'r nod o greu gweithlu proffesiynol medrus iawn ar draws y gadwyn gyflenwi sy'n cynyddu cystadleurwydd ac yn manteisio ar gyfleoedd masnachol sy'n arwain at swyddi a buddsoddiad ar draws y rhanbarth.

Mae’r cytundeb yn cynnwys cydweithrediad sy’n gysylltiedig â phrosiect Bargen Twf Gogledd Cymru – Hwb Economi Wledig arfaethedig Glynllifon – ac mae’n cynrychioli buddsoddiad sylweddol i ffyniant economaidd economi gogledd Cymru yn y dyfodol.

This partnership is linked to the Glynllifon Rural Economy Hub, whose purpose is to create a world-class agri-food workforce with the highest levels of environmental standards.

Commenting on the opportunity that the agreement will bring to the North Wales economy, Martin Jardine, Director of Agri Food at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai explained,

“By bringing together the expertise of both Grwp Llandrillo Menai and AMRC Cymru, this agreement represents a fantastic opportunity for the rural economy to prosper by exchanging knowledge, innovating and providing easy access to wider support.

"We are excited to be establishing a centre for agri tech as part of the offer provided by Glynllifon Rural Economy Hub, which is supported by the North Wales Growth Deal. We very much welcome the plans for AMRC Cymru to have a base within the hub and look forward to supporting rural businesses to adopt modern ways of working that aim to increase automation, efficiency and productivity”

Lesley Griffiths, Welsh Government Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales, and Trefnydd, commented on the agreement:

“It is fantastic to be here for the unveiling of this collaboration agreement between Grŵp Llandrillo Menai and AMRC Cymru. We see collaboration between partners as being essential to driving future growth within the industry. Therefore it is extremely positive to see two of the leading organisations within Welsh agri-food come together for the benefit of businesses both large and small.

“I very much see this agreement as being a boost not only to North Wales, but to the Welsh economy as a whole, as we seek to create a world-class food and drink workforce that is innovative, has the highest levels of environmental standards and is fit for the future.”

Andrew Martin, Head of Food and Drink at AMRC Cymru said,

“We are delighted to be able to make this agreement to help grow the Welsh agri-food economy. Our goal is to help the manufacturing and agri-food community access advanced technologies that will drive improvements in productivity, performance and quality. By pooling our expertise with Grŵp Llandrillo Menai’s Coleg Glynllifon and Food Technology Centre, we will be able to provide solutions for the whole supply chain and help agri-food businesses develop new capabilities and embed new technological advancements and innovations”

AMRC Cymru, managed by the University of Sheffield and a member of the High Value Manufacturing (HVM) Catapult, is part of a cluster of world-class centres for industry-focused research and development of technologies used in high-value manufacturing sectors. It has a global reputation for helping companies overcome manufacturing problems and has become a model for collaborative research involving universities, academics and industry worldwide.

Its £20m state-of-the-art centre funded by the Welsh Government focuses on advanced manufacturing sectors including aerospace, automotive, nuclear and food in the key research areas of future propulsion, sustainability and digital manufacturing.

Grŵp Llandrillo is set to work closely with AMRC Cymru on high-level knowledge transfer projects aimed at creating a highly skilled professional workforce across the supply chain that increase competitiveness and capitalise on commercial opportunities resulting in jobs and investment across the region.

The agreement includes a collaboration linked to the North Wales Growth Deal project - the proposed Glynllifon Rural Economy Hub - and represents a significant investment into the future economic prosperity of the north Wales economy.

This partnership is linked to the Glynllifon Rural Economy Hub, whose purpose is to create a world-class agri-food workforce with the highest levels of environmental standards.

Commenting on the opportunity that the agreement will bring to the North Wales economy, Martin Jardine, Director of Agri Food at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai explained,

“By bringing together the expertise of both Grwp Llandrillo Menai and AMRC Cymru, this agreement represents a fantastic opportunity for the rural economy to prosper by exchanging knowledge, innovating and providing easy access to wider support.

"We are excited to be establishing a centre for agri tech as part of the offer provided by Glynllifon Rural Economy Hub, which is supported by the North Wales Growth Deal. We very much welcome the plans for AMRC Cymru to have a base within the hub and look forward to supporting rural businesses to adopt modern ways of working that aim to increase automation, efficiency and productivity”

Lesley Griffiths, Welsh Government Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales, and Trefnydd, commented on the agreement:

“It is fantastic to be here for the unveiling of this collaboration agreement between Grŵp Llandrillo Menai and AMRC Cymru. We see collaboration between partners as being essential to driving future growth within the industry. Therefore it is extremely positive to see two of the leading organisations within Welsh agri-food come together for the benefit of businesses both large and small.

“I very much see this agreement as being a boost not only to North Wales, but to the Welsh economy as a whole, as we seek to create a world-class food and drink workforce that is innovative, has the highest levels of environmental standards and is fit for the future.”

Andrew Martin, Head of Food and Drink at AMRC Cymru said,

“We are delighted to be able to make this agreement to help grow the Welsh agri-food economy. Our goal is to help the manufacturing and agri-food community access advanced technologies that will drive improvements in productivity, performance and quality. By pooling our expertise with Grŵp Llandrillo Menai’s Coleg Glynllifon and Food Technology Centre, we will be able to provide solutions for the whole supply chain and help agri-food businesses develop new capabilities and embed new technological advancements and innovations”

AMRC Cymru, managed by the University of Sheffield and a member of the High Value Manufacturing (HVM) Catapult, is part of a cluster of world-class centres for industry-focused research and development of technologies used in high-value manufacturing sectors. It has a global reputation for helping companies overcome manufacturing problems and has become a model for collaborative research involving universities, academics and industry worldwide.

Its £20m state-of-the-art centre funded by the Welsh Government focuses on advanced manufacturing sectors including aerospace, automotive, nuclear and food in the key research areas of future propulsion, sustainability and digital manufacturing.

Grŵp Llandrillo is set to work closely with AMRC Cymru on high-level knowledge transfer projects aimed at creating a highly skilled professional workforce across the supply chain that increase competitiveness and capitalise on commercial opportunities resulting in jobs and investment across the region.

The agreement includes a collaboration linked to the North Wales Growth Deal project - the proposed Glynllifon Rural Economy Hub - and represents a significant investment into the future economic prosperity of the north Wales economy.

Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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