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Myfyriwr Coleg yn Disgleirio ymhlith Sêr y Byd Ffilm a Cherddoriaeth

Gwireddodd myfyriwr Celfyddydau Perfformio Coleg Llandrillo un o'i freuddwydion wedi iddo ennill rôl actio mewn cyfres ffilm ffug-ddogfen, gan rannu amser sgrin gyda sêr megis Y Fonesig Helen Mirren a Tom Jones!

Ymddangosodd Kyle Whifield, 31 oed o Fae Colwyn mewn pennod o'r gyfres boblogaidd "Documentary Now!" Mae'r bennod Tymor 4, "How They Throw Rocks" yn stori am arwr o dref fach yng Nghymru, ac fe'i ffilmiwyd yn gynharach eleni o gwmpas ardal Betws-y-Coed.

Ymunir â Kyle yn y gyfres gan y selebs o'r byd adloniant Y Fonesig Helen Mirren, Tom Jones, Trystan Gravelle a Sam Wilson i enwi ond ychydig. Mae'r "Documentary Now" a enillodd sawl gwobr yn gyfres deledu ffug-ddogfen a grewyd gan Fred Armisen, Bill Hader, Seth Meyers a Rhys Thomas. Fe'i cynhyrchir gan AMC/IFC ac fe'i dangoswyd yn yr UD yn wreiddiol, ond mae nawr yn cael ei ddarlledu ar Amazon Prime yn y DU.

Dywedodd Kyle: "Am amser anhygoel; roedd fel breuddwyd. Roeddwn i yn y coleg pan atebais alwad i gastio ar gyfer y gyfres. Roeddent eisiau fideo ohonof yn dweud ychydig linellau a chyfres o luniau o fy mhen. Wedi arhosiad llawn tensiwn, fe'm hysbyswyd i mi gael y rhan! Mi helpon nhw ni i gwblhau'r gwaith papur: cytundebau, dyddiadau ar gyfer ffilmio, taliadau ac ati.

"Roedd yn brofiad gwirioneddol werthfawr. Roedd pawb ar y set yn wych, treuliodd hyd yn oed y cyfarwyddwr amser yn fy nghynghori. Gan ein bod i gyd yn aros yn yr un Airbnb, roedd y cast wir yn agored, gan rannu awgrymiadau am y diwydiant gyda mi. Bu yn freuddwyd gennyf i fod yn actor ers plentyndod, byth ers i mi weld y ffilm "Home Alone".

"Hyfforddais yn y lle cyntaf i fod yn gogydd yng Ngholeg Llandrillo, ond actio dwi wir yn ei garu fwyaf, felly newidiais fy nghwrs coleg i Gelfyddydau Perfformio. Mae'r cwrs yn hollol anhygoel: mae'r tiwtoriaid yn wych; maent yn darparu'r modd i chi lwyddo."

Wedi gorffen ei gwrs coleg, mae Kyle yn mynd i astudio ar gyfer gradd mewn Cynhyrchu ar gyfer Teledu a Ffilmiau ym Mhrifysgol Salford. Wedi cwblhau hynny, mae Kyle yn cynllunio symud i'r UD i ddilyn ei freuddwyd ymhellach.

I gael rhagor o wybodaeth ar gyrsiau Celfyddydau Perfformio, neu unrhyw gyrsiau eraill yng Ngholeg Llandrillo cysylltwch â thîm Gwasanaethau i Ddysgwyr y Coleg ar 01492 542 338.



Kyle Whitfield, 31 from Colwyn Bay, featured in an episode of the hit series ‘Documentary Now!’. The Season 4 episode, ‘How They Through Rocks’, is a story about a Welsh small-town hero, and was filmed earlier this year around the Betws-y-Coed area.

Kyle is joined in the episode by showbiz legends Dame Helen Mirren, Tom Jones, Trystan Gravelle and Sam Wilson, to name but a few. Multi-award-winning ‘Documentary Now!’ is an American mockumentary television series created by Fred Armisen, Bill Hader, Seth Meyers and Rhys Thomas. It is produced by AMC/IFC and was shown in the USA originally, but is now airing on Amazon Prime in the UK.

Kyle said: “What an amazing time; it was like a dream. I was in college when I answered a casting call for the series. They wanted a video of me saying a few lines and a series of headshot photos. After a nail-biting wait, I was informed that I had got the part! They then sent me the paperwork: contracts, dates for filming, payments etc.

“It was a truly enriching experience. Everyone on set was fantastic, even the director took time out to advise me. As we all stayed in the same Airbnb, the cast were really open, sharing industry tips with me. It has been a dream of mine to be an actor since childhood, ever since I saw the film ‘Home Alone’.

“I initially trained to be a chef at Coleg Llandrillo, but my passion is for acting so I changed my college course to Performing Arts. The course is absolutely amazing: the tutors are first-class; they provide the tools for you to succeed.”

After finishing his college course, Kyle is going to study for a degree in TV & Film Production at Salford University. After completing that, Kyle plans to move to the USA to follow his dream further.

For more information on Performing Arts courses, or any other courses at Coleg Llandrillo, contact the college’s Learner Services team on 01492 542 338.



Kyle Whitfield, 31 from Colwyn Bay, featured in an episode of the hit series ‘Documentary Now!’. The Season 4 episode, ‘How They Through Rocks’, is a story about a Welsh small-town hero, and was filmed earlier this year around the Betws-y-Coed area.

Kyle is joined in the episode by showbiz legends Dame Helen Mirren, Tom Jones, Trystan Gravelle and Sam Wilson, to name but a few. Multi-award-winning ‘Documentary Now!’ is an American mockumentary television series created by Fred Armisen, Bill Hader, Seth Meyers and Rhys Thomas. It is produced by AMC/IFC and was shown in the USA originally, but is now airing on Amazon Prime in the UK.

Kyle said: “What an amazing time; it was like a dream. I was in college when I answered a casting call for the series. They wanted a video of me saying a few lines and a series of headshot photos. After a nail-biting wait, I was informed that I had got the part! They then sent me the paperwork: contracts, dates for filming, payments etc.

“It was a truly enriching experience. Everyone on set was fantastic, even the director took time out to advise me. As we all stayed in the same Airbnb, the cast were really open, sharing industry tips with me. It has been a dream of mine to be an actor since childhood, ever since I saw the film ‘Home Alone’.

“I initially trained to be a chef at Coleg Llandrillo, but my passion is for acting so I changed my college course to Performing Arts. The course is absolutely amazing: the tutors are first-class; they provide the tools for you to succeed.”

After finishing his college course, Kyle is going to study for a degree in TV & Film Production at Salford University. After completing that, Kyle plans to move to the USA to follow his dream further.

For more information on Performing Arts courses, or any other courses at Coleg Llandrillo, contact the college’s Learner Services team on 01492 542 338.



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