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Myfyrwyr cwnsela cyntaf y Coleg yn dathlu eu llwyddiant

Bu myfyrwyr cwnsela o Gampws y Rhyl Coleg Llandrillo yn dathlu eu llwyddiant yn ddiweddar fel y garfan gyntaf i gwblhau'r Dystysgrif Addysg Uwch mewn Cwnsela.

Bu myfyrwyr cwnsela o Gampws y Rhyl Coleg Llandrillo yn dathlu eu llwyddiant yn ddiweddar fel y garfan gyntaf i gwblhau'r Dystysgrif Addysg Uwch mewn Cwnsela.

Mae'r Dystysgrif Addysg Uwch mewn Cwnsela yn rhaglen ran-amser dros ddwy flynedd, sy'n cael ei dilysu a'i dyfarnu gan Brifysgol Bangor. Mae'n rhoi'r sgiliau a'r wybodaeth i fyfyrwyr fedru mynd ymlaen i gofrestru a gweithredu fel Cwnselwr Proffesiynol gyda Chymdeithas Cwnsela a Seicotherapi Prydain.

Cyflwynwyd eu tystysgrifau i'r myfyrwyr yn y digwyddiad dathlu gan yr Athro Nichola Callow, Dirprwy Is-Ganghellor Dysgu ac Addysgu Prifysgol Bangor. Mynychwyd y digwyddiad gan gyflogwyr lleol a staff Coleg Llandrillo fu'n rhan o arwain a darparu'r rhaglen hefyd.

Dywedodd un o'r myfyrwyr cwnsela llwyddiannus, Sophie:

"Dw i wir wedi mwynhau'r cwrs hwn. Dw i'n meddwl mai'r peth mwyaf ydi'r cynnydd yn fy hyder, ac mae hynny oherwydd strwythur y cwrs - yr heriau byw'n iach; amrywiaeth yr asesiadau a'r llwyth gwaith a'r rhyngweithio a'r cymorth gan fy nhiwtoriaid a fy nghyd-fyfyrwyr. Hefyd dw i'n teimlo'n gyffyrddus iawn ar gampws y Rhyl. Dydi o ddim mor fawr â rhai sefydliadau, sy'n gwneud iddo deimlo'n fwy personol. Rydw i wedi cael cymorth ardderchog gan y gwahanol adrannau pan oedd angen hynny, fel y llyfrgell a'r adrannau cyllid a gweinyddiaeth."

Meddai myfyriwr arall llwyddiannus, Sally:

"Mae gwneud y cwrs Lefel 4 yng nghampws y Rhyl wedi bod yn brofiad positif iawn, yn bersonol ac yn broffesiynol. Roedd y gefnogaeth gan y darlithwyr a'r tîm ehangach heb ei ail. Mae gan y campws gyfleusterau rhagorol ac awyrgylch cynnes a chroesawus. Rwy'n teimlo'n lwcus iawn bod y cymhwyster hwn ar gael yn lleol i mi a fy mod yn teimlo'n rhan o gymuned wrth fynd ar y daith hon. Roedd hynny'n amhrisiadwy i mi o ran cwblhau'r cwrs yn llwyddiannus.”

Mae'r Dystysgrif Addysg Uwch ym maes Gofal Cymdeithasol wedi'i dylunio ar gyfer y rhai sy'n gweithio yn y sector Gofal Cymdeithasol sy'n dymuno ehangu eu gwybodaeth er mwyn gwella eu hymarfer a datblygu eu gyrfa. Nodwyd bod bwlch yn y ddarpariaeth cyrsiau addysg uwch yn ardal y Rhyl ac mae'r cyrsiau hyn yn cyd-fynd ag anghenion y sector a chyflogwyr yn yr ardal.

Mae'r ddarpariaeth cyrsiau cwnsela yn parhau i dyfu - gyda champws y Rhyl yn cynnig cyrsiau o Lefel 2 i Lefel 5 erbyn hyn a nifer y lleoliadau profiad gwaith yn ardal y Rhyl yn cynyddu hefyd.

Yn ogystal â'r ddarpariaeth gwnsela mae campws y Rhyl yn cynnig rhagor o gyfleoedd ar gyfer datblygiad yn y sector iechyd. Mae'r cwrs poblogaidd Tystysgrif Addysg Uwch ym maes Gofal Cymdeithasol yn rhaglen sy'n esblygu. Bellach mae'n llawn cynnwys arloesol newydd sy'n cyd-fynd ag anghenion cyflogwyr lleol, sy'n cynorthwyo i gefnogi cyflogadwyedd a gwella ansawdd y ddarpariaeth iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol yn lleol.

Dywedodd yr Athro Nichola Callow, Dirprwy Is-Ganghellor Dysgu ac Addysgu Prifysgol Bangor:

"Mae gan Brifysgol Bangor bartneriaeth gref a llewyrchus â Grŵp Llandrillo Menai. Fel rhan o'r bartneriaeth hon rydym ni wedi datblygu cyfres o gyrsiau Addysg Uwch sy'n cyfoethogi ein darpariaeth ddysgu hyblyg ac yn sicrhau cyfleoedd i grwpiau heb gynrychiolaeth ddigonol. Rydym ni'n falch iawn o gynnig y cyrsiau Cwnsela ac Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol yng nghampws y Rhyl. Mae cynyddu'r mynediad i Addysg Uwch yn y maes hwn yn bwysig, nid yn unig o safbwynt ehangu mynediad ond hefyd o ran mynd i'r afael â'r anghenion sgiliau yn y rhanbarth. Rydym ni wrth ein boddau â llwyddiant y ddarpariaeth ac yn edrych ymlaen at weld effaith gadarnhaol y cyrsiau hyn ar ranbarth Gogledd Cymru a'n poblogaeth."

Dywedodd Paul Flanagan, Pennaeth Cynorthwyol a Chyfarwyddwr Addysg Uwch yng Ngrŵp Llandrillo Menai:

"Rydym wrth ein bodd gyda llwyddiant ein dysgwyr addysg uwch yng nghampws y Rhyl. Mae ein rhaglenni Lefel 4 lleol wedi'u dylunio'n benodol i ddarparu cyfleoedd i ddenu dysgwyr o amrywiaeth o gefndiroedd a'r rhai nad ydynt yn cael eu cynrychioli'n ddigonol mewn addysg uwch yn arferol. Trwy ddarparu cyfleoedd Addysg Uwch yn lleol rydym ni'n gwneud gwahaniaeth go iawn yn y cymunedau rydym ni'n eu gwasanaethu. Edrychaf ymlaen at barhau ein partneriaeth strategol gref â Phrifysgol Bangor. Mae gennym ni gynlluniau i ehangu ein darpariaeth lwyddiannus yn y dyfodol agos."

Os hoffech gael rhagor o wybodaeth am ein cyrsiau Cwnsela ac Iechyd a Gofal Cymdeithasol ar gampws y Rhyl, yn cynnwys ein rhaglenni Addysg Uwch, ewch i:

The Certificate of Higher Education in Counselling is a two-year, part-time programme which is validated and awarded by Bangor University. It equips students with the skills and knowledge to be able to apply for registration and practice as a Professional Counsellor with the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy.

Students at the celebratory event were presented with their qualifications by Professor Nichola Callow, Pro-Vice Chancellor for Teaching and Learning at Bangor University. The event was also attended by local employers and the Coleg Llandrillo staff who were involved in leading and delivering the programme.

One of the successful counselling students, Sophie, said:

“I have thoroughly enjoyed my course. I think what I have gained the most is confidence, and that is due to the structure of the course - the healthy challenges; variety of assessments & workload and the interactions & support from my tutors & my classmates. I also feel very comfortable at the Rhyl campus. It’s not as large as some institutions which makes it feel more personal. I have also received great support from the various departments when needed, such as the library, finance and administration.”

Another successful student, Sally, said;

“Doing the Level 4 at the Rhyl campus has been a really positive experience, both professionally and personally. The support from the lecturers and wider team has been second to none. The campus has excellent facilities and has a warm and welcoming atmosphere. I feel really lucky that this qualification was available locally to where I live and to feel a part of a community while I went through this journey was invaluable to me achieving the course.”

The Certificate of Higher Education in Social Care is designed for those working within the Social Care sector who wish to gain knowledge in order to enhance their practice and career development. It was identified that there was a gap for provision of higher education courses in the locality of Rhyl and these courses are aligned with sector and employer needs in the area.

The counselling provision continues to grow - with Levels 2 to Level 5 now being offered at the Rhyl campus with the provision of local placements in the Rhyl area increasing.

Alongside the counselling provision, the Rhyl campus also provides further opportunities for development in the health sector. The popular Certificate of Higher Education in Social Care is an evolving programme that has been developed with new innovative content aligned to the needs of local employers, helping to support employability and improving the quality of local health and social care provision.

Prof Nichola Callow, Pro-Vice Chancellor at Bangor University, said:

“Bangor University has a strong and thriving partnership with Grŵp Llandrillo Menai. As part of this partnership, we have developed a suite of Higher Education courses that enhance our flexible learning provision and ensure opportunities for underrepresented groups. We are proud to offer the Counselling and Health and Social Care courses at the Rhyl Campus. Increasing access to Higher Education in this area is important, not only from a widening access perspective but also in terms of addressing the skills needs of the region. We are thrilled with the success of the provision and look forward to seeing the positive impact of these courses on the North Wales region and our population.”

Paul Flanagan, Assistant Principal and Director of Higher Education at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai said:

“We are delighted with the success of our Rhyl campus based higher education learners. Our local Level 4 programmes are specifically designed to provide opportunities to attract learners from a variety of backgrounds and those who are typically under-represented in higher education. By providing local Higher Education opportunities we are really making a difference in the communities that we serve. I look forward to continuing our strong strategic partnership with Bangor University, and we have plans to continue to expand our successful provision in the near future.”

To find out more about our Counselling and Health and Social Care provision at our Rhyl campus including our Higher Education programmes please visit

The Certificate of Higher Education in Counselling is a two-year, part-time programme which is validated and awarded by Bangor University. It equips students with the skills and knowledge to be able to apply for registration and practice as a Professional Counsellor with the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy.

Students at the celebratory event were presented with their qualifications by Professor Nichola Callow, Pro-Vice Chancellor for Teaching and Learning at Bangor University. The event was also attended by local employers and the Coleg Llandrillo staff who were involved in leading and delivering the programme.

One of the successful counselling students, Sophie, said:

“I have thoroughly enjoyed my course. I think what I have gained the most is confidence, and that is due to the structure of the course - the healthy challenges; variety of assessments & workload and the interactions & support from my tutors & my classmates. I also feel very comfortable at the Rhyl campus. It’s not as large as some institutions which makes it feel more personal. I have also received great support from the various departments when needed, such as the library, finance and administration.”

Another successful student, Sally, said;

“Doing the Level 4 at the Rhyl campus has been a really positive experience, both professionally and personally. The support from the lecturers and wider team has been second to none. The campus has excellent facilities and has a warm and welcoming atmosphere. I feel really lucky that this qualification was available locally to where I live and to feel a part of a community while I went through this journey was invaluable to me achieving the course.”

The Certificate of Higher Education in Social Care is designed for those working within the Social Care sector who wish to gain knowledge in order to enhance their practice and career development. It was identified that there was a gap for provision of higher education courses in the locality of Rhyl and these courses are aligned with sector and employer needs in the area.

The counselling provision continues to grow - with Levels 2 to Level 5 now being offered at the Rhyl campus with the provision of local placements in the Rhyl area increasing.

Alongside the counselling provision, the Rhyl campus also provides further opportunities for development in the health sector. The popular Certificate of Higher Education in Social Care is an evolving programme that has been developed with new innovative content aligned to the needs of local employers, helping to support employability and improving the quality of local health and social care provision.

Prof Nichola Callow, Pro-Vice Chancellor at Bangor University, said:

“Bangor University has a strong and thriving partnership with Grŵp Llandrillo Menai. As part of this partnership, we have developed a suite of Higher Education courses that enhance our flexible learning provision and ensure opportunities for underrepresented groups. We are proud to offer the Counselling and Health and Social Care courses at the Rhyl Campus. Increasing access to Higher Education in this area is important, not only from a widening access perspective but also in terms of addressing the skills needs of the region. We are thrilled with the success of the provision and look forward to seeing the positive impact of these courses on the North Wales region and our population.”

Paul Flanagan, Assistant Principal and Director of Higher Education at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai said:

“We are delighted with the success of our Rhyl campus based higher education learners. Our local Level 4 programmes are specifically designed to provide opportunities to attract learners from a variety of backgrounds and those who are typically under-represented in higher education. By providing local Higher Education opportunities we are really making a difference in the communities that we serve. I look forward to continuing our strong strategic partnership with Bangor University, and we have plans to continue to expand our successful provision in the near future.”

To find out more about our Counselling and Health and Social Care provision at our Rhyl campus including our Higher Education programmes please visit

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Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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