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Myfyrwyr Lletygarwch y Coleg yn holi seren y rhaglen deledu 'First Dates'

Yn ddiweddar, cafodd myfyrwyr o Adran Lletygarwch ac Arlwyo Coleg Llandrillo gyfle i gael cynghorion am y proffesiwn gan Fred Sirieix, maître d'hôtel bwytai seren Michelin a seren y cyfresi teledu poblogaidd 'First Dates', 'Million Pound Menu', 'Remarkable Places to Eat' a llwyddiant diweddar ITV, 'Gordon, Gino and Fred: Road Trip'.

Cafodd y myfyrwyr gyfle i holi eu cwestiynau llosg wrth Fred yn ystod sgwrs rithiol gydag ef am awr. Roedd y pynciau'n cynnwys y gwahanol rolau a heriau yn y diwydiant lletygarwch, cyngor ynghylch pa drywydd gyrfa i'w dilyn a'i yrfa newydd sy'n datblygu yn y diwydiant adloniant.

Dywedodd Brian Hansen, cydlynydd cwrs Lefel 2 Lletygarwch ac Arlwyo ar gampws Llandrillo-yn-Rhos y coleg: "Roeddem ni am i'n myfyrwyr gael profiad dysgu cyfoethog wrth ddysgu ar-lein adref yn ystod y cyfnod clo diweddar, felly roedd yn gyfle rhagorol iddyn nhw glywed profiadau bywyd un ar y brig yn y byd yn y proffesiwn a chael y cyfle i holi Fred yn uniongyrchol.

"Mae'r coleg wedi ymrwymo i drawsnewid bywydau ei holl fyfyrwyr a'n nod yw sicrhau darpariaeth o'r radd flaenaf, felly roeddem ni'n ddiolchgar iawn i Fred am roi o'i amser i gymell ac ysbrydoli ein dysgwyr ni."

Fred yw'r diweddaraf o blith siaradwyr gwadd y trefnodd adran Lletygarwch ac Arlwyo'r coleg iddyn nhw sgwrsio gyda'r myfyrwyr yn ystod yn pandemig. Maen nhw wedi cael cyfle i drafod gyda'r cogydd enwog a chyn-fyfyriwr Coleg Llandrillo, Bryn Williams, seren y rhaglen 'Great British Menu', David Kelman a chyn-fyfyriwr arall, Nick Rudge, sy'n gweithio ochr yn ochr â'r cogydd chwedlonol Heston Blumenthal yn ei fwyty enwog, 'The Fat Duck'.

Maes rhaglen Lletygarwch ac Arlwyo'r coleg yw’r unig un yng Nghymru sy’n darparu cyrsiau llawn amser a rhan-amser, o Lefel 1 hyd at Raddau Anrhydedd, mewn Celfyddydau Coginio a Rheoli ym maes Lletygarwch. Mae hefyd yn darparu prentisiaethau, cymwysterau NVQ a hyfforddiant wedi'i deilwra i rai sy’n gweithio yn y diwydiant. Mae'r rhaglenni arbenigol hyn yn cyflwyno arbenigedd i ddysgwyr, cymhwyster cydnabyddedig a'r cyfle i fynd i sefydliadau sy'n arloesi yn y maes coginio a gastronomeg.

I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am gyrsiau Lletygarwch ac Arlwyo yng Ngholeg Llandrillo ym mis Medi, ewch i neu ffoniwch y tîm Gwasanaethau i Ddysgwyr ar 01492 542 338.


The students had the opportunity to field their own burning questions to Fred via a one-hour virtual chat with him. Topics included the various roles and challenges within the hospitality industry, advice on what career path to take, and his blossoming career within the entertainment industry.

Brian Hansen, Level 2 course coordinator for Hospitality & Catering at the college’s Rhos-on-Sea campus said: “During the recent lockdown we wanted our students to have a rich learning experience via online learning at home, so it was a wonderful opportunity for them not only to hear life experiences first-hand from a world-class professional, but to get the chance to ask Fred any questions directly.

“The college is committed to transforming the lives of all its students and we aim to provide the highest quality provision possible, so we were really grateful to Fred for giving up his time to motivate and inspire our learners.“

Fred is the latest in a long line of guest speakers that the college’s Hospitality & Catering department has organised for its students during the pandemic: from celebrity chef and ex-Coleg Llandrillo student Bryn Williams, through ‘Great British Menu’ star David Kelman, to another ex-student, Nick Rudge, who works alongside chef legend Heston Blumenthal at the latter’s infamous restaurant, ‘The Fat Duck.’

The college group’s Hospitality & Catering programme area is the only one in Wales to offer full and part-time courses from Level 1 to Bachelor Honours Degrees in Hospitality Management and Culinary Arts, as well as Apprenticeships, NVQs and customised employee training. These specialist programmes provide learners with expertise, a recognised qualification and the opportunity to enter organisations of culinary and gastronomic innovation.

For more information about Hospitality & Catering courses starting at Coleg Llandrillo in September, go to or call the college's Learner Services team on 01492 542 338.


The students had the opportunity to field their own burning questions to Fred via a one-hour virtual chat with him. Topics included the various roles and challenges within the hospitality industry, advice on what career path to take, and his blossoming career within the entertainment industry.

Brian Hansen, Level 2 course coordinator for Hospitality & Catering at the college’s Rhos-on-Sea campus said: “During the recent lockdown we wanted our students to have a rich learning experience via online learning at home, so it was a wonderful opportunity for them not only to hear life experiences first-hand from a world-class professional, but to get the chance to ask Fred any questions directly.

“The college is committed to transforming the lives of all its students and we aim to provide the highest quality provision possible, so we were really grateful to Fred for giving up his time to motivate and inspire our learners.“

Fred is the latest in a long line of guest speakers that the college’s Hospitality & Catering department has organised for its students during the pandemic: from celebrity chef and ex-Coleg Llandrillo student Bryn Williams, through ‘Great British Menu’ star David Kelman, to another ex-student, Nick Rudge, who works alongside chef legend Heston Blumenthal at the latter’s infamous restaurant, ‘The Fat Duck.’

The college group’s Hospitality & Catering programme area is the only one in Wales to offer full and part-time courses from Level 1 to Bachelor Honours Degrees in Hospitality Management and Culinary Arts, as well as Apprenticeships, NVQs and customised employee training. These specialist programmes provide learners with expertise, a recognised qualification and the opportunity to enter organisations of culinary and gastronomic innovation.

For more information about Hospitality & Catering courses starting at Coleg Llandrillo in September, go to or call the college's Learner Services team on 01492 542 338.


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