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Myfyrwyr Adeiladu a Pheirianneg yn cael blas ar lwyddiant Olympaidd

Cafodd myfyrwyr Adeiladu a Pheirianneg Coleg Llandrillo gyfle i brofi eu sgiliau yn erbyn cyd-fyfyrwyr yn y Cystadlaethau Olympaidd i Grefftwyr a'r Arddangosfa Grefftwyr a gynhaliwyd ar gampws y Rhyl.

Bu dwsinau o fyfyrwyr o feysydd crefft yn cynnwys Gwasanaethu a Thrwsio Cerbydau Modur, Trwsio Cyrff Cerbydau, Gwaith Plymio, Gwaith Brics, Teilio a Weldio yn dangos eu sgiliau mewn cystadlaethau brwd ar draws y campws i gipio medalau aur, arian ac efydd, ynghyd ag ystod o wobrau gwych gan bartneriaid diwydiannol fel GE Tools, Makita a Roger Jones.

Darparodd y Cystadlaethau Olympaidd i Grefftwyr brofiad da i ddysgwyr y Rhyl mewn amgylchedd cystadleuol. Cafodd y myfyrwyr eu hysbrydoli gan eu llwyddiant, a rhoddodd hyder iddynt gymryd rhan mewn cystadlaethau Cymru gyfan, y Deyrnas Unedig a rhyngwladol yn y dyfodol. .

Cafodd y myfyrwyr gyfle hefyd i gael golwg ar safle'r Ganolfan Rhagoriaeth Peirianneg gwerth £11m i'w datblygu ar gampws y Rhyl, a dderbyniodd ganiatâd cynllunio swyddogol gan Gyngor Sir Ddinbych ar ddiwrnod y gystadleuaeth.

Ochr yn ochr â'r gystadleuaeth roedd dros ddwsin o gwmnïau’n arddangos mewn ffair crefftwyr i alluogi dysgwyr y Rhyl a champysau eraill Coleg Llandrillo weld rhai o'r datblygiadau diweddaraf o ran tŵls ac offer adeiladu a pheirianneg. Roedd busnesau eraill yno i roi gwybodaeth i ddysgwyr am gyfleoedd prentisiaeth.

Yn dilyn llawer o drafod ymhlith y staff peirianneg ac adeiladu, cyflwynwyd y medalau aur gan Bennaeth Coleg Llandrillo, Lawrence Wood, i'r enillwyr haeddiannol: Owen Healy o Landudno (Cerbydau modur); Harvey Gray o Ddinbych (Plymio); Jacob Harley o Drefnant (Llwybr i Sgiliau Adeiladu); Lewis Hobson a Charlie McCausland, y ddau o Brestatyn (Gwaith Brics x 2 grŵp); Connor Clarke o Fae Cinmel (Ffabrigo a Weldio), a Boyd Williams o'r Rhyl (Trwsio Cyrff Cerbydau).

Dywedodd Salah Berdouk, Pennaeth Cynorthwyol - Cyfrifiadura a Diwydiannau Creadigol, Adeiladu a Pheirianneg: “Roedd y Cystadlaethau Olympaidd i Grefftwyr yn brosiect ar y cyd dan arweiniad Coleg Llandrillo wedi'i gefnogi gan y cyflenwr diwydiannol a'r prif noddwr GE Tools, i ysbrydoli ein dysgwyr, rhoi blas ar gystadlu iddynt a diwrnod i'w gofio.

"Gwnaeth y dysgwyr - sydd wedi bod yn astudio eu cyrsiau am ychydig o wythnosau'n unig - ymateb i'r her a goresgyn ein holl ddisgwyliadau. Roedd safon uchel y gwaith a gynhyrchwyd gan yr holl gystadleuwyr wedi gwneud argraff ar y staff. Mwynhaodd y myfyrwyr y profiad yn fawr ac maent yn edrych ymlaen at y cyfle nesaf i ddangos eu sgiliau - p'un ai mewn cystadlaethau cenedlaethol a rhyngwladol neu yn y gweithle.

“Diolch eto i GE Tools a'r cwmnïau eraill a gefnogodd y digwyddiad, gan roi gwobrau hael i'r enillwyr. Fe aethant cyn belled â rhoi gwobr i bob myfyriwr a gymrodd ran yn y diwrnod!"

Dywedodd Chris Owen, Rheolwr Gyfarwyddwr GE Tools: "Cawsom ddiwrnod gwych ac roedd yr awyrgylch ymhlith y dysgwyr a chynrychiolwyr y diwydiant yn rhagorol. Cawsom ymateb anhygoel, gyda channoedd yn cymryd rhan ac yn bresennol yn y digwyddiad, felly hoffwn ddiolch iddynt am eu cefnogaeth."

"Rydym ni'n ffodus fod gennym ni rai o'r colegau gorau yn y wlad ar garreg ein drws, gyda darlithwyr sgiliedig a chyfleusterau rhagorol. Felly does dim platfform gwell i'r myfyrwyr ddatblygu eu sgiliau a llwyddo."

I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am gyrsiau Adeiladu a Pheirianneg, neu unrhyw gyrsiau eraill ar gampws Coleg Llandrillo yn y Rhyl, ffoniwch 01745 354 797.



Dozens of students from trade areas including Motor Vehicle Services & Repair, Vehicle Body Repair, Plumbing, Brickwork, Tiling, and Welding showcased their talents in tense battles across the campus in order to claim gold, silver and bronze medals, together with a range of fantastic prizes donated by industrial partners such as GE Tools, Makita or Roger Jones.

The ‘Trade Olympics’ provided the Rhyl learners with much-needed experience in a competitive environment. The students were very much inspired by what they have achieved and gave them the confidence to enter future Welsh, national and international competitions.

The students also got the opportunity to see the site of the future £11m Engineering Centre of Excellence at the Rhyl campus, which got the official go-ahead by Denbighshire County Council on the day of the competition.

Running parallel to the competitions, over a dozen companies took part in a trade show to enable learners from Rhyl and other Coleg Llandrillo campuses to see some of the rapidly-changing developments in construction and engineering tooling. Other businesses were on campus to provide learners with information on apprenticeship opportunities.

After much deliberation by the engineering and construction staff, the gold medals were presented by Coleg Llandrillo principal, Lawrence Wood, to the worthy winners: Owen Healy from Llandudno (Motor Vehicle); Harvey Gray from Denbigh (Plumbing); Jacob Harley from Trefnant (Pathway to Construction Skills); Lewis Hobson and Charlie McCausland (both from Prestatyn - Brickwork x 2 groups); Connor Clarke from Kinmel Bay (Welding & Fabrication), and Boyd Williams from Rhyl (Vehicle Body Repair)

Salah Berdouk, assistant principal - Computing & Creative Industries, Construction and Engineering, said: “The Trade Olympics was a joint project led by Coleg Llandrillo and supported by industry supplier and main sponsor GE Tools, to inspire our learners, provide them with a taste of competition, and give them a day to remember.

“The learners - who have only been studying on their respective courses for a matter of weeks - rose to the challenge and surpassed all of our expectations. Staff were impressed by the high quality of the work produced by all competitors. The students all thoroughly enjoyed it and are looking forward to the next opportunity to showcase their skills - whether that be at national and international competitions, or in the workplace.

“Thanks again to GE Tools and the other companies that supported the event, generously supplying prizes for the winners. They even went to the extent of giving a prize to all our students that took part on the day!”

Chris Owen, managing director of GE Tools, said: “We had a brilliant day and there was a fantastic atmosphere among the learners and industry representatives. We had an incredible response, with hundreds of people taking part and attending, so we thank them for their support.”

“We are fortunate to have some of the best colleges in the country on our doorstep, with skilled lecturers and outstanding facilities. So for the students, there is no better platform for them to go on and be successful.”

For more information on Construction and Engineering courses, or any other courses at Coleg Llandrillo’s Rhyl campus, telephone 01745 354 797.



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