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Myfyriwr Adeiladwaith yn cipio Cystadleuaeth Sgiliau Merched HIP Genedlaethol

Mae Tiffany Baker, sy’n astudio ‘Dilyniant mewn Peirianneg Gwasanaethau Adeiladu - Plymio a Gwresogi’ ar gampws Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor yn Nolgellau, newydd gael ei henwi’n Enillydd Sgiliau Merched HIP ar gyfer 2023.

Ar ôl dod i’r brig yn y rhagbrofion rhanbarthol diweddar, cymerodd Tiffany ran yn y rownd derfynol genedlaethol ddoe yng Ngholeg Loughborough – lle brwydrodd chwech yn y rownd derfynol i gael ei choroni’n Enillydd Sgiliau Merched HIP 2023.

Dywedodd Marius Jones, Rheolwr Maes Rhaglen ar gyfer Adeiladu a Pheirianneg yng Ngholeg Meirion-Dwyfor,

“Rydym wrth ein bodd gyda llwyddiant ysgubol Tiffany. Mae gan Coelg Meirion-Dwyfor hanes hir iawn o gystadlu mewn, ac ennill cystadlaethau sgiliau cenedlaethol a rhyngwladol. Mae gweld Tiffany yn dilyn y traddodiad hwn yn wych”.

Ychwanegodd, "Mae'n galonogol gweld un o'n dysgwyr benywaidd yn ennill ar lwyfan cenedlaethol - a dwi'n obeithiol y bydd gweld llwyddiant Tiffany yn denu mwy o ferched i astudio Adeiladwaith, ac i fynd ymlaen i ddiwydiant sy'n galw am fwy o weithwyr benywaidd. "

“Pob lwc i Tiffany ar ei hasesiadau yn y Coleg, rwy’n siŵr y bydd y sgiliau y mae wedi eu dysgu ar gyfer y gystadleuaeth yn dod â marc uchel iawn iddi!”

Dywedodd Chris Penney, Arweinydd Rhaglen GIVE LIXIL EMENA, “Mae safon y gwaith wedi bod yn uchel iawn. Rydym am annog mwy o fenywod i mewn i'r diwydiant plymio. Mae’n bwysig ein bod ni’n pontio’r bwlch rhwng y rhywiau.”

Dywedodd Zoë Tanner, Rheolwr Gyfarwyddwr HIP, “Llongyfarchiadau enfawr i bawb a gymerodd ran. Dylech fod yn hynod falch ohonoch eich hunain. Mae wedi bod yn anrhydedd llwyr gweld y genhedlaeth nesaf o blymwyr benywaidd yn dangos eu sgiliau.”

Noddwyd y gystadleuaeth gan lawer o enwau mawr yn y diwydiant, gan gynnwys Grohe, Viessmann, Aalberts IPS, Grundfos, Kingspan, Wolseley Plumb Parts, Talon, Stelrad, Scruffs, Yorkshire Copper Tube, CIPHE a WD-40.

I ddysgu mwy am gyrsiau Adeiladwaith yn y coleg, clicia yma.

After coming out on top at the recent regional heats, Tiffany took part in the national final yesterday at Loughborough College - where six finalists battled it out to be crowned the HIP Female Skills 2023 Winner.

Marius Jones, Programme Area Manager for Construction & Engineering at Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor said,

“We are delighted with Tiffany’s resounding success. Coelg Meirion-Dwyfor has a very long history in competing in, and winning national and international skills competitions. Seeing Tiffany follow this tradition is fantastic”.

He added, "It’s encouraging to see one of our female learners winning on a national stage - and I’m hopeful that seeing Tiffany’s success will attract more women to study Construction, and to go on to an industry that calls out for more female workers"

“Good luck to Tiffany on her assessments in College, I'm sure the skills she's picked up for the competition will see her through with a very high mark!”

Chris Penney, Leader GIVE Program LIXIL EMENA, at Grohe said, “The standard of work has been very high. We want to encourage more women into the plumbing industry, and set new industry standards with our products and also with the people that install them. It’s important that we bridge that gender gap.”

Zoë Tanner, Managing Director of HIP said, “A massive congratulations to all who took part. You should be extremely proud of yourselves. It has been an absolute honour to see the next generation of female plumbers showing off their skills.”

The competition was sponsored by many big industry names, including Grohe, Viessmann, Aalberts IPS, Grundfos, Kingspan, Wolseley Plumb Parts, Talon, Stelrad, Scruffs, Yorkshire Copper Tube, CIPHE and WD-40.

To find out more about Construction courses at college, please click here.

After coming out on top at the recent regional heats, Tiffany took part in the national final yesterday at Loughborough College - where six finalists battled it out to be crowned the HIP Female Skills 2023 Winner.

Marius Jones, Programme Area Manager for Construction & Engineering at Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor said,

“We are delighted with Tiffany’s resounding success. Coelg Meirion-Dwyfor has a very long history in competing in, and winning national and international skills competitions. Seeing Tiffany follow this tradition is fantastic”.

He added, "It’s encouraging to see one of our female learners winning on a national stage - and I’m hopeful that seeing Tiffany’s success will attract more women to study Construction, and to go on to an industry that calls out for more female workers"

“Good luck to Tiffany on her assessments in College, I'm sure the skills she's picked up for the competition will see her through with a very high mark!”

Chris Penney, Leader GIVE Program LIXIL EMENA, at Grohe said, “The standard of work has been very high. We want to encourage more women into the plumbing industry, and set new industry standards with our products and also with the people that install them. It’s important that we bridge that gender gap.”

Zoë Tanner, Managing Director of HIP said, “A massive congratulations to all who took part. You should be extremely proud of yourselves. It has been an absolute honour to see the next generation of female plumbers showing off their skills.”

The competition was sponsored by many big industry names, including Grohe, Viessmann, Aalberts IPS, Grundfos, Kingspan, Wolseley Plumb Parts, Talon, Stelrad, Scruffs, Yorkshire Copper Tube, CIPHE and WD-40.

To find out more about Construction courses at college, please click here.

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