Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logosColeg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logos

Danny and Brody yn helpu Llanfairpwll i ennill 5-0 yn dilyn partneriaeth newydd gyda La Liga

Mae myfyrwyr Coleg Menai Danny Connolly a Brody White yn rhan o garfan Clwb Pêl-Droed Llanfairpwll wnaeth sicrhau buddugoliaeth o 5-0 yn eu gêm gyntaf ers cyhoeddi partneriaeth arloesol gyda La Liga.

Cyhoeddodd Llanfairpwll yr wythnos diwethaf y bydd logo newydd La Liga i'w weld ar flaen eu crysau ar gyfer tymor 2023/24.

Ddydd Sadwrn, chwaraeodd y clwb o Ynys Môn eu gêm gyntaf yn gwisgo brand dwbl 'L' prif adran Sbaen - un o'r cynghreiriau mwyaf poblogaidd ar y blaned lle bu Lionel Messi a Cristiano Ronaldo yn cystadlu.

Rhoddodd y tîm berfformiad y byddai sêr La Liga, Jude Bellingham, Robert Lewandowski a Vinicius Junior wedi bod yn falch ohono, gan ergydio pum gôl i rwyd Holyhead Town ym Maes Eilian a sicrhau'r dechrau gorau posib i bartneriaeth newydd y clwb.

Ymhlith chwaraewyr Llanfairpwll roedd yr ymosodwr Danny Connolly a’r chwaraewr canol cae Brody White, sydd ill dau yn astudio yng Ngholeg Menai.

Llanfairpwll announced last week they would be wearing La Liga’s new logo on the front of their shirt for the 2023/24 season.

On Saturday, the Anglesey club played their first game in the double ‘L’ branding of Spain’s top division - one of the most popular leagues on the planet in which Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo plied their trade.

They gave a performance that La Liga stars Jude Bellingham, Robert Lewandowski and Vinicius Junior would have been proud of, thumping five past Holyhead Town at Maes Eilian to get the club’s new partnership off to the best possible start.

Among the Llanfairpwll players were striker Danny Connolly and midfielder Brody White, who are both studying at Coleg Menai.

Llanfairpwll announced last week they would be wearing La Liga’s new logo on the front of their shirt for the 2023/24 season.

On Saturday, the Anglesey club played their first game in the double ‘L’ branding of Spain’s top division - one of the most popular leagues on the planet in which Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo plied their trade.

They gave a performance that La Liga stars Jude Bellingham, Robert Lewandowski and Vinicius Junior would have been proud of, thumping five past Holyhead Town at Maes Eilian to get the club’s new partnership off to the best possible start.

Among the Llanfairpwll players were striker Danny Connolly and midfielder Brody White, who are both studying at Coleg Menai.

Mae Danny hefyd yn is-reolwr ar Lanfairpwll - neu Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch i nodi'r enw'n llawn - sy'n chwarae ym mhumed cynghrair pêl-droed Cymru.

Dywedodd bod gwisgo logo La Liga wedi'i ysbrydoli ef a’i gyd-chwaraewyr, er iddo gyfaddef bod y clwb yn meddwl pan gysylltodd La Liga gyntaf i awgrymu partneriaeth rhwng “y ddau enw mwyaf mewn pêl-droed” bod jôc yn cael ei chwarae arnynt.

“Mae’n anrhydedd gwisgo’r crys gyda phartneriaeth mor bwysig,” meddai Danny, sy’n astudio Gosodiadau Trydanol Lefel 3 fel rhan o'i waith gyda chwmni Pentraeth Fire and Security. “Roedd hi'n fuddugoliaeth wych ddydd Sadwrn. Roedden ni’n dominyddu o’r dechrau i’r diwedd, a’r hogiau i gyd yn rhoi 110% o ymdrech.

“Yn amlwg oherwydd ein partneriaeth newydd, bydd llawer mwy o bwysau arnom ni i ennill gemau, ac fe wnaethon ni gynyddu'r disgwyliadau hyd yn oed yn fwy ddydd Sadwrn.

“Cawsom neges gan La Liga yn ystod yr haf yn dweud eu bod yn cyhoeddi logo newydd gyda’r dwbl ‘L’, ac yn gofyn a oeddem eisiau bod mewn partneriaeth â nhw gan fod sawl 'L' yn ein henw.

Danny is also assistant manager of Llanfairpwll - full name Llanfair­pwllgwyngyll­gogery­chwyrn­drobwll­llan­tysilio­gogo­goch - who play in the fifth tier of Welsh football.

He said he and his team-mates were inspired by wearing the La Liga logo, although he admitted the club thought it was a prank when La Liga first got in touch to suggest a partnership between “the two biggest names in football".

“It’s an honour to wear the shirt with such a big partnership,” said Danny, who is studying Level 3 electrical installation as part of his employment with Pentraeth Fire and Security. “It was a fantastic win on Saturday. We dominated from start to finish, and all the lads put in 110% effort.

“Obviously with the partnership we’ve got now, there’s going to be a lot more pressure on our shoulders to win games, and we drove up expectations even more on Saturday.

“We had a message from La Liga in the summer saying they’re bringing out a new logo with the double ‘L’, asking if we want to be in a partnership with them because of the number of ‘L’s we have in our name.

Danny is also assistant manager of Llanfairpwll - full name Llanfair­pwllgwyngyll­gogery­chwyrn­drobwll­llan­tysilio­gogo­goch - who play in the fifth tier of Welsh football.

He said he and his team-mates were inspired by wearing the La Liga logo, although he admitted the club thought it was a prank when La Liga first got in touch to suggest a partnership between “the two biggest names in football".

“It’s an honour to wear the shirt with such a big partnership,” said Danny, who is studying Level 3 electrical installation as part of his employment with Pentraeth Fire and Security. “It was a fantastic win on Saturday. We dominated from start to finish, and all the lads put in 110% effort.

“Obviously with the partnership we’ve got now, there’s going to be a lot more pressure on our shoulders to win games, and we drove up expectations even more on Saturday.

“We had a message from La Liga in the summer saying they’re bringing out a new logo with the double ‘L’, asking if we want to be in a partnership with them because of the number of ‘L’s we have in our name.

“Roedden ni’n meddwl ei fod yn ffug, ond fe wnaethon nhw anfon neges eto yn dweud eu bod o ddifrif ac yn gofyn a oedden ni eisiau mynd ar alwad fideo. Cafodd y cadeirydd Samantha Jones-Smith sgwrs gyda nhw a dechrau rhoi'r trefniadau mewn lle.”

Yna anfonodd La Liga ddyluniadau cit atom, gan ofyn a oedd unrhyw beth yr oedd Llanfairpwll ei eisiau ar y crys.

Ar gais y clwb, mae'r cit newydd yn parhau i gynnwys yr enw 'Romeo' - teyrnged i'r cyn-chwaraewr Henry Ayabowei - sydd wedi bod ar lawes crys Llanfairpwll ers iddo farw yn 2017.

Dywed Danny y bydd y bartneriaeth gyda La Liga yn hwb enfawr i’r clwb a’r gymuned, gan honni mai dyma’r newyddion mwyaf ym myd pêl-droed Cymru ers i actorion Hollywood, Ryan Reynolds a Rob McElhenney brynu CPD Wrecsam bron i dair blynedd yn ôl.

“Mae unrhyw gyhoeddusrwydd yn gyhoeddusrwydd da, ond mae hyn yn arallfydol,” meddai. “Nid yw rhywbeth fel hyn erioed wedi digwydd hyd yn oed i dîm yn uwch-gynghrair Cymru. Yr unig beth mwy 'na hyn sydd wedi digwydd ym myd pêl-droed yng ngogledd Cymru yn ddiweddar, yn amlwg, ydy beth ddigwyddodd yn Wrecsam.

“We thought it was a hoax, but they messaged again saying it was genuine and asking if we wanted to get on a video call. The chairperson Samantha Jones-Smith got on a call with them and got the ball rolling.”

La Liga then sent kit designs, asking if there was anything Llanfairpwll wanted on the shirt.

At the club’s request, the new kit continues to feature the name ‘Romeo’ - a tribute to former player Henry Ayabowei - which has been on the sleeve of Llanfairpwll’s shirt since he sadly died in 2017.

Danny says the partnership with La Liga will be a huge boost to the club and the community, claiming it’s the biggest news in Welsh football since Hollywood actors Ryan Reynolds and Rob McElhenney bought Wrexham FC nearly three years ago.

“Any publicity is good publicity, but this is out of this world,” he said. “Something like this has never happened even to a tier one team in Wales. The only thing that’s bigger that’s happened in football in North Wales recently is obviously what happened at Wrexham.

“We thought it was a hoax, but they messaged again saying it was genuine and asking if we wanted to get on a video call. The chairperson Samantha Jones-Smith got on a call with them and got the ball rolling.”

La Liga then sent kit designs, asking if there was anything Llanfairpwll wanted on the shirt.

At the club’s request, the new kit continues to feature the name ‘Romeo’ - a tribute to former player Henry Ayabowei - which has been on the sleeve of Llanfairpwll’s shirt since he sadly died in 2017.

Danny says the partnership with La Liga will be a huge boost to the club and the community, claiming it’s the biggest news in Welsh football since Hollywood actors Ryan Reynolds and Rob McElhenney bought Wrexham FC nearly three years ago.

“Any publicity is good publicity, but this is out of this world,” he said. “Something like this has never happened even to a tier one team in Wales. The only thing that’s bigger that’s happened in football in North Wales recently is obviously what happened at Wrexham.

“Mae’n bendant yn ysbrydoliaeth ychwanegol i ni, ond mae’n ysbrydoliaeth i’r timau sy’n ymweld â ni hefyd!”

Cytunodd Brody, gan ddweud y byddai timau yn sicr o chwarae o'u gorau yn erbyn Llanfairpwll ar ôl i hanes y clwb fod ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol a'r newyddion yr wythnos ddiwethaf.

Wrth siarad cyn gêm dydd Sadwrn, dywedodd: “Rydyn ni i gyd wedi cyffroi i wisgo'r cit. Mae'n mynd i wneud i'r timau eraill chwarae eu gorau glas!

“Roeddwn i ar wyliau pan gafodd yr hanes ei gyhoeddi yn sgwrs grŵp y tîm felly doeddwn i ddim yn cael cymryd rhan yn y fideo hyrwyddo. Ond daeth ITV i’r clwb i wneud cyfweliad a gallwch fy ngweld yn hyfforddi yn y cefndir.”

Mae Brody yn astudio Tystysgrif Addysg Uwch mewn Adeiladu, ar ôl cael ei recriwtio gan Read ar ôl creu argraff pan ar brofiad gwaith fel rhan o'i gwrs BTEC Lefel 3 mewn Adeiladu a'r Amgylchedd Adeiledig.

“It’s definitely extra inspiration for us, but it’s inspiration for the teams coming to visit us as well!”

Brody agreed, saying teams would be raising their game against Llanfairpwll after the club were all over social media and television news last week.

Speaking before Saturday’s game, he said: “We’re all really excited to wear the kit. It’s going to make the other teams bring their A-game!

“I was on holiday when it got announced in the group chat so I didn’t get to take part in the promo video. But ITV came to the club to do an interview and you can see me training in the background.”

Brody is studying a Certificate of Higher Education in Construction, having been recruited by Read after impressing on work experience as part of his Level 3 BTEC in Construction and the Built Environment.

“It’s definitely extra inspiration for us, but it’s inspiration for the teams coming to visit us as well!”

Brody agreed, saying teams would be raising their game against Llanfairpwll after the club were all over social media and television news last week.

Speaking before Saturday’s game, he said: “We’re all really excited to wear the kit. It’s going to make the other teams bring their A-game!

“I was on holiday when it got announced in the group chat so I didn’t get to take part in the promo video. But ITV came to the club to do an interview and you can see me training in the background.”

Brody is studying a Certificate of Higher Education in Construction, having been recruited by Read after impressing on work experience as part of his Level 3 BTEC in Construction and the Built Environment.

Bydd CPD Llanfairpwll yn dathlu 125 mlynedd ers ei sefydlu yn 2024, a bydd y clwb yn ceisio nodi'r achlysur mewn steil drwy ei bartneriaeth gyda La Liga. ⁠ Fel rhan o’r cytundeb, cyflwynwyd arwydd newydd “Croeso i Lanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch” i’r gymuned, gyda logo La Liga yn cymryd lle pob un o’r pump ‘Ll’ yn enw’r pentref.

Lluniau'r gêm: Chris Couchman

CPD Llanfairpwll will celebrate its 125th anniversary in 2024, and the club will look to mark the occasion in style through its partnership with La Liga. As part of the deal, the community was presented with a new “Welcome To Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch” sign, with the La Liga logo replacing each of the five ‘Ll’s in the village’s name.

Match pictures: Chris Couchman

CPD Llanfairpwll will celebrate its 125th anniversary in 2024, and the club will look to mark the occasion in style through its partnership with La Liga. As part of the deal, the community was presented with a new “Welcome To Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch” sign, with the La Liga logo replacing each of the five ‘Ll’s in the village’s name.

Match pictures: Chris Couchman

Cysylltu â ni

Nid ydym ar-lein ar hyn o bryd. Gadewch neges ac mi gysylltwn â chi.

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