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Myfyriwr Graddedig Wedi Cymryd Rhan mewn Cystadleuaeth Gelf Ryngwladol!

Cafodd Myfyriwr Gradd Sylfaen Celf a Dylunio yng Ngholeg Menai ei rhoi ar restr fer ar gyfer Artist y Flwyddyn Bywyd Gwyllt Rhyngwladol 2021.

Cystadleuodd Jessica Mcgee, o Cwm-y-Glo ger Llanberis, yn y gystadleuaeth a gynhaliwyd gan y David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation, fel rhan o fodiwl Diwydiant Creadigol ei rhaglen Gradd Sylfaen.

Sefydlwyd y Wildlife Foundation yn 1984 i helpu codi ymwybyddiaeth o rywogaethau mewn perygl. Mae darn dyfrliw Jessica, o'r enw "Ebony and Ivory", a gyflwynwyd i'r gystadleuaeth wedi ei ysbrydoli gan y rhinoseros mewn perygl, ac fe'i gwnaed mewn ymateb i'r nifer arswydus o rinos a botsiwyd dros y ddegawd ddiwethaf.

Bydd y Seremoni Wobrwyo Rithwir i gyhoeddi enillwyr y gystadleuaeth yn cael ei chynnal ar 25 Mai am 7pm, tra bydd Yr Arddangosfa Rithwir yn rhedeg hyd 29 Mehefin.

Dywedodd Jessica, "Mae'r prosiect mor bwysig i mi ac mae'n torri nghalon i feddwl am y genhedlaeth nesaf heb fod yn gwybod beth yw anifail neilltuol. Dw i isio siarad allan. Dw i isio helpu. Erbyn 2020, cofnodwyd bod 394 o rhinos wedi eu lladd, y rhif isaf ers 2012 ond o hyd yn rhy uchel. Gobeithiaf ddanfon neges gref drwy'r paentiad. Nid paentiad del ydy o i fod. Mae i fod i roi sioc i bobl. "

Ychwanegodd, "Mae’r gefnogaeth rydw i wedi’i chael gan fy nhiwtoriaid wedi bod yn wych. Mae'r tiwtoriaid yn wych am fy ngwthio i greu'r gorau o fewn fy ngallu, ac mae fy nghyd fyfyrwyr yn y coleg bob amser yn fy annog a nghefnogi. Rydw i'n ddiolchgar iawn am y ddwy flynedd ddiwethaf a'r ansawdd ardderchog o addysgu a dderbyniais".

Medrwch ddarganfod mwy am y David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation, a'r Gystadleuaeth Rithwir yma.

Medrwch ddarganfod mwy am y Gradd Sylfaen (FDA) Celf a Dylunio ar gael yng Ngholeg Menai, yma.

Jessica Mcgee, from Cwm-Y-Glo near Llanberis, entered the competition held by the David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation, as part of the Creative Industry module of her Foundation Degree programme.

The Wildlife Foundation was set up in 1984 to help raise the awareness of endangered species. Jessica’s watercolour piece, ‘Ebony and Ivory’ that’s been shortlisted in the competition, is inspired by the endangered rhinoceros, and the extremely high number of rhinos that have been poached over the past decade.

The Virtual Award Ceremony to announce the winners of the competition will take place on the 25th May at 7pm, whilst the Virtual Exhibition will run until 29th June.

Jessica said, “This project is so important to me and it breaks my heart to think of the next generation not knowing what a certain animal is. I want to speak out. I want to help. In 2020, it was recorded that 394 rhinos had been slaughtered, the lowest number since 2012 but still too high. I hope to send a strong message through the painting. It is not meant to be a pretty painting. It is meant to shock people.”

She added, “The support I’ve had from my tutors has been fantastic. The tutors are fantastic at pushing me to create the best that I can do, and my fellow students at college always encourage and support me. I am very thankful for the past two years and the excellent quality of teaching that I have received”.

You can find out more about the David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation, and the Virtual Competition here.

You can find out more about the Foundation Degree (FDA) Art and Design Course available at Coleg Menai, here.

Jessica Mcgee, from Cwm-Y-Glo near Llanberis, entered the competition held by the David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation, as part of the Creative Industry module of her Foundation Degree programme.

The Wildlife Foundation was set up in 1984 to help raise the awareness of endangered species. Jessica’s watercolour piece, ‘Ebony and Ivory’ that’s been shortlisted in the competition, is inspired by the endangered rhinoceros, and the extremely high number of rhinos that have been poached over the past decade.

The Virtual Award Ceremony to announce the winners of the competition will take place on the 25th May at 7pm, whilst the Virtual Exhibition will run until 29th June.

Jessica said, “This project is so important to me and it breaks my heart to think of the next generation not knowing what a certain animal is. I want to speak out. I want to help. In 2020, it was recorded that 394 rhinos had been slaughtered, the lowest number since 2012 but still too high. I hope to send a strong message through the painting. It is not meant to be a pretty painting. It is meant to shock people.”

She added, “The support I’ve had from my tutors has been fantastic. The tutors are fantastic at pushing me to create the best that I can do, and my fellow students at college always encourage and support me. I am very thankful for the past two years and the excellent quality of teaching that I have received”.

You can find out more about the David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation, and the Virtual Competition here.

You can find out more about the Foundation Degree (FDA) Art and Design Course available at Coleg Menai, here.

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