Coleg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logosColeg Llandrillo, Coleg Menai, Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor and Busnes@LlandrilloMenai logos

Profiadau Myfyrwyr Cyrsiau Gradd yn y Coleg

Yn dilyn Arolwg Cenedlaethol Myfyrwyr eleni a safle cadarnhaol Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, mae myfyrwyr hefyd wedi rhannu eu barn a'u profiadau o astudio cyrsiau Gradd yng ngholegau'r Grŵp.

Yn yr Arolwg Cenedlaethol o Fyfyrwyr (NSS) daeth Grŵp Llandrillo Menai yn 7fed drwy Gymru am foddhad myfyrwyr, yr un safle â'r ddwy flynedd flaenorol.

Dywedodd un myfyriwr sy'n dilyn cwrs Rheoli Busnes ar gampws Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor yn Nolgellau,

"Dewisais y cwrs hwn oherwydd mae'n lleol i mi ac roeddwn i wedi clywed nifer o sylwadau cadarnhaol gan gyn-fyfyrwyr. Mae gen i blant ac oherwydd bod y cwrs yn cael ei gynnal un diwrnod yr wythnos ac mae o fewn 5 munud i fy nghartref, mae hyn yn golygu ei bod hi'n bosib i mi weithio, gofalu am fy mhlant a dilyn cwrs gradd.

Meddai myfyriwr arall:

"Un peth da am y cwrs ydy mai grŵp bwch o fyfyrwyr sy'n ei ddilyn, ac mae'r gefnogaeth un-i-un a'r wybodaeth yn fwy manwl. Mae hyn yn gwneud i chi deimlo eich bod yn rhan o deulu bach yn hytrach na'n un o nifer fawr mewn prifysgol fawr."

Mae'r Arolwg Cenedlaethol o Fyfyrwyr (NSS) yn casglu barn myfyrwyr am ansawdd eu cyrsiau, ac mae hynny yn ei dro o gymorth i gynghori darpar fyfyrwyr am eu dewisiadau; mae'n cynnig data sy'n cynorthwyo prifysgolion a cholegau i wella profiad myfyrwyr ac yn cefnogi atebolrwydd cyhoeddus. Mae pob prifysgol yn y DU yn cymryd rhan yn yr arolwg, ynghyd â nifer o golegau addysg bellach, ac mae'r cyfraddau ymateb yn uchel bob amser.

Cyfradd boddhad myfyrwyr Grŵp Llandrillo Menai oedd 81.7%, cynnydd o 5% ar radd y llynedd a 5% yn uwch na'r gyfradd yn genedlaethol.

Dywedodd un myfyriwr sy'n dilyn cwrs Celfyddydau Perfformio yng Ngholeg Llandrillo eu bod "yn falch gyda'n nifer o dripiau a gynigir" - roedden nhw newydd fod i Fanceinion ac wedi bod mewn sesiwn holi ac ateb gyda chynhyrchiad proffesiynol.

Mae sylwadau gan fyfyrwyr Addysg Uwch eraill ar draws y Grŵp yn cynnwys:

"Mae'r gefnogaeth yn anhygoel a'r cysywllt personol yn wych", MAe bywyd Coleg yn dda, popeth yn hawdd i'w ddeall ac os bydd angen cymorth arnom, mae'r tiwtor ar gael bob amser," ac "Rydych yn teimlo mai chi sy'n cael blaenoriaeth ac mae'r atebion yn dod yn gyflym iawn ar -bost"

Meddai Joanne Owen, Rheolwr Datblygu Addysg Uwch,

Mae'r profiadau cadarnhaol a rannwyd gan y myfyrwyr yn brawf o'r gwaith caled ac ymroddiad darlithwyr Grŵp Llandrillo Menai" Hoffwn ddiolch i'r myfyrwyr am rannu eu teimladau am y cyrsiau maen nhw'n eu dilyn, ac am fywyd yn y coleg.

"Rydw i wrth fy modd i weld bod gwaith caled ein myfyrwyr Addysg Uwch, a'r staff sy'n eu cefnogi, wedi arwain at ganlyniadau mor gadarnhaol yn yr arolwg hefyd. Rydym yn falch iawn ein bod ni'n gallu cynnig amrywiaeth eang o gyrsiau gradd i'n myfyrwyr, oherwydd mae hi'n amhosib i nifer ohonynt astudio mewn Prifysgol oddi cartref oherwydd ymrwymiadau personol.

Mae hi'n fraint cynorthwyo ein myfyrwyr i symud ymlaen ac ymestyn eu hunain drwy ennill gradd a gweithio yn lleol." Gyda chefnogaeth y Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol, rydym hefyd yn falch iawn o gynnig amrywiaeth eang o gyrsiau Addysg Uwch dwyieithog i fyfyrwyr, ac rydym wrth ein boddau bod rhagor yn dilyn y cyrsiau hyn ac yn cefnogi Safonau'r Gymraeg."

I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am ddilyn cwrs gradd gyda Grŵp Llandrillo Menai cliciwch yma.

In the latest National Student Survey (NSS) Grŵp Llandrillo Menai ranked 7th in Wales for overall student satisfaction, as it has done for the past two years.

A student who studies Business Management at Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor’s campus in Dolgellau, said,

“I chose this course because it’s local to where I live and I had heard many positive comments from previous students. I have children, and therefore because the course is one day a week and within 5 minutes of where I live, it makes being able to work, look after my children and studying towards a degree achievable.”

Another student said,

“One good thing about the course is because it’s a small group of students, you receive more detailed one-to-one support and information during learning. This definitely makes you feel like you are part of a small family, as opposed to just a number at a big university”.

The National Student Survey gathers students' opinions on the quality of their courses, which helps to inform prospective students' choices; provides data that supports universities and colleges to improve the student experience, and supports public accountability. Every university in the UK takes part in the survey, as do many further education colleges, and response rates are consistently high.

Grŵp Llandrillo Menai received an overall student satisfaction rating of 81.7%, up 5% on last year, and 5% above the national average.

A Coleg Llandrillo Performing Arts student said that they were “pleased with the number of trips on offer” as they had recently been to Manchester and attended a Q&A session with cast members of a professional production.

Other comments from Higher Education students across the Grŵp include:

“The support is amazing and the personal contact is great”, “College life is really good, everything is easy to understand and if help is needed, we can always speak to our tutor”, and “You feel like you’re the priority and always get a very quick response via email”

Joanne Owen, Higher Education Development Manager, said,

“The positive experiences shared by these students is testament to the hard work and passions of lecturers at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai. I’d like to thank our students for telling us about their thoughts on the course they’re studying, and life at college.

“I am thrilled to see that the hard work of our Higher Education students, and the staff who support them, has produced such positive results in the NSS too. We are very proud to be able to offer a wide range of degrees to our students, as many are not able to move away to study at University due to commitments at home.”

“It is truly an honour to be able to support our students to move forward in challenging themselves to gain a degree and work locally. We are also proud to offer a wide range of bilingual Higher Education courses supported by Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol, and have been delighted to see an increased uptake of these courses in support of the Welsh language standards.”

To find out more about studying for a Degree at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, please click here.

In the latest National Student Survey (NSS) Grŵp Llandrillo Menai ranked 7th in Wales for overall student satisfaction, as it has done for the past two years.

A student who studies Business Management at Coleg Meirion-Dwyfor’s campus in Dolgellau, said,

“I chose this course because it’s local to where I live and I had heard many positive comments from previous students. I have children, and therefore because the course is one day a week and within 5 minutes of where I live, it makes being able to work, look after my children and studying towards a degree achievable.”

Another student said,

“One good thing about the course is because it’s a small group of students, you receive more detailed one-to-one support and information during learning. This definitely makes you feel like you are part of a small family, as opposed to just a number at a big university”.

The National Student Survey gathers students' opinions on the quality of their courses, which helps to inform prospective students' choices; provides data that supports universities and colleges to improve the student experience, and supports public accountability. Every university in the UK takes part in the survey, as do many further education colleges, and response rates are consistently high.

Grŵp Llandrillo Menai received an overall student satisfaction rating of 81.7%, up 5% on last year, and 5% above the national average.

A Coleg Llandrillo Performing Arts student said that they were “pleased with the number of trips on offer” as they had recently been to Manchester and attended a Q&A session with cast members of a professional production.

Other comments from Higher Education students across the Grŵp include:

“The support is amazing and the personal contact is great”, “College life is really good, everything is easy to understand and if help is needed, we can always speak to our tutor”, and “You feel like you’re the priority and always get a very quick response via email”

Joanne Owen, Higher Education Development Manager, said,

“The positive experiences shared by these students is testament to the hard work and passions of lecturers at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai. I’d like to thank our students for telling us about their thoughts on the course they’re studying, and life at college.

“I am thrilled to see that the hard work of our Higher Education students, and the staff who support them, has produced such positive results in the NSS too. We are very proud to be able to offer a wide range of degrees to our students, as many are not able to move away to study at University due to commitments at home.”

“It is truly an honour to be able to support our students to move forward in challenging themselves to gain a degree and work locally. We are also proud to offer a wide range of bilingual Higher Education courses supported by Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol, and have been delighted to see an increased uptake of these courses in support of the Welsh language standards.”

To find out more about studying for a Degree at Grŵp Llandrillo Menai, please click here.

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